Josh Sawyer / Obsidian Entertainment thread
Josh Sawyer / Obsidian Entertainment thread
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Can't wait for PoE 2 desu senpai
>Don’t come to Bethesda tomorrow.
Love this boards fixation on J Saw.
hes a cool dude
>Josh will never sing you to sleep
Are they still around?
Haven't heard anything from them since NV.
If so good for them.
>Stat silencing in PoE
This dude is a retard trying to reinvent the wheel. filtering md5, filename and file dimensions.
Can't believe you retards praise this hack.
Good ideas but his obsession with balance often kills fun.
Some of the Caesar's Legion NPCs are pretty cunty towards women. Calling these NPCs misogynistic is barely even a political opinion.
Yes, that's the right word
I'm replaying New Vegas and I'm still a bit surprised that you can do the noble thing and help some poor hooker find the man she loves, but you can also demand that she sleeps with you for free as compensation
the immoral anti-hero is one of the most common archetypes in US media but in so many video games you're forced to either be a boy scout, pure evil, or some completely disinterested boring neutral
He didn't want the Legion to be seen as He-Man Woman Hater evil guys in the first place. It was supposed to be more of a grey area. The fact that most people point to how the Legion treated Women in NV as a reason for why they are "just a boring evil faction" is something that wasn't intended.
>Walk up to a guy
>He says you should be a breeding sow
What word would you use?
I didn't know it was possible to hold a rocket launcher and be that sad at the same time
alpha male
They are the white version of Platinum. Hard to work with, and have a largely mixed reputation for making games.
>having a trigger word
Are you a fucking SJW?
I wish Obsidian had the rights to Fallout.
>interested in discussing how realistic things are in an alternate universe post-apoc game w/ talking mutants and ghouls
things like this are why F:NV has a lower Metacritic score than 3