Playing Xenoblade 2

>playing Xenoblade 2
>can't progress the game because of these retarded barrels
>i have three options
>option a: grind poppi's affinities for several hours, talk to 40 little fuckers, then move the barrels. affinity skills are not that important except when they block your progression
>option b: salvage until i get good rng and fight a monster who drops a blade that can move the barrels
>option c: sit around for a half hour for a little fucker to eventually come and move the barrels himself

Good lord this game is shit. Who at monolith thought this was acceptable?

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There's a blade quest you idiot. Do that.


And there is plenty of side shit to do during that half hour. Anyone who rushes through jrpgs are literal retards.

What blade quest?

No there's not. There's a merc mission but he already listed that.

>excusing bad pacing with "you can just do whatever you want"

But what's the point of the half hour in the first place?

You are an idiot. First of all it takes 10 minutes max to go back to the starting area and talk to the nopon there, but you can even skip all of that and just do the merc quest.

Also what the fuck are you doing man other than level up your blades? Especially poppy is easy as fuck to gain affinity with, but all blades grow MUCH stronger as you gain more affinity with them

How can you rush through a jrpg if your have a half hour timer preventing you from progressing things.

You actually have a 4th option
>d: open cores and hope you get Boreas

Anyway, of the ones you listed, option b is the fastest, because you actually need bad luck to get Kassandra, not good luck.
It's easier if you actually fail the prompts

Did you even read what I mentioned in option C? I never felt compelled to gain affinity because the only time they're useful is when they block you from progressing the game or getting optional loot. They generally just make the game easier. It's just shitty design.

I threw away about 15 silver cylinders and failed all of the qtes to make sure the monster spawned. Nothing. This is ass.

It also makes the blades stronger mach mach strunger

>silver cylinders

no dude, you have to do BAD, use normal ones

Yeah. It makes the game even more of a cakewalk.

You literally can't criticize Xenoblade 2 on Sup Forums, go elsewhere.

Lord this is terrible. Who designs a jrpg like this and thinks it is good.

Even playing normally raising Poppi shouldn't be hard unless you rushed straight to every story marker

I guess they wanted to showcase their shitty merc system.

No I'm about 10 levels above everything else and I need to unlock 2 more tiers of her tree to even be able to unlock nopon wisdom level 3. And to do that I do boring checklist shit like using specific pouch items (which i may/may not have and need to grab), salvage (doing qtes for rng loot drops), play tiger tiger a bunch of times (mini game), etc. This isn't fun.

just do the damn merc mission and go pick collectibles or do side quests in the meantime nigger

yes it's shit design but you can literally just go take a shit while the merc mission completes and move on

I'm saying the game is shit, I'm not complaining that time literally froze and I can't do anything. Thanks though, I had a big fat ogre shit.


git gud

Really? Didn't know your luck level actually played a part on spawning the mob. I got it to spawn on my third salvage.

On a side note, wouldn't it have made more sense if Kasandra was Zeke's default blade? I mean, I like Pandoria and all, but having the actual reason as to why all the bad shit happens to Zeke is because of his blade would have been kind of funny.

A game on any other system would get lynched for this, but because it's the switch, it's GOTY

idk how people find menial crap like this entertaining.

That part was dumb. Just do the Merc mission and move on. This is one of the only times you can get stuck on a skill check.

Indeed, bitching about it online is the way to go

You sound like a gigantic bitch op.

It's logical though. From the beginning of the game you're taught that monsters appear more often with poor quality cylinders and if you fail the prompts.

Were all of the monolith designers working in different buildings when they were planning this shit? It feels so brainlessly designed.

If someone is having an issue at a part pretty much no one else had an issue with, is it more logical to call the game bad, or that person just a bad player?

Logical but unnecessary.
if i was saying positive things then you wouldn't care. nah, why be critical if you can just be self indulgent.

Because it's Nintendo, even though XB2 is hated by anyone with a functioning brain and is only loved by trannie leftists who want to feel safe with their anime boobie game.

Few people had an issue with it because nobody has any standards and think critically enough to call out bad shit. I haven't heard anyone reasonably argue against me calling it shit.

That's natural of people who shill the most hated game of 2017.


You can call anything in any video game unnecessary under this logic. How are you this retarded that you can't fathom an enemy spawning due to the players playing poorly or getting bad rng?

