So I have a 40GB a month data cap (very long story...

So I have a 40GB a month data cap (very long story, nobody's gonna believe me please don't ask) and a HD graphics 5500 netbook

>what games should I download and how should I divide my data cap?

well I need at least 25 gigs a month for youtube and a couple tv show episodes so I should probably say then

>what's the best game under 15 GB download size on an intel HD graphics 5500?

...anything but sports and puzzle games, seriously I hate them with...hate

the only thing I have and play is hearthstone, though on my old external HDD I tried playing civ 5, blands2, superhot, a really old version of subnautica and SW JKJA

civ 5 SW JKJA superhot and subnautica were great but I finished them and they got boring real quick and well, not exactly sure if getting the latest version of subnautica is exactly worth it, or if my... uh..."source websites" have it

I was thinking of maybe getting league of legends, but I've quit for a long time, suck at the game and question whether or not it would be enjoyable on 3G with 115 MS (doubt it) and even though I suck at the game I suck at every game just like hearthstone but competition doesn't really matter

Other urls found in this thread:

Get some indies or classics, you can always get a GBA emulator, these things run on a toaster.

A few good GBA games:
>Megaman Zero series
>Legacy of Goku 2 and 3 (1 is shit)
>Golden Sun (both of them)
>Advance Wars 1 and 2
>Summon Night Swordcraft Story 1 and 2
>Pokemon Fire Red and Emerald

I'm asking, tell me

>40GB a month data cap
>25 gigs a month for youtube
Get a new provider mate and if you listen to music that much then download the songs

Dragon Age Origins, Oblivion, Morrowind, Mass Effect.

Why not go to someone else's house and use their internet? Or some sort of local establishment that provides internet? Where do you live?

This. I bum off the local community college library.

hmmm absolutely adored pokemon fire and emerald, megaman was great and GBA in general gave me great memories but not too fond on the classics because I've had to go through them because of the situation

what do you think of cuphead / life is strange / fortnite / remember me / metro 2033 and league? any of them worth downloading? not sure if metro 2033 and remember me would play on hd graphics 5500 tho idk
no too long
it doesn't work like that here for me
ahh man mass effect I almost completely forgot about that one saw it in a youtube list god yeah I might just get mass effect 3 looks like a great game

had a lot of respect for the elder scrolls series skyrim was fucking beyond words for me but not so keen on the older games (I know I'm a colossal fagit)

saw a good amount of dragon age gameplay didn't really strike much tho
>Why not go to someone else's house and use their internet?
because nobody has internet and also I don't have friends
>Or some sort of local establishment that provides internet?
there are no local establishments that provide internet that work properly
>Where do you live?
north east africa
>I bum off the local community college library
there's no such thing as a local community college library here


Tell the story. If it spans more than one post just keep going, besides it'll bump your thread.

>very long story, nobody's gonna believe me please don't ask
I'll believe you, so tell me

slay the spire. new card game thats like that one dungeon mode in hearthstone. ive never played hearthstone so idk what the actual name of it is. random deck building thing with random buffs you can get like in binding of isaac. think its less than 1 gb

Are you a black? Egyptian?

Is your name alex?

oh yeah I've heard of that game, looks nice but I'd rather skimp out on the classics unless I get a normal connection
fine, but every fucking time I try to make a thread it relates to my situation somehow because it affects literally everything
hmm wow this looks like an actually really well made new good game I'm actually...this raises my eyebrow I'm writing that down wanna play it one day
>Are you a black?
*are you black, and no I'm white
only because I was born here
>Is your name alex?
no who's alex is there someone else like me here

Where the fuck do you live?

Just pirate 15 gigs of indie or oldschool games. They're usually only 50-500megs a pop.

I have a long lost egyptian canadian friend from a long time ago who disappeared some years ago and nobody could track him down.

I ask every egyptian that now.

>Data caps

3rd world

First, download a net traffic monitor. Then bookmark your ISP's traffic usage page.

Listen to this guy. If you're using Youtube for music then use a Youtube>mp3 converter to download that shit once to save on bandwidth.

fitgirl is your friend.

just go to a library to download games, then just play with regular internet

fucking hell otherwise known as egypt
hmm good idea that's what I thought until I realized I'd probably go bored out of my mind and drop dead on the keyboard because of how pretentious and poorly made they are
I'm american egyptian not egyptian canadian but that sounds like it feelsbad desu senpai I could probably track him down for you if I had some more information what happened to alex
that's right
why would I do that if I subconsciously calculate my internet usage without a data traffic monitor...this is...yeah it's sad
>listen to this guy
>tags OP
I already do that though thanks, I do believe I also included "a couple tv show episodes" tho, I usually have to try and find 240p ones which isn't so bad because if it's a show that's made later than 2015 the camera quality and production makes up for the lack of pixels, but even those can be 250mb a pop
yeah but I don't get all my games from fitgirl if there's more seeds then there's more seeds fitgirl's just one of many, trust in the seeds
>just go to a library
there are no libraries

>why would I do that if I subconsciously calculate my internet usage
Because your brain is incapable of tracking every byte that you send and receive. You get billed on what the ISP sees, not what you think.

europa universalis 4, and you can pirate all the dlc
or victoria 2
or any grand strategy game really
is also a good idea

If you like(d) Harvest Moon you could take a look at Stardew Valley.

