ITT: Post games that only you are looking forward to this year

ITT: Post games that only you are looking forward to this year

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I'm looking forward to this too, qt.

After this, is does the 3ds have anything else coming out?

Persona Q 2

Etrian Odyssey 6

>original art style is paid DLC
How did Atlus get away with this?

does anyone know the name of the artist drawing for this remake?

They confirmed that EO5 was the last 3DS EO though.

they won't since I'm going to download it for free with CIAngel


Wrong, there was a stream in december and they confirmed there's one more, but it's not actually EO6 or Untold 3

What's the gameplay like?

Beat LoL, can't wait for this.

Mainline or another mystery dungeon?

They fixed the Princess' haircut, but did they fixed her inability to move shit around?

I haven't kept up with news about the title other than it coming westward. What's this about?

If you already 100% the original what else is new?

Fck, radiant historia looks good too. So many essential 3ds games

Strange journey redux

Definitely not mystery dungeon, the last one bombed hard
They confirmed it has mapping at least, so I don't expect it to genre switch

Mystery Dungeon 2 was confirmed already, was it not?

>They fixed the Princess' haircut
>not liking short haired girls
What a faggot.

Someone redpill me on Etrian Odyssey Mystery Dungeon. How close is it to Pokemon?

That came out a while ago, months before the announcement
No localisation in sight

>liking dyke hair
It's an insult to actual short hair girls.

I'm looking forward to both of these. Some more nice and comfy jrpgs is just what the doctor ordered.

>Someone redpill me on Etrian Odyssey Mystery Dungeon.
Sure. Don't play Etrian Mystery Dungeon, and I say that as someone who actually likes both series. The game is just shit.

>dude what if we took the worst parts of SO and mystery dungeon games
>and added even more annoying bullshit including having to constantly go back to old dungeons to fight FOEs that don't reward you in the least but fuck up everything if you ignore them
>and just made it glitch as fuck with a class being either completely useless or gamebreaking depending on how you abuse it
It's shit.

There's a ton.
Bayo 2 on Switch, God of War (maybe, we'll see how the reviews call it), DS1 on Switch, Spiderman PS4, Kirby Star Allies, Octopath, Indivisible

>games that only you are looking forward to

Pretty much this

I was disappointed that this got pushed back to may 15. I expected a February or March release

Damn, you beat me to it user.

Damn, she's such a cutie

OH, I thought it was just games in general that I'm looking forward to.
I guess my tastes are pretty normal, I don't know a lot of obscure games that I'm looking forward to

She's arguably the best character in the original, they had to give her SOME weakness.

Monster Hunter World for PC
Pillars of Eternity 2
I've played all the mainline Etrians, so while I would have preferd a Untold of 3, or 6, I'll settle with Festivals
Sea of Thieves maybe, dunno.

Is there more info on that?

They've hinted that the new game is some kind of celebration/festival game
who knows what that means

alliance alive

Nobody knows anything, the only hints were that it'll be an "almost painful level of mapping" and a general celebration of the series.

thank god I'm not alone. it looks comfy


I need my JRPG fix

Short hair is shit tier, all pretty girls have mid or long hair.

But the Stocke and Aht combo broke the game.

Oh shit. Is my nigga Xander Mobus playing Stocke?

short hair is only good with big tits, which Eruca lacks.

I know I'm probably not the only one looking forward to this, but I never played the first one. I loved the art style and played the demo, but couldn't get past the battle system. I hope that this will be better.

That new art style is quite the downgrade.

Yeah, me too

New Etrian Odyssey
Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Redux
Dragon Quest 11
Persona Q 2
The Alliance Alive
Detective Pikachu (new updated version with more content than Japanese one had)
Shovel Knight's King of Cards update

And if rumors are to be believed, one last Zelda game for 3DS to be announced on E3. Supposedly a remake of Link's Awakening.

There's also a rumoured Wario Land remake and a Warioware compilation

That's just wishful thinking by sweet, naive anons. Don't get any hope for that, it'll just hurt you even more.

That rumour originated from Sup Forums so it's 100% full of shit. The Zelda one has more traction since it actually appeared on some mainstream sites but I still listed it explicitly as a rumour.
Anyway with the titles I listed I'd say 3DS still has a great 2018 going for it especially since those are all yuge as fuck long JRPGs.

I actually remember hearing something about Wario before it being posted on Sup Forums

Who knows?

They basically went and fixed every single complaint about LoL, it's also got very good reviews on Japanese Amazon which is literally known for volatile reviewbombing, so when something has good reviews there it means it's really good.

It got pushed back because Atlus has to translate literally 3 huge JRPGs back-to-back (Alliance Alive -> Radiant Historia Chronology -> Strange Journey Redux)

I refuse to get this until they release the first one on PC.

Japanese version had DLC to use original portraits for all the returning characters. The new characters exclusive to the 3DS version will always use the new-style portraits though.

2 shitty VN's that are getting localized this year

/vn/-kun, is that you?

Mercenary Kings port to current gen consoles. Might buy the updated PC port if it actually works.

Amazing game but the current PC version has major performance issues on PC despite it looking like a flash game. Not even running a toaster.

t. Brainlet

Why are the people who play this game completely retarded anyway?

Princess was the best magic damage dealer, gafka was best physical. Rosch had really good buffs/debuffs, raynie was balanced with a focus on damage magic, marco was a token support and utility character, Stocke was also well balanced with a focus on physical damage.

Aht was the weakest character in the game and the way you killed shit with her was completely inefficient.

I'm pissed off that they gave her generic kawaii uguu moeshit long hair in the remake, and the worst thing is that even if you use the original portraits DLC, that doesn't restore short hair to her sprites so it's permanently fucked anyway.
Cancer remake.

What dlc?


>Aht was the weakest character in the game
Someone got pissed off at the spider, I see.

Not that user, but sukisuki fucking when?

>Aht was the weakest character in the game
Just set up mines and play hockey lmao
She was shit against immovable enemies though.