Is Razer /ourcompany/?
That meme is gmod tier reddit humor and Razer products are overpriced and unreliable.
neck yourself you soulless marketing fuck
Game """"journos""" keep saying it's racist. What's racist about it?
you're not allowed to acknowledge the existence of bl*ck people
The actual meme is pretty weak, but the response it generates from you faggots is always worth a laugh.
Been using a Deathadder for 4 years and the Imperator for 4 years before that. My Razer phone has also treated me better in the last two months compared to the three phones I've had.
>impersonating how people speak is racist
>white underage soyboys that identify themselves with Hitler spewing around memes with a thick Central African accent
Gee user, I don’t know
Only if they're not white.
i argued heavily that it was racist in a bid to subvert the meme from the normies. in my thesis I claimed:
1) it lampooned the accent of the africans
2) It conflated africans with devil worship
3) it made a joke of the grave ebola epidemic
4) it protrayed africans as simplistic and mocked the language where they click
etc. Now we have our meme. you can literally thank me. here is my next product:
The nintendo fan is one caught in perpetual childhood. those same simple symbols of cartoony adventure with their caricaturized proportions, expressions and movements eagerly anticipated year after year, generation after generation. The unchanging symbols and their fans are punctuated by the irony of an adult clinging to their youth by roleplaying as a character that never seems to grow, and never faces a new challenge save for rescuing peach in a new generation of console and for a different (see-increased) sticker price. As the backlight fades from the gaming tablet, perhaps these young adults will notice-despite the best efforts of denial, projection, and neglect, the face reflected in the black mirror. Patched with sporadic instances of the hair denoting manhood, the visage may elicit the emotion and expression everyone else has had upon seeing an adult cowered over a toy displaying cartoon animations, which emanate, with every spastic movement of the grotesquely protruding joysticks- comical, unrelenting, and inappropriate repetitive sounds known to assuage the emotions of the autistic: disgust
It's popular.
Everything is racist if you are SJW enough
Apparently it mocks Ugandan people even though the punchline of the meme came from a Ugandan film titled "Who Killed Captain Alex" and director of said film has been in full support of the meme.
Our generation is becoming the next wave of Soccer Moms and Overprotective parents.
Impersonating accents is fine unless it's a black one.
Only liberals can be soyboys.
>Soyposters also project anybody who makes offensive jokes as White
Really joggins the noggin
>3) it made a joke of the grave ebola epidemic
>mfw girls in their early 20s with the personalities of soccer moms
It's too much, how do we fix this mess?
Some ugandan faggot got his feefees hurt that people were impersonating them, that's literally it.
>Ugandan Knuckles
Can someone explain? Did the alt right claim him or something?
This. Imagine if people were running around as retarded looking goblins speaking with heavy American accent and saying: "you have to be inbred to know the way".
>Is Razer /ourcompany/?
they acknowledged that it was indeed racist and removed the ad, so no.
still, people thinking this meme is good or funny is more pathetic, which is why you get such reactions
A real good meme to get hateful responses is the console war wojaks because the meme itself is good without the butthurt reactions.
doesn't make sense because arabs are by far the most inbred people in the world
Nah, they're becoming the new Inquisition.
Why do people have such thin skin these days? Or just can't tell the difference between a joke and something serious?
You could show SJWs a blank piece of paper and they'd find a way to say it's racist.
Doesn't looks black to me, unless you believe he's a transnigger
Why do redditors think this meme has anything to do with this board
Can you stop bringing it here
Razer doesn't care, their CEO and most of their staff are Chinese.If there's one group that doesn't give a fuck about anyone else, it's the Chinese.
>can't tell the difference between a joke and something serious?
There's a word for that, isn't there?
>why is paper bleached?!
>we should stop bleaching paper so all hues of wood are preserved and represented in society
>fucking white paper supremacist!
Don't waste you're effort baiting me, kid. Your in over you're head.
SJW's being SJW's. The only one's that see this shit meme racist are those with the progressive idea so far up there asses, they fail to notice that the Ugandan people are actually having a good laugh with it.
