I want to play a fighting game but have never played a fighting game once in my life, is this a good starter?

I want to play a fighting game but have never played a fighting game once in my life, is this a good starter?


DBFZ is the ultimate training wheels fighting game.

Try this instead

Everybody says this is the easiest Street Fighter to get into yet I still keep getting my ass kicked.

Sfv is a game you play for them THICC tbighs

Ultimate training wheels for anime fighters. Street Fighter has a higher skill ceiling but you can still easily win a lot with just solid fundamentals which I think SF series helps train well.

Yes. It's popular (meaning lots of lower skilled players). And has lots of guides and such made for it. I don't recommend dbz since it's a tag game, meaning you'll need to learn more characters than just one.

I've never watched Dragon Ball either though.

No matter how easy something is or how low the skill ceiling is there will always he people better than you at it. Regardless of difficulty you still need better reaction, reads, and execution than your opponent.

They’re liars, game is really offensive. You get tilted so easily if you don’t know what you’re doing because of the amount of damage a crush counter brings

That's because you still have to compete against players who are already comfortable with the game but not good enough to get out of low ranks.

Any modern game will do for learning the basics with the tutorials. Killer Instinct has the best tutorial of any current gen fighter. But street fighter has a lot of players compared to other fighting games, for when you're ready to but your fundamentals to the test and git gud.

I just started Street fighter for the first time when AE released. Imo, this is not a good starter, I would go with the NRS fighters first, or wait until fantasy strike releases. I would argue DBFZ as another possibility but that game has no neutral which is very uncommon for most 2d fighters.

People yell at each other, spam punches, throw fireballs, wish each other back to life, and then go eat. You are now up to date with modern Dragon Ball story telling.

I started getting into fightan with GGXrd and that worked out well for me, so I'd say try that out.

The most frustrating things for newbies are rushdown characters that don't give them any room to breathe, especially ones who exploit frame traps to punish random button presses. SFV didn't do anything to alleviate that. Blanka style characters are 10 times worse for noobs than zoners.


When are we getting blanka info? I don't really want him, but I'm waiting for Falke

if you want something obscure, unist is coming out next week and I hear it has a great tutorial. Its a more grounded anime fighter, and I've always heard good things about it. I'm pretty sure Sup Forums has lobby threads on the regular

No, its a scam and a fucking bad one at that. Literally the only reason it gets by is because of 20 years of brand loalty. There is literally nothing about it that makes it better than any other fighter on the market right now

If you want an actually good game, get Injustice 2 or DBFZ. Injustice 2 has a rough learning curve because of the huge cast and focus on playing the neutral game but having a big learning curve isnt necessarily a bad thing. SFV has the exact opposite problem which is that its a braindead simple game with basically one playstyle and it did everything in its power to reduce the skill ceiling of a fighter while making it more fast paced and offensive to entertain retards who almost exclusively "enjoy" fighting games through tournament streams

On top of that, SFV has a horrid network infrastructure/netcode. It doesnt matter even IF it did have more players than other games (which it doesnt, even with crossplay aiding it) you could never play against even 1/4th of the playerbase due to their location.

Aka pick either Injustice 2 or DBFZ, depending on which one looks more interesting to you. Injustice 2 is harder to learn but the fucking turtles are coming as the final DLC next month

I dont know man, SF5 is overall a bad fighting game, but its good as a first fighting game.

So i feel torn about recommending it.

Stay away from recent anime games (Blazblue, Unist, DBFZ) and Skullgirls since these games are garbage at teaching you fundamentals, either play old ass games or sfv if you don't want to have a hard time later on.

Street Fighter V is far and away the best game for a beginner to start with. Active community, plenty of learning resources, and fairly easy execution demands.

Yes, execution is incredibly easy for a SF game due to a 3 frame buffer window on all inputs. In other words, you can press a button 3 frames earlier than you are supposed to and it will still come out. Not to mention that there are few tight links in the first place so it makes it even easier. The game at its core promotes fast reactions and as of AE its very fundamentals driven. You better learn to block and tech early on because that is what keeps people from getting out of Rookie.

OP, I'm going to give you some valuable advice. Never trust an NRS player when they tell you NRS games are good. Nobody likes NRS heads. They are consistantly the worst playing games, they die out very quickly, they have an awful balance philosophy, and they absolutely can't design a good zoning character to save their lives, and they are littered with some of the worst animation I have ever seen. Literally just stick to Capcom, Namco, or ArcSys. Even Capcom's worst games play better than NRS best.

dbfz, sfv, and tekken are great to start

cant go wrong with any of them, they all have good populations too

no try something like mortal kombat or the new dragon ball game

fuck off fool

DBFZ is the highest rated fighting game of all time. Buy it.

New "single player" content is fucking trash, AI is either pants on head retarded or reads every single input, meaning it does nothing to prepare you for online.

Online is still completely fucking broken and unplayable.

Oh, and you still need to pay for most of the stages.

Buy literally anything else.

I'd recommend Skullgirls or Killer Instinct for a first game.

>good populations

with me all the "good population" games actually take longer to find a match than in the suposedly "dead" games, and it only gets worse as you rank up

pick a honest character, with no gimmicks

Injustice 2 is objectively the best game to start with

Good single player content
Good netplay
Lots of new players

>Online is still completely fucking broken and unplayable.
i've played a ton this past week and i've only had three or four unplayable matches

2D and 3D might aswell almost be different genres, some basic principles carry over, but most skill doesnt not translate as well as from one 2D game to another 2D game.

my man

I play on PC in the EU, 5 bar only, PC only. Takes like five mintues to find a match, and at least every other match is near unplayable. And even when matches are playable the game still warps and corrects itself in really shitty ways, like getting a hit confirm on someone and go into a combo, only for the game to then decide they'd pulled off a super and I never hit them in the first place.

Don't even get me started on crossplay.

Well, if you REALLY want to learn fighting games, start with sf2. Im sorry but a person that learned SF2 cant ever loose against someone that never played it, no matter the age, skill or even hours put into it.
If you dont care just pick any game and loose against people that learned the fundamentals in sf2.

It's a great game with an unbelievably generous learning curve that comes in nice increments:
>Mash Light or Medium to combo.
>Improve by adding tags to knockdown on Light mash.
>Start incorporating teleport extensions.
>Stop mashing combos and make your own ground strings with specials.
>Start adding assists for extensions.
It's fucking great.

this is some next level bait

IJ2, just like all NRS garbage are the bottom tier cinematic trash for casuals, every fucking one knows that, and there is a reason hardly anyone takes them seriously on tournaments (not just the SF players, all the other fighting game players think they are hot garbage)

they are fucking simplified versions of Street Fighter without any neutral game

>SFV AE is a scam
it has more content than IJ2 and even more coming up in the future

>SFV has less players than IJ2, even with crossplay
straight up lying. SFV has WAY more online players even without crossplay, and with crossplay it wrecks every other fighter on the market except for games that just launched.

>it has more content than IJ2 and even more coming up in the future

this is factually a lie

>IJ2, just like all NRS garbage are the bottom tier cinematic trash for casuals, every fucking one knows that,


>and there is a reason hardly anyone takes them seriously on tournaments (not just the SF players, all the other fighting game players think they are hot garbage)


>straight up lying. SFV has WAY more online players even without crossplay, and with crossplay it wrecks every other fighter on the market except for games that just launched.


>it has more content than IJ2

fuck no
it is fucking utter trash shit
just play doa or tekken
even emulated bloody roar is better than this trash shit piece of shit
its not worth your dl and install and money if u buy