Why is the map of Zelda 1 still so compelling?

Why is the map of Zelda 1 still so compelling?

-Is small and compacted
-Actually provides challenge instead of easily avoidable encounters
-Exploration is not about looking at things but figuring out where the dungeons are.
-Different and attractive areas not padded with too much filling.
-The map is designed to provide challenge, everything else is irrelevant (towns, for example).

When you look at this, you look at QUESTs

Intuitively placed bombable walls.
When you see a flat surface you think "that's probably a secret".
The items you get from one dungeon to another are pretty well paced so that you'll likely find dungeons in their numerical order as some of the secret-givers can't be reached until you have a certain item or piece of information from a dungeon.
Except for Level 8 which is just under the most obvious burnable bush in the game.

because people tell you it is, even though you don't believe them. you hate it but you start to believe their lies and after a while you forget who you are

>nice size, not too small and not unnecessarily large
>tons of enemies to fight and enemies will fuck you up
>tons of secrets that are actually fun to find
>variety of tools to spice of gameplay and handled in a way that makes progression fun

It's the antithesis to BOTW, Zelda 1 focuses on fleshing out it's content rather than "go find content to do in a sandbox".


zelda 2 is btter

there's something very charming about the first zelda.
everything is either way too simple or overly complicated now.

Quality post, user. You're too good for this board.

>secrets that are fun to find
>most everything devolves into "bomb everything and hope to find it"


I want to see remakes of all the Zelda maps in BotW's engine/art style.

>bomb everything and hope to find it

Yeah, it's not like they leave clues or anything half the time.

Better than "a circle of rocks in the middle of open plains" or "a large metal plate in a place with no metal"

>half the time there are obtuse cluse

So the entire other half of secrets based on that logic are found through pure luck or random happenstance.

Clearly a masterpiece of game logic and design.

>>tons of secrets that are actually fun to find
I really like Zelda 1 but I have to agree that its mostly just spamming the candle and bombs, which wouldn't be such a bad thing really if bombs were more plentiful, not to mention the "pay for my new door" bullshit

People complain about no indication for bombable walls or burnable trees, but I like it. Makes it feel like a secret could be anywhere. I love the feeling of the unknown, where you're not sure if there's a hidden area or secret somewhere that you can't see.

Because you are a nostalgiafag

Absolutely no bullshit, it's just pure gameplay.

What's the point of even calling it a secret if you're just going to tell the player where it is? It's a secret because there is no obvious indication that it's there. It wouldn't be a secret if there was a sign that said "secret here".

Anyone else think Golden Axe Warrior and Neutopia were better?

>no bullshit
that's rare in games today