>reddit humor
When Sup Forums is this
>wojak edit #207
>"Is she right?"
>Kotaku/polygon/buzzfeed/washingtonpost link
>Dare I say, is he /ourgoy/?
Weaponized memes?
Literally the worst form of appropriation
Yes, what's racist about that? Is it racist to put on an accent?
No one is saying Sup Forums is better. Its different though.
>why is paper WHITE? we need equal representation of all types of papers.
Humor is offensive.
ok, I'll bite's racist, what's wrong with that?
I'm not American btw
the simple fact that it causes so much buthurt on those people is actualy making me like the know the way meme
America has nothing better to do
Name a better meme than ugandan knuckles. I'll wait.
I had one of their keyboards once and it was shithouse but my deathadder has been working solidly for five years now.
Soystation anal vore
A lot of the teens seem to disregard and ridicule this PC shit. Sure you have the "I'M GENDERQUEEEER" brainwashed kiddies too but the majority seem to not give a fuck
Why is the Razor deathadder or w/e so highly recommended? Would consider buying one because of all the praise I hear, but the shitty logo is a turnoff
Is there a thing they won't label as racist? Sincerely asking.
what about jews?
I like the doki doki meme "just monika", it's my favourite because I think it's funny and I really really like monika.
i know im alone here but i actually do like todd posting, everyone can make their own todd with little effort involved.
sorry to break it to you but arabs are considered white
Shut your mouth
I have had a death adder for around 5 years and chroma blackwidow for 3. No issues
Prior to 2013 it had a fantastic sensor.
Post-2013 its a lot worse but still not the worst option. However for the price it doesn't really make any sense when Logitech exists. There's also a certain feel to it that some people love and others hate.
Black women rounding up white men and sending them to racial reeducation camps.
Whatever helps you sleep at night cletus
Virgin vs Chad
You had one job razer. Just ignore.
They don't know that pidgin english is real.
that user said "American accent". there are barely any arabs in the US
Why does the paper need to be white?
>Paper is white for some reason
>We have arbitrarily made the default white in the same way that we have made men the default gender for no reason
>You can find different thicknesses of white paper, but all black paper is the same
Yeah, not racist at all...
generation z (? im probably wrong on this) have shown to be largely conservative in terms of their millenial predecessors.
Isn't modern Israel literally segregated between Jews and Palestinians or something?
absolutely nothing. it's all movie quotes.
>Black women rounding up white men
Sounds hot.
>soyboy calling anyone else a soyboy
zozzle, kill yourself my xir.
the chad gawker
the virgin Sup Forums
Literal soyboy detected
Yes, but it's the Palestinians (original inhabitants of the land) that are racist against the Jews. Fuck this world.
It's a battle of the sexes from what I can tell. The guys couldn't give less of a shit and will maybe put of a facade if they think it can get them laid but the girls chug the PC Kool-Aid by the gallon and exist in a perpetual state of outrage.
Well now you made it racist again, good job.
who cares, the indians were the original inhabitants of the americas too, are you gonna cry about them and give them a bunch of land too
Depends on where the sit on the Israel/Palestine debate.
Constant double clicking is the way?
We're getting back into the highly censored 80s, but instead of the religious right doing it this time, it's the oversensitive left.
Delete this thread. Now.
Fuck off, retard.
The point is that the Jews literally invaded and declared the place theirs while conquering more land every year and are still held above the native, Palestinian populace. The fact that most people are on the Jews' side is what's wrong.
Central African accents are racist? Why? Are you implying that you think they sound stupid? It sounds like libshits are the racists here
I actually like africans, they're funny,
and not in a mocking way. I'm laughing with them.
Actually yes it is
Mexican here
Why are gringos such fans of political corretness?
Also some commie faggots from here
extremely good first post
shills get out
that movie is a masterpiece.
>mfw they try to push the "Latinx" term
>when such a word makes no fucking sense in Spanish
razer know about shithole countries.
Fuck off and die already.
guys please talk me out of buying their $4k laptop plz