Have you preordered Yakuza 6 yet?

Have you preordered Yakuza 6 yet?

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Have you got laid yet?

for the last time Anrifag, KYS

Does the girl on the left do jav?

No, 6 sucks.

Wait is that fucking Anri Okita?

has Hitomi been in any Yakuza games?

has anri done any mind control videos

nah, coz she's trash

I'm impressed, I didn't think I'd come across such an objectively wrong opinion this early in the day.

Isn't there a photo set of Anri wearing that dress?

I unironically think Anri is literally the most beautiful woman on Earth

It's almost 10 in the evening cunt



Just one more payment and that After Hours edition is mine.

Haruka gets chinked

I don't pre-order im general but I'll buy this day one. I'm not liking what I'm hearing about what the game does to /ourguy/ Akiyama though.

not OP, but the answer is yes to both questions. They both cost about the same, too

>wearing a shirt
What is this shit?

Do you think they also fuck those porn actresses? I always asked myself how much that would cost.

Considering all porn business in Japan is owned by Yakuza, and SEGA is also probably Yakuza owned company, they probably fuck them for free.

I'm getting a digital copy.

>Story is fucking trash and a horrid ending to Kiryu's story
>New engine means 30FPS with drops out the ass
>Kamurocho is cut down so the Northeast corner completely unavailable
>Bossfights can be beaten within a minute
>Content compared to 0 and even Kiwami is lacking, including minigames

this sounds so bad that only a complete rework could fix this mess...
what a way to end kiryu's story

I dont think SEGA is owned by Yakuza, they had problems naming the game Yakuza because else they wouldve gotten into trouble with them, thats why its called different in japan.

is the woman on the left a porn actress? name?

It wasn't named "Yakuza" not because of the trouble, it's because the name "Yakuza" was used in the west to attract westerners.
"Like a Dragon" doesn't sound very interesting for average person who plays video games.
And don't forget about the fact that first Yakuza was advertised as "Japanese GTA"

Yeah, after hours ed. last year
Oh wow, you read all this at Sup Forums? Those are excuses I see all timw. Seema like one guy didnt like something, wrote here and you all latched to it

My condolences.

Anri is disgusting

Name 5 better girls in JAV
pro tip you probably can

Story is awful, like the worst the series ever had, it makes rubber bullets look well written.
Haruka gets CHINKED offscreen while Kiryu is being a cuck raising that chink's son after he dumps Haruka and seemingly tries to get her assassinated (turns out it wasn't him but you're still led to believe it was him through most of the game)
Kitano is literally a background character that does nothing of importance at all other than just helping you save the baby at one place, he's mostly irrelevant to the story and has almost 0 screentime
Silky smooth 20 FPS with screentearing at 900p unless you have PS4 Pro in which case you can choose between stable 30 FPS with v-sync at 1080p or silky smooth 20 FPS with screentearing at 1440p
Smallest Kamurocho in franchise history, top right corner of the map and Hotel district are cut, so is the underground.
Bosses have only 1 health bar so they are very short and have the most QTEs in series history.
Many series staple minigames cut for no reason.
Karaoke is mostly copypasted from Kiwami with same songs.

They did advertised it far more heavily as Japanese GTA with Yakuza 3 than they did with 1.

Reminder that Anri is actually British.
Reminder she didn't even go to Japan until she was in her late teens.
Reminder she's half-white.

hitomi tanaka
rin kajika
shiori tsukada

Her disgusting chin gave it away.

So you just love big ass tiddies.
My man.

Nice try, bong. Anri is 100% Japanese, and being born in britland doesn't change that.
She's a bit of a hit/miss for me. Her alien face kinda ruins her.
She had a lot of potential which was never used. rip
>the other two
Literally who?


>my ancestors were western people
>but im Japanese i swer on me mum

Hana Haruna GOAT
Ryoko Murakami GOAT Milf

>and being born in britland
It means she has a really hairy minge.

>the other two
>Literally who?
Shiori Tsukada has one of the, if not the best ass in JAV.

user, she literally has western features such as her chin, her extremely pale skin, her height is very rare for an "asian" woman, her cheeks (and I mean face, not buttcheeks) and she generally just looks white-japanese mixed.
Add to this the fact she goes OUT OF HER WAY to never name who her parents are (other than saying they're British and that she was born and raised there) so that people can't look her parents up.
And also the fact that admitting she's not pure Japanese would cost her many gigs in Japan's very xenophobic industry. She wouldn't get to promote events like the one in the OP if she wasn't considered "pure" Japanese.

tl;dr there's actual evidence that she's mixed but no evidence to the contrary whatsoever other than her own words and being the person in question her words are worthless

I have to get some of her stuff then.
Eww. I can't believe Anri was a white pigu all along. brb deleting my Anri folder.

>Eww. I can't believe Anri was a white pigu all along. brb deleting my Anri folder.
I know you're kidding but many "muh pure nippon heritage" losers in Japan would react exactly like that if the info was made public that she's only half-Japanese.

