Please stop me

Guys... Im about to buy this game on ps4 even though i will probably also buy it on PC later.
Is this a mistake?

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If you have folks to play with, not at all. Only other thing that might be a problem is if you care about the story getting spoiled in the next few months which would be weird because it's MonHun


Same boat, but I'll wait. I'm kind of spergy when it comes to fps and MHW has issues on consoles. I want to play it, but I'll wait.

Im a Monster Hunter Veteran, I dont give a shit about the story and will solo or play with randoms on ps4 but i really want to play this game the beta hooked me and i dont want to wait until autumn

If you've got the cash and the hardware, why wait?
There's probably going to be cross-play between PC and PS4 anyway, so the only thing you're really waiting for is the better framerate.
If 30fps doesn't bother you, then there's literally no reason to wait.

If you were a vet then why should playing on PC concern you? The games were stuck on handhelds for years.

because i played all of the games alone and this is the first MH i can play with my mates

Are you getting Ryu or Sakura?

Where would one attain a copy of a tri ultimate iso for cemu ?
I have a ps4, but if i'm going to play an action games at 30 there's no fucking way i'm paying for it.

literally first link on google

who cares

I'm seriously thinking about buying a console just for this one game

nigger do you think i'm going to download shit in parts trough a download service ?
what is this 2002 ?

just fucking download it or keep searching for it yourself you faggot

When does it come out on PC?

I'm waiting for a link, you better deliver or else...

or what? you literally have to do this

3, 2, ...
one more chance nigger

Learn to fucking control yourself. People who buy ANYTHING at launch are fucking retarded slaves to the hype cycle.

9 months

just get wiiuusbhelper faggot

Where the fuck did all the weapon designs go? Everything's an extension of the metal/bone weapons


If you enjoyed prior Monster Hunter games for their difficulty and variety in monsters, pass on MHW.
If it's your first MonHun game, go ahead

Be aware that game is borderline unplayable in big fights. No matter what any casual say the frame sync is so bad on normal PS4 it's literal slideshow most of the time in battle. Small monsters are a-okay but when you have big t-rex it's just a slideshow and hinders your experience. Better get it for pro or wait until aututmn.

Sorry you have a soystation, played the game for 20 hours on xbone, no framerate issues that impacted gameplay

This game looks dumb.

u wanna play mh or complain? lol lil babbie!!

Join random nigga gigantic hunt,no one is trying to break horns two gs users are just doing the combo over and over and never charging. This is the world we live in now.


>Is this a mistake?
Yes. It runs like dogshit on every system right now except the One X. Just wait for PC.

>There's probably going to be cross-play between PC and PS4 anyway
Delusional PS4 fan. Sony doesn't want any crossplay period. That is why Rocket League is only crossplay between Switch-Xbox-Steam

There is no problem double dipping on games you care about. You probably won't regret it, the only real negative to it is budgeting. Do you have the ability to burn 120 on MHW or 60 once on the platform of choice? That's the question

high rank weapons bro

But it is pc - ps4 Crossplay ?

It isn't. Not for a long time. It was when Sony still didn't have assured market dominance.

they wanted people to try to gitgud before they started obsessing over gear choices. They even locked ammo level 3 behind bomb arawanas which you won't find for a long time. So it's not like you can up your damage with anything but food and very light armor buffs at this point. You just have to make that push.

This game is trash button-mash version of baby's first dark souls with pointless grinding in it, buy neither version.


>be at walmart earlier getting assorted household stuff
>walking past electronics section
>will power caves, I want to hunt some monsters today
>walk up to the guy at counter and say "excuse me"
>clerk looks at me, instantly says "you want to get monster hunter right"
>get home, game is installing and I browse Sup Forums in the mean time
>see this thread
>decide to tell op to stop being a fag and just play the game

>Sony doesn't want any crossplay period
What about FF14 and Street Fighter

Not him, but I'm sorry you have an xbone.
My condolences.

>tfw I 3carted to Diablos in under 7 minutes
What's the quickest way to kill myself?

