Other M still costs $30

>Other M still costs $30

The Nintendo tax is real

Retailers are just fucks. Nintendo themselves don't even sell for that much

>go to several different Wal-Marts
>they all have the PS2 GTA collection for 60 bucks still


Along with Other M I also find $30 copies of Smash Brothers Brawl in a bunch of stores.
I think Nintendo has some kind of policy with retailers where they can only discount first party Nintendo games so much.

Yea I don't know. Retailers set their own prices. I don't think nintendo has much to do with that.

Other m was 8€ in some store. Was surprised that there's still retailers selling that game.

The hell? I used to see this in the bargain bin at Best Buy for $7 years ago.

7 quid on amazon

They shipped literally millions of those boxsets. We have 20 of them sitting backstocked, but we can't take them or just mark them down because corporate thinks they'll sell because they see grand theft auto v shit selling so well.

my wal*mart still has ps2, wii. and original xbox games. theres still red orc world of warcraft game cases too

Why would Nintendo care? They already have the retailer's money.

Funfact: Splatoon 1 is still $60 on the eshop. The same price as Splatoon 2.

Probably to "protect the Nintendo brand"
I think Nintendo wants to always create an image of their games being top quality and they may think a game going into the bargain bin for very cheap is a sign of low quality so they tell retailers Nintendo games have a price floor they can't go under

They sell it at Big Lots for $5. Checkmate.

You can get it for free if you aren't a faggot.

Big Lots doesn't even sell video games anymore. At least not the one I work at.
Besides that, except in special cases they've always priced all their games at $18.88.

When my kmart closed a year or so ago. They cleared out the crap in the back some of which were old games I remember seeing some original PlayStation games still full price.

>see Modern Warfare 3 and the original Black Ops at Walmart

Yep, I thought that it was pretty common knowledge for them to remain suspiciously more valuable than other games.
Plus they literally have all control over how many units the retailer receives and clearly understock on purpose to drive up demand/price.

Splatoon 1 is only good if played on release when everyone was too retarded to aim and avoid being squished.

brawl is a good buy. Its the best way to soft mod ur wii

>best way
Retard. Letterbomb is piss easy and you don't have to have any games for it.

that set is only $20 at my wal-mart. It still never sells.

It's $0.03 At my wallyworld. They just put them out when I got off of work. Always wanted a spare. Got a 55" 4K HDR LED TV for $250 too. The clearance seasons been bountiful this year.

it's a best seller so it must be worth the original asking price

>reddit spoilering

Isn't that the same for any console? Tons of XBOX exclusives are still $60, with the occasional sale. Digital is just the worst

This is why retail is dying.
Other M is $12 and GTA is $21 on Amazon