Time for a 3x3 Thread

Time for a 3x3 Thread

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Cringed so hard my neck broke. I'm dead.

Are you seriously trying to imply that your 3x3 isn't cringe?


>Two Pokémon games.
>Team Fortress 2.

Yeah. My 3x3's cringy as fuck.

2/4 +Crystal and TF2 -Explorers of Sky and New Vegas

4 posts in and it's already gonna be one THOSE 3x3 threads.

Holy fucking shit dude

1/1 have over 3k hours in tf2
9/11 best in the thread
1/1 +Labo because I sometimes want to live in a cardboard box like madao
0/0 sadly



>Super Paper Mario
excellent tastes
3/3 Yume Nikki is a superb choice
7/7 Desperately need to play DQ5

making one right now


You seem like an edgelord.. 2/2, fucking love the manhunt games

4/4, hello fellow genesis friend



Only ape escape, fun game though

I don't know how you guys are rating these


ah, ok. thx




T&T best AA. Godot did nothing wrong.
Super paper mario was good too. 1&2 are best paper mario, but super was a nice addition and had the best story. After that the series went to shit kill me please.

You're making me dizzy.
Splatoon2 is legit good, the others meh.

dark souls is shit mate. Boring as fuck, I don't understand why people love it.
Mario64 is awesome, I love it. Same goes for Hotline.
DK is always great. Yoshi's island is cute but fuck those babies. Without them it would be 10/10, but their shitty screaming make it a 6/10.

quite a patrician.
P3 best Persona.

Kid icarus is shit.
Earthbound is GOAT.
Ghost Trick is literal perfection.

IS THIS A JOJO REFERENCE? Nice choice btw.
Paper mario 2 is a masterpiece.
Good choice with Kirby and SMT. I prefer SMT IV tho, really loved the whole mikado thing.
Not a great fan of FFV tho.
Platinum is simply a shit choice, I can't understand how you dropped the ball so hard with it. Gold/Silver and Black/White are best pokémon. Gen IV is easily the worst if you exclude HGSS.

Rate others if you want ratings.



0/9 fucking why









what is this jojo game

You must the the user with the shittiest tastes in vidya on this board right now.

Not even the shittiest tastes in this fucking thread, that's

Nah, that's a blatant troll.

2/3 Breath of the Wild is shit
r8 others
r8 others
5/5 nice
r8 others

It's a fighting game by capcom that came out in arcades, the ps1, and the dreamcast. It was on ps3 in the psn for a little while, but it was taken down due to legal reasons. You can still play the cabinet version on fightcade, but I honestly think the ps3 version was the best. Capcom and araki should really come to an agreement so it can be put back up on ps4 and maybe other consoles.

>Mario64 is awesome, I love it
>dark souls is shit mate. Boring as fuck, I don't understand why people love it.
And you never will, stick to zelda and kingdom hearts

mario 64 is unironically better than dark souls


0/0 you can't be serious

0/0 another troll





4/4, good man for having Ape Escape on there

0/0 what are any of these

2/4, did not like Echoes or BotW

Why would you even compare these two

>and you never will
Explain us why is it so good that botw and mario64 are shit compared to it
>it is hard
By that logic ZeldaII is better than dark souls since it is REALLY hard and not trial and error.

yeah fair point, they're both great games anyways

>Comparing Dark Souls and Mario
I have a feeling that this argument is gonna be a real meeting of the minds.


Jesus man, ouch

I was just joking man, got a little bit assblassted because you'd called Dark Souls shit. Have you played it by the way? We can't really compare Dark Souls and Mario tho
>By that logic ZeldaII is better than dark souls since it is REALLY hard and not trial and error.
I don't find Zelda games hard but in Dark Souls it's not all about the difficulty. It's also not only about trial and error


>Dead or Alive 5
Is it seriously a good game or does it make your dick so hard that you put this game in your 3x3?

+ New Vegas, DR2
- DRV3



+ Rayman, RE2

+ Mario, Dark Souls

+ New Vegas, Doom


+ Tekken 3, MvsC

+ Pokemon Pt


+Emerald, Age 2, MapleStory(I miss this game so much)
- Silver, GTA 4


+ Diablo

+ Guitar Hero, Mario, Zelda, DR2
- TF2

+ New Vegas, Mario, DoA5(this game is too underrated)

made me laugh/9

Yes, I have Dark Souls "prepare to die edition" on PS3.
I really can't get to like it though. Played it because everyone was saying "wow it is awesome", but I didn't manage to get why they like it.
On the other way, I started playing BotW expecting the worst Zelda ever made, since I don't really like Open World games, and ended up loving it and enjoying for the first time in my life a open world game.
Btw I want to replay dark souls just to give it a second chance.
In any case, even if I don't like it, I'm not saying you should not like it. It's ok to have different tastes. But fuck if it bothers me not understanding why people like it. With other games I don't like I can at least see why people like them, but with Dark Souls it is a mystery for me.

It's my favorite fighting game and the one where I'm the best at, so yes it makes my dick so hard.

Not him, but the game is actually pretty good, mainly because it's very friendly for begginers in fighting games like me

>On the other way, I started playing BotW expecting the worst Zelda ever made, since I don't really like Open World games, and ended up loving it and enjoying for the first time in my life a open world game.
I'm really glad that you've found a game you enjoy as it's fucking hard nowadays
>but with Dark Souls it is a mystery for me
I love it for the atmosphere, enemy design, level design and lore. Also you really have to plan your shit in this game, especially during your very first playthrough. Unlike in many other action games. Demon's Souls is also cool and Bloodborne is a fucking masterpiece for me

Maybe I went with the wrong approach, the planning thing is why I was interested, but when playing it felt like it didn't matter that much since the game would just pull some shit and make me die.
I went with the pyromancer or whatever it was called, choosing something different might make the experience better?