>quickest way to kill myself?
Fighting Diablos apparently

I'll wait for the PC version.I like having a smooth framerate.All the bugs will be fixed by then as well.

that burrow attack it's near impossible to put my hbg away and get the running dodge in time for it. Can't clear roll far enough to clear it with it out

are the story quests the entire game?
because the cutscene lock for online is fucking infurating


PS4 is so shit I don't understand why I bought in the first place and I surely don't know why it's so popular. PS4 Pro is not any better, it's literally 20% performance boost over regular. Such a scam.

should i wait for a sale or I'm missing something if i don't play it from the start? i don't care about multiplayer.

yeah PC ports never come out with bugs

He's tougher than in 3U definitely.
I use bow

hbg can block

if you're motionless aiming in their direction and have not fired or reloaded for like 1.3 seconds. It also does not block charging or rising attacks reliably. So it's one of the situations I would not try to use it in.

I already did the same thing. Literally playing it right now. Zero regrets. The game is fucking phenomenal. I'd have paid $70 for it.

Wait for PC pls (So im not alone ;_;)

holds your hand the entire game and guides you places, had to get a refund

Heh fucking loser. Just say ur playing with randoms fag

Nigger they still look the same.
I was hype for the red dog's weapon, but it turned out to be the same as everything else.

Stop being retarded

How am I retarded?
Compared to the past MH games, this design variety is very sparse.

They get a large change in design after you upgrade it to high rank the fuck are you talking about. Dogmeat duals go from generic bone to nunchaku things and other shit changes too

he's right, delusional mongoloid.

U still in lr fag

Wait for the complete edition

I agree, I've been rather perturbed with lack of differentiation between gunner and blademaster armor and bowguns not looking like crazy railguns. Last one I played before this was 4u and there was awesome armors by hunter rank 4/5 with different to borrow a word the gays "silhouettes".

Is it free?

is fucking amazing imo

Op here, I'll buy it at work tomorrow but I hate myself for it

>He doesn't know rocket league has PS4 to PC crossplay

i dont get why you would hate yourself? im double dipping also and the time frame from now till autumn the cost of the game right now would mean nothing to me.

It doesn't.

Sony blocked it once Psyonix enabled the Xbone.

Wait for it unless you have the ps4 pro

It's out.

Why? It almost has no drops on base ps4. The worst it ever gets is in town and that's not even bad
t. Guy playing it on base ps4 with a gaming pc that I'll be buying it for again on

I’ve never played a monster hunter game before, is this a good time to start?

Wait, so is rotten vale really the last fucking area in the game?

>rotten vale
i dont want to go any deeper bros

At least you have the option to buy it, I'd have to get the console too.

Yes. This is the most beginner friendly game to date.

>Be aware that game is borderline unplayable in big fights

I've already got 20 hours on my OG PS4, and while I wouldn't say it's the best way to play EVAR, it's far from unplayable.
You either have unreasonably wide definitions of "Unplayable", or your PS4 is breaking/broken. The game is a pretty solid 30FPS most of the time, including big monster fights

All the higher level armours look a million times cooler on male characters and I hear swapping armour sets is actually quite important

but my dick is screaming I WANT THIS

>Tell me what to do with my mom's money

I'm about to start this game, who has better looking armors boys or girls?

how do view your character like this on the main menu?

No. 60 bucks is chump change.

mongoloid noob here, is the sword and shield good?

shows up right where I choose my character

I cropped out the names n shit on the left side

Sword and Shield is always a reliable weapon, especially for solo hunts. It just happens to be the most boring weapon on the face of the earth.


bow bow

It seems like a bad idea to reward Capcom for delaying the PC version. Only buying it one time no matter what platform you go with seems like the better option.

>People who buy things when they are released are retarded

>Delusional PS4 fan. Sony doesn't want any crossplay period.

Then why are there games with crossplay on PS4? Capcom's own SFV has crossplay with pc

i hate the charge axe thing

you get used to it

switch axe is great, albeit a bit simple to play

You misread this article. Playstation is blocking crossplatforming play with other consoles, but ps4-pc still exists.

>18m to explain spam SAED

What a cool weapon ruined by shit balance