I’m in actual pain

I’m in actual pain.

I'm enjoying every second of it.


Give this post a (You) if his faggot shilling is the reason you didn't try Paragon.

So much for actual graphics

Why didn't you atleast mix up your shilling with other images?


He's lazy as fuck. Also, I know he has other images.

He's factually fucking gay, by the way. He takes cock in real life.


This was something often brought up in /parag/. Actual G was not a popular fellow.

Where are you guys going now? Gigantic, Hyper Universe? Smite? Battleborn?

i actually enjoyed playing paragon in the 3 hours that i played it for

idk, I'm probably just going to snuff myself out.

lol dude literally names all the shit games that are next on the chopping block. Just be a nomrie and fucking play whats popular. Overwatch.

How do anons always find out about shills? Even on Sup Forums anons had a list of names and instantly shilling woulds top.

There's patterns that become noticeable over time

I'm still mad about Epic killing UT4.
I mean sure, development was a shitshow, but UT shouldn't be the first one to die. Paragon should have been the first one.

Probably nowhere. Say what you will about the ackshual grafix meme, but it's accurate. Any alternative would just look like shit in comparison, although I do like that one Battlerite character you know the one.

>UT shouldn't be the first one to die. Paragon should have been the first one
They both deserved better

That's what you get, user.

The Paragon shill posts the same thread daily. Multiple times.

Same shit.

He also posts his dick next to the case when he's feeling especially gay.

Funny you say that. Whatever interest I had for it in the beginning was kinda killed by these stupid posts. These thread are really the best thing these guys could come up with to promote the game? Then it's for shitheads.

It's not the development studio.

It's one literally gay autist. He's fucking special, dude.

You realise it was just one autist doing it for kicks, right? Epic's advertising budget for the game wouldn't get you a cheeseburger, it was just a couple of thumbnail ads and two sponsored videos from Overwatch guys on Youtube.

Hm. This Raigon guy seems close enough to my main gook Kwang. Mite b cool.

The game's closing in April.

>graphics user will finally leave
It's the end of an era.

Nah. He's gonna make threads like this.

Nah man, Battlerite.


Is it actually dead? I thought it was just stalled.

it's not a moba, nor is it a mobalike. Infact it has nothing to do wth mobas. How can you not get this simple fact?

It's not dead yet.

Oh. My bad. I wasn't 100% sure.

The graphics were too actual for this world.


But Overwatch is braindead trash. Not even the same genre.

No one is going to Hyper Universe.

haha, appreciate it op.
If you are the "actual graphics" faggot, get fucked