Sega and Bandai-Namco are apparently the only big Japanese entertainment companies who are thought to not have dealings with the yakuza at all actually. Granted shit like that can of course only be taken with a grain of salt at best.

lmao how, bitch has bog face

I'm pretty certain Nagoshi blows most of the allocated budget for these games on banging porn stars.

Kurea is fucking awful.

Scamco and SEGA literally are involved with too much pachinko and gambling businesses to NOT be involved with yakuza.
There's also the fact there was with interview with actual yakuza making them play through one of the yakuza games and say how accurate it was, and they said that other than obvious videogamey exaggerations, Kiryu's tattoo being "unfinished" (since it's only on his back) and Kiryu dressing like a low level thug and not an executive the game was actually very spot on.
Can't do that unless your company making the game is also yakuza.

How can you have such a terrible taste? Name one girl in JAV that fucks better than her. You straight up can't.

no, she is full-japanese

No she ain't, read the thread

Theres no better fuck than Ai Uehara sadly. China Matsuoka, Reiz Mizuna, Saori Khara,Riku Minato, Abe Mikako etc etc

I'm 100% Japanese with pale skin. but I can guess from in my ancestors includes western ppl. They are tall, so pale with ash brown hair.

how come this tweet means she is half

Every human's early ancestors come from africa, so I guess we were all nignogs all along.
Finna some 2k, bruh?

I'm most likely cancelling it. Sega is aware enough that if a game doesn't sell well, they just cut the price and sell at discount. The price of Kiwami has become insane. I was able to pick up the steelcase version for $11.99 new.

>people don't buy it
>yakuza reverts to jap exclusive

Kiwami was cheap to begin with. I got steelbook day 1 for 20$. But then look at how much 0 costs, hell look at how much 5 costs. 5 was $38.

playing through yakuza 3, why is this series so comfy

Osaka best. Playing 3 too atm

My fellow Y3 bros, I'm the user that was finishing Y2 last week and moved on to Y3 after that though I only played through the prologue, taking a rest from the series to not burn out.

I had a smile when I saw Mame was in Ishin.

5 recently went on sale too.

Im glad I got friend to share me 5 since he doesnt use ps3 anymore.
$23 for us, £8 for uk and it was free with ps+ 2 years ago


Nigga what. Probs has the best body in all of JAV at the moment

Give one good reason why you don't like her

Holy shit I could beat up that pissweak Kiryu.

Not that guy but her face turns me off, she has some great sex scenes don't get me wrong but her face is just... nah.

I would but I'm still playing Kiwami 1 and have Kiwami 2, Yakuza 3 (somehow), and digital copies of 4 & 5 to play before I do that. I also want to do NG+ Yakuza 0 before I'm already nostalgic for that story and it's characters.

Fake titsand that face. Kana is much better too

Julia is too good for this world.

Also Meguri and Aimi Yoshikawa have much better bodies

She looks way better this way. In general best mongrels look better than pure breeds and Anri pulls off colonial Femme Fatale look amazingly well.

>best body
That would be Julia. Kurea's butt focuses scenes are unbeatable though.
WANZ-342 is still my personal favorite.

Who /atomic/ here?

Wrong Kana fgt

hana haruna
shion utsunomiya
arisa hanyuu
nana fukada although she's a much worse performer

I never said she is ugly, quite the contrary if you ask me. I'm just saying that she's clearly half-white.

One small Mikako please, to go. Extra corrupt, hold the mayo.

Yeah, the series is comfy, and I enjoy playing the games a lot.
The worst thing about JAV is that they have too many good girls, so it's too hard to choose who to fap to.

Every single day when I get home my fucking faggot Mikako just sits there with this stupid fucking look on her face.


This is the best guide for platinum right?


But half of them are banshees who never do anal

Looking for suggestions btw

More or less. You don't really need it though outside of the missable trophies and some of the builds for Pocket Racer (Most you can just wing pretty easily). 100% is pretty easy in 0 overall, in the climax battles only Ultimate 2 should pose any problems if you don't know how to deal with the second or third boss, I can't remember which one he was and the one Melee one with the Hey Yo's just requires you to learn how to knock them down without taking a face full of kicks.

sorry man there's not a lot of jav made for repressed homosexuals

I love Yume too fag
yes please

As if I'd let someone else despoil my wives.

Yakuza 3 has some of the best tracks in the series IMO.

i dont think she is half white

Goddamn, I love Yak 3 so much.

How does that company relationship with yakuza work to fucking videogame companies?
How does lets say Nintendo get any benefits from getting involved with prostitution and gambling?

Maybe they don't want SEGA to taint the name of the yakuza which is why these games always have a sort of way of romanticizing the yakuza even though they're bad dudes.

I don't see how anal would make a difference when it's censored anyway.
Some of my favs

>ave a sort of way of romanticizing the yakuza
Less so than most yakuza movies do, honestly. Also you almost never actually play as an active yakuza in these games.

sdde-465 for the holy grail

Ive only played 0 but doesnt most if not all of the cast who deals with the yakuza get fucked in the end?

>that first track
What the fuck, it was in Yakuza 1.
Are you telling me there's Y1 remixes in Y3?

What are your best overall vids withoat going into what fetish they feature