>he wasn't already at a high enough wisdom level by the time he reached it
>game even gives you a free option to wait until other blades beat it for you if you're a brain dead mongoloid and he still complains


OP, you have to try and wait for other people to take the bait before you reply to yourself in your thread, otherwise you just look silly.

>the player is playing badly
explain what justifies the inclusion of salvaging and why it never had this much bearing on things until now.

I really wish Sup Forums had ID's. It's probably the same faggot replying to himself.

Are you fucking using the bonus exp? that's literally the baby mode. They only other possible way you'd be 10 levels higher is if you did side quests which you clearly didn't since you're having these issues.

>not reading option c
>implying theres any reason to care about affinities prior
>this is quality
are you a retard

>Are you fucking using the bonus exp?
Why wouldn't he be? If it makes the game that much easier maybe it shouldn't be in the game at all in the first place..

It's Eric. When you see someone call it "the most hated game of 2017" it's always Eric. He also developed a tendency to hold entire conversations agreeing with himself.

>never had this much bearing on things until now

It still doesn't I never had an issue with this portion and didn't get Kassandra until post game.

>fetch quests
>not setting self imposed rules on a first run
good game
>fans of this game are such aspies that they think im replying to myself

Just before this, the game teaches you about split quest. The intent was that if you had Lv3 Nopon Wisdom, you could just solve it. It’s just an odd road block because the alternative is wait 30 minutes. I agree that it’s dumb. At least doing something where you’re actively engaged would have been better than waiting or grinding affinity.

>games shouldn't have easy modes for little kids and retards

here's your (You)

Don't know who that is, but jesus is it pathetic.

>you never had an issue
Does that mean you spent several hours doing the checklist shit or waited for the merc mission?

Salvaging has no bearing on this quest at all, you're just grasping at straws at this point.

It's not "easy mode" because this shit's already easy. It's less tedious mode.

>the most hated game of 2017
Implying this is wrong? XB2 fans are always BTFO in every thread they're in, and their circlejerks are usually overtaken by based anons rightfully shitposting and bantzing against objective flaws with the """game""". This hasn't happened with even Mass Effect Andromeda or Star Wars Battlefromt 2, it's that bad.

You're not supposed to use the Inn exp, that's specifically for making the game play itself if you're too stupid to understand the gameplay.

You're not supposed to have nopon wisdom level 3 either. Doing the 20 minute merc mission is the intended way to proceed, the field skill check is the alternate bonus route for people who happened to get the right blades.

It's not exactly hard to find something meaningful to spend 20 minutes on in this game.

Blunderfag is a very sad man. I'm sure someone has the image, all I have is his youtube debut.

>i'm grasping at straws
no, im cycling through my options to overcome an obstacle.

>Most hated game
>plenty of people love it enough to defend it
>but no one is defending these games that everyone hates so Xenoblade is more hated

literally what?

Are you some kind of delusional retard? If anything there's way too little criticism in the XC2 threads, most people seem to agree it's the best Xeno game which certainly isn't the case.

Anyone who uses the term "BTFO" is autistic by the way, see XV-kun, who is a major autist and sounds just like you. Maybe you are even him.

>you're not supposed to use the exp at the inn
why is it an option then? this game is piss easy already, have had no problem spamming break, topple, launch, and blade combos.
>im too stupid to get it
Merc mission is actually 30 minutes. Stop excusing bad pacing with "well you can just do whatever you want since the game set an arbitrary barrier". Gee, thanks for pointing that out.

>Happened to get the right blades

It's entirely possible to have enough affinity for Poppi if you were completing quests in Uraya before getting to Mor Ardain. They intend for you to do it either way, though I think this is meant to be a "Better keep up with your Blade affinity chart, or you can get stuck." tutorial and they give you a nice way out of it. Most checks also have ways around it, or you are given blades via the story to make sure you aren't getting stuck. Anyone that got stuck should have realized they weren't playing the game right, instead they take it out on the game and call it bad design, even though the game makes mention and shows you multiple times how important affinity chart and thus field skills are.

Impatient idiots that are rushing through the story.

He's right though. You can't get Kassandra until you get passed this part. She's not an option for you and you're grasping at straws to make it seem worse then it is. Realize what the game is trying to tell you. Keep up with your charts, the 30 minute wait is your punishment, as it is very possible for Poppi to be maxed out, but you refused to do it.