>I'm really glad that you've found a game you enjoy as it's fucking hard nowadays
I must say that I often find games that I enjoy, I'm not that jaded yet, and I think most of Sup Forums just pretends to dislike everything.

metroid, doom, spyro, colosseum
XD was better
+vc, ds, witcher
hey man u do u
everything except gta and doa
4/6 mario zelda metroid melee
-p4g and dr2
post the other one
system shock dude sex and diablo
2/3 -golden sun
+metroid smt
mario pokemon rct2

>the game would just pull some shit and make me die
You sure you were playing DaS1 and not DaS2?
>I went with the pyromancer or whatever it was called, choosing something different might make the experience better?
Mostly placebo desu, doesn't really matter. Well, it DOES matter but only at the start of the game. I don't know why you dislike it really since you like Zelda


Checked right now, it's the first one.
>I don't know why you dislike it really since you like Zelda
I don't know either, people recommended me Okami because I like Zelda, and I loved Okami.
Dark souls just didn't click. I like the setting, but the whole time I just felt like I was too slow when moving around. The problem is more about the character mobility.

You have been disqualified.
I don't know how you people have such low standards that you actually find it DIFFICULT to narrow down a top 9. I have more trouble deciding what's worthy to go on my favorites list.

Just give it another try, how far were you when you dropped the game?


I remember defeating the capra demon

I just like a lot of games

That's the most fun part, thinking which 9 games are worth of getting into your 3x3

i have the same issue and i'm never truly happy with my 3x3, but you're never gonna be taken seriously if you don't narrow it down to 9

Is this about time played, how much I enjoyed them when I played them, or about how much I enjoy playing them now?

Listen to your heart, user.

all of the above
i usually just do the games that i think about the most (positively) after playing

My heart says it wants to stop

Fuck the rules

o shit

link to make mosaic plz

befunky.com/create/collage/ is the best one

bighugelabs is pleb and neverendingchartrendering is fedora



Not him, but you are a fucking retarded and need to lurk for 2 more years minimum before you post again.


I forgot to rate:


>Splatoon2 is legit good
no its not lol, have some self awareness. your 3x3 is no better than his.


By not playing any of those games, maybe?

well play them retard




I'm not him, I at least played Doom
So I rate yours 1/1

"Listen to your heart" is the best answer. Your 3x3 should represent your overall taste in games. Barring that, time played is the next best answer, or at least, probability of replaying in the future. If a game gives you a one-time orgasmic blast of pleasure, but you never feel like going back to it again, then how valuable is it to you really? This is why over time I've had to demote a lot of JRPGs and similar games from "all time favorite" status to "they were good and they meant a lot to me, but they're not the pinnacle of what gaming is all about".

I probably should update it or redo it completely since it has been a goodwhile since I made it


1/1, I should play deus ex and thief already


2/2, I plan to play off and space funeral sometime

It doesn't even fucking matter. A lot of people do "most recently played" lists, most do "favorites", some do "themed" lists.

>"most recently played" lists
Well that's retarded, why would I care what anyone played recently. Lists like that will just include whatever the flavor of the month is.
>"themed" lists
That one's ok, I've done that before. It's helpful to say what your theme is though.


just make alt 3x3s and post whatever ones you feel like on any given day

That one honestly gives off the vibe of trying too hard.
I mean Lands of Lore nigga? Seriously

Represent your tastes in image form. If your list is just 9 classics typically lauded on Sup Forums you're indistinguishable from the crowd


I don't know any of those games, bottom looks like some VN I've seen, but I don't remember the name
Mind naming them?
They look fun

Rose in the Castle of Twilight, Yomawari Night Alone, Yomawari Midnight Shadows
Ogre Battle 64, Dual Hearts, Mary Skelter
Utawarerumono, Utawarerumono Mask of Deception, Utawarerumono Mask of Truth

Thank you

call me a newfag, but i've never been able to tell where exactly we put each game on these 3x3s

is there a rhyme or reason to the order?

Lands of Lore is awesome, though. Amazing artwork and soundtrack, amazing voice acting, amazing dungeon design, everything about it is pretty amazing. My only complaint is the inventory management. Also the only game where you go on an adventure to rescue Patrick Stewart which I think is a plus. Everything Westwood made during that era was top notch really.


Shut the fuck up newfaggot

No, you just put 9 of favorite games in whatever order you want in a mosaic
Also, if you don't want people calling a newfag, drop the reddit spacing


0/4 lol
7/7 Good taste. Finished playing Yoshi's Island for the first time yesterday and had a great time. I prefer Mario World though.
4/5 Good taste in RPGs
Postal 2 is garbage but other than that pretty good
What's off?

I'm almost a little offended that overwatch and dishonored is in the same 3x3 as the rest of those games.

>What's off?
hipster shit

They're fun.

4/5 Crystal is great
>Cringed so hard my neck broke. I'm dead.
5/6 not into Hotline
no idea what these are but they look cute
6/6 triggered by your opinions
5/6 not into Swat
6/6 but generic
7/7 entry level
4/5 Fate is a joke
6/6 D3 gave me PTSD
I smell bait


>having literal Compile Hearts garbage on your list

This should be the prime example of obscure taste ≠ good taste