I summon Man-Eater Bug in Attack Position and end my turn

I summon Man-Eater Bug in Attack Position and end my turn.

Your move.

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>Deletes your thread

Why is this thing even a card?
Did anyone ever use it in the show?


Because it's funny to use


Holy shit, I have too much free time.


>i use the special effect of my partners Skilled Dark Magician to summon my strongest monster: Dark Magician!
>Dark Magician, attack the enemy's Dark Magician with dark magic!
>now i activate the spell card Dark Magic Curtain, which let's me summon another Dark Magician from my deck
i swear to god Pharaoh, calm the fuck down


Very nice, user.

Salty ragequit: the card


>why is this thing even a card?
To make tourneyfags cry

I got a similar fake in german lul.
Isn't the original called dark exodia?


that's a really weak card

That's a big rabbi


yeah, but if you special summon and tribute it to this you can get an infinity times 2 atk monster in one turn

not much in today's meta but it's something

You can't do that!



This was my favorite duel in the series. You have every reason to believe Kaiba could lose in a stunning upset and then the TWIST.

I can't wait to see what fuckery Kaiba pulls in Master.
I'm expecting him to always either sac my monsters for Blue