>completing fetch quests
>30 minute timer is a nice way out
>affinities just serve to block you

It doesn't matter if there's a solution because it's not good design. Tell me what makes it good. I say its bad because I'm not progressing rpg using wit, I'm checking off tasks on a checklist.

>Why does the game have an easy mode if I shouldn't use it?

So I guess you play every game on easy then and proceed to complain that they are easy. Legit retarded.

Oh and merc missions are shorter if you use blades with correct field skills, which you should have at least some of. You should already know this.

>keep up with charts or you literally can't do anything
>this is the most use you'll get from affinities
This is menial, bad design user.

>You can't get Kassandra until you get passed this part

You totally can
You just grab the key for the gate in the harbor from the Fief of Forgetfulness.

But its already easy without inn exp.

The game specifically tells you that Inn exp is for those who want to turn their brains off when you first unlock that feature.

>I say its bad because I'm not progressing rpg using wit

No shit you aren't, you don't have any wit.

>this is the most use you'll get from affinities
I'd say the most use you'll get from affinities is the yellow node battle passives.

It's not even that, you can get Kass before the barrel check. It's the fact he's saying salvaging is needed for the barrels when it not at all.

How would you know that when your only experience with the game is from being 10+ levels overleveled? Retard.

Now tell me why this menial checklist shit is good design.

They even give you an option to beat the check if you were too lazy to even bother playing the game properly by just waiting. You're literally looking for the smallest thing you can latch onto to continue your tantrum about something that's not only a non-issue, it actively works to become a non-issue.

Where does the game want to use wit? What makes this good in any way?

Blunderfag sounds even more defeated than usual lately. Wonder why.

>too lazy to play the game properly
>not waiting is lazy
>this is good rpg design
>thinking people find tedious dull box ticking is fun
Have higher standards.

Every RPG is a checklist one way or another, idiot. Hell, every game is a checklist if you boil it down.

If you are smart, you'll complete the checklists naturally as you come across items on them while progressing, because you read all the affinity charts and make mental notes of things you should do, such as killing certain monsters if you happen to see them.

If you are stupid, you'll ignore core game systems until the game forces you to use them, and then sperg out and complain on Sup Forums.

>flaw is pointed out, game is called shit
>retard points out a shitty solution
>somehow invalidates the claim of being called shit


There is no “wit” to progressing the story in Xeno games, the “wit” aspect of the game is all in coming up with ways to break the battle system

This is literally asking me to complete a certain number of tasks so I can meet an arbitrary threshold and not be prevented from progressing. I'm not being witty, or skillful, or creative, I'm going down a checklist.

The game doesn't give me any reason to do them go after affinities other than "if you don't you can't go any further."

>You mean I have X amount of people to complete this mission requiring me to kill X amount of people?
>So arbitrary. It's not skillful at all. Look, I'm pressing the buttons and killed 3 of them. Why do I need to kill 5?
Shut the fuck up DSP.

Is there ANYTHING positive to say about this game? So far the haters are the only people who seem to know what they're talking about. Leads me to conclude that this just trumped Saga 2 as the worst Xeno game.

>talk to 40 npcs who say the same retarded useless shit
>this is how you progress the skill tree
>this is good game design
This type of boring filler content should be limited to optional stuff, how is this enjoyable. Oh wait its to fucking deep and impenetrable for me, I must not get it. Nevermind.

just do sidequest or some other shit while the merc merc mission is over faggot

>I must not get it.
The first sensible thing you've said all thread DSP.

You know this wouldn't be an issue if the task at hand wasn't to play a minigame over and over or use X character's favorite pouch item X times or shit like that. It's boring shit.

>can't come up with any solid refutations and resorts to ad hominem
classic Sup Forums

>look! I'm typing nonsensical words on the post box but it's not making an argument
>bugged bitching mechanics
>good job Nintendo

>people who haven't blade the game are the one's who no what they're talking about


Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Okay so only way to have fun is to not play JRPGs. i can do that. fuck gaming

>play a minigame over and over

it takes max 3 tries to get her nodes from Tiger Tiger. You literally have to be total shit at it otherwise, they even added an easy mode for you faggots. Which apparently don't need to exist.

Should be option, its easy but its tedious and not fun. I've already played it many times customizing poppi.

N*ntendo shills already rigging the polls. Nice.

just equip another blade that has nopon wisdom and pair it with poppi to get 2.

How about play an rpg that asks more of you than to do unfun busywork?