>is american that moved to Egypt
>didn't think to fill a few externals and USB sticks full of shit to watch before going
Learn to travel, mate.


my god I was gonna tell the story but I'm so exhausted at this point of the day (curently 12:41 AM) and every thread I make people want to know the story because it just associates to everything I do it has that much of an impact, other anons usually tell me to just write a book but it's too early for that, anyways I think I'm just gonna have to fucking go with it

>be egypt
>yeah egypt
>move out of the city
>fuck wow it's a desert and a few tourist establishments
>no internet
>no ADSL
>no cables underground because city nobody cares about
>pc broke
>wow no pc fuck cool
>shitty laptop
>can only get 3G
>get 3G
>biggest data plan they have is 40GB for $17
>I now have a 40GB data cap
>You get billed on what the ISP sees
people don't have "ISP bills" here man, it's all prepaid

I'm gonna pass on that because I just slip my SIM card into some burner phone send a text message and that's how I keep track of things, don't really feel like handing out all my data to some jew shill

I get what you mean though, I get what you mean, and you'd be surprised how accurately one can calculate data consumption if they've been forced to do just that for 3 years

t. don't want to hand over already handed over data to jew shills
hmm civ 5 was fun but made me want to shoot my brains out after I finished it
I usually really hate these kinda games but stardew valley looks /comfy/ I'm gonna write that down
no actually I was forced to be born here because my dad didn't want my mom to kidnap me and blackmail him for money

(both of my parents were white americans though just incase you were wondering)

it's really deep and goes to lengths to where I should really just write a book at this point but ah fuck I just wanna play some vidya let me do that when it's all over because its still going

Is there no way to make your way back to the states?

>cuphead / life is strange / fortnite / remember me / metro 2033 and league?

I enjoyed fortnite, but it is big and has a lot of updates.

either I

1. run away from home and convince the U.S embassy I'm in danger and get my entire family arrested fucked up and bankcrupt, effectively also destroying my little brother's life
2. wait until I graduate highschool at the age of 20 (dropped out senior year couldn't afford it) and hope my parents will let me go the U.S
3. convince my parents it's a smarter decision to go the U.S to get my GEDs and do trade school and get community college and get a job there (it actually is a smarter decision)
4. spend 5 or so years working for $0.50 (0.50 cents an hour) 14 hours a day 6 days a week to get a plane ticket and a few months worth of living expenses get a GED and a job and try to live it out like that
5.crime and blood
6.somehow find a way to make tens of thousands of dollars from a backwater deadbeat muslim shithole myself, bring the family out of debt, pay off the legal custody battle fees for my exstepmom and use my dad's militray intelligence contacts to help him flee the family to russia, then get a job and move from there

yeah I'd rather just metaphorically die, honestly I haven't been alive for ever since I can remember, I'm deeply fucked up and so is everyone else, and that's fine, I've accepted this reality, it's hell, I hope I die from stress (already am, hair's falling out and symptoms of my autoimmune disease are coming back)

ah yes, the fresh smell of life

but even if I do escape or go back where am I gonna go? I have my dad's entire family over in north carolina but I haven't even met them I don't know who they are, they all know who my dad is but even they haven't talked to him for 20 years

I have 1 other person, a godfather, but he's the longtime 40 year friend of my dad so if I run away it's not like I can stick around with him, since they talk everyday

and even then if I do manage to get away what money am I gonna use to live, how do I know the stranger family will take me in, I mean then again, they're literally blood related and I have cousins aunts and what not there but still I don't know who they are

then again, I guess I could try and find my long lost biological mom and half-sister I don't even know but that would stir up a nice crock of international manhunt

oh man I'm tired

Set up a gofundme

lmao, good point actually
fuck, thanks for telling me man I was almost about to close everything download fortnite and pass out on the bed
you really think it would work? what if someone decides to call some authority, how am I gonna deal with the press? I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be interviewed, the things I'm associated with by just being the child of this 1 guy are pretty out there, so much so that the things hE was affiliated in have already produced 1 hollywood blockbuster movie I will not name

it's all just fucked every possibility I'm just meant to suffer

or, I guess I could try and make the best of my situation by finding whatever piece of pixels and code I can consume to distract me from a reality that would probably put me in an insane asylum

Hotline Miami games and possibly S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Rabi-Ribi if you like metroidvanias and bullet hell, but can go through anime.

oh man that's really niche I think I'll pass

Just make it say you want a trip to America. I've seen them for rich kids wanting a new corvette.

i tried dad i really did i'm sorry

alright guys we got a selection it's 1:29 AM and my eyes are forcing themselves shut what do you think:

1. league of legends
2. mass effect 3
3. remember me
4. long dark
5. call of juarez gunslinger
6. MGS: Ground Zeroes
7. Just cause 2
8. metro 2033

homeworld 1/2, minecraft, red alert 2 + yuris revenge, jedi knight 3 jedi academy, command and conquer generals + zero hour
good luck m8, I remember when I had a 30gb cap. God help your soul.

hmm, what do you think about the consequences of charity? won't I have to live the rest of my life there in gratitude to everyone who donated a dollar should I even be concerned about that

couldn't I just tell myself "well it's a lot better than what's going on now?"

should I explain my situation or just say I'm an american fallen in hard times and need to go back home or whatever or should I literally just pretend like everything is ok I'm alright and I'm just another spoiled brat?

Catfish a dude and get him to buy you a ticket.

You honor their dollar by making something of yourself and becoming a great person. And tell the truth. I'll give a dollar.

HAHA yeah command and conquer holy fuck the memories

homeworld never heard of it but it looks fucking great and amazing man looks cool

thank you I need the soul blessing or well, I don't even know if I have a soul at this point lel
is this even justifiable
wow that sounds extremely pressuring, like if I don't live by a certain set of rules or have a certain outcome following an event of charity I'll be "dishonorable" implying that I have to "honor" something when receiving charity

this the darkside of charity and I think this is a reason I haven't already started a gofundme or done charity because I'm genuinely afraid of people coming up to me say 20 years later and being like "oh you're the bane kid from egypt aren't u hey why are you an alcoholic what happened to all those people that gave you their money why are you wasting it on this what are you doing"

like man, it almost strips me of more free will than my current situation

or idk what do you think, is charity really that bad? can't I just ask people to do something good like help me get out of literal fucking hell and if you give me your paypal I'll pay you back when I get the money after I get a job? sounds like a good deal to me

hell, if I knew I could get all the money I needed to get a plane ticket, GED money and a month's worth of expenses to set myself up I think I'd definitely pay everyone back that wanted to be payed back, like a bank loan but you're not actually selling your soul to jew shills

>using youtube2mp3
>Not using Deezloader 3.0
I keep forgetting Sup Forums is not Sup Forums

how the fuck did you even know I'm using youtube2mp3 what the actual fuck

this is beyond spoopy man what

explain yourself now

>is charity really that bad?
Become Karna

>I'll pay you back when I get the money after I get a job?
Ask them to provide receipts of what they donated and yeah, it sounds like a good deal.

KOTOR and KOTOR 2 give many hours of gameplay for only a few gbs. Playstation RPGs like FF7-9, Legend of Dragoon, Front Mission 3, Xenogears are also very lengthy games with small file size.

holy fuck guys it's 1:47 AM I'm dying in the chair I'm gonna take a look at this thread in the morning tell me what you think I'll have to download the game overnight tomorrow night or well I mean start downloading it tomorrow night

remember the list tho which one do you think I should pick:

1. league of legends
2. mass effect 3
3. remember me
4. long dark
5. call of juarez gunslinger
6. MGS: Ground Zeroes
7. Just cause 2
8. metro 2033

dw man, shit in life always is in a phase, you'll finish what you need to do in egypt and you'll make it back home.
I played a lot of classic games back in the day so I know a lot of them.
You could also try warcraft 3, empire earth, empires rise of the modern world, no one lives forever 1 , star wars empire at war gold, fallout 1 and 2, gta SA?, company of heroes (if it runs). All that's off the top of my head atm. Good luck friend.

a lot of those you wont be able to run well if not at all user

Would highly recommend Kotor 2, never got into the first one desu user.
Just Cause 2 is great as long as you can run it and haven't played the third, the movement of the third ruined any new playthrough of the second
Black Magic user
>user suggests using youtube2mp3
>say you already use it
>"listen[ed?] to this guy"
here's if you want decent quality music anyway user
>INB4 Plebbit

There's plenty of places in the US that will take in and house/feed people who are going through a shitty time in their life. I lived in one for a while after my parents threw me out. They'll help get you a job so you can take care of yourself. Getting to the US is the hard part, but once you're here you'll be OK.

Anyway, to answer the question in the OP, you can always download ROM packs of SNES games or whatever, plenty of fun in a very small download size.

FTL (192MB)
Binding of Issac (497MB)
Disgaea (1.6GB)

Great value in terms of gameplay per MB.
2 or 3 really sound the most reasonable if possible; you most likely got to bide your time anyway, so going for those in the meantime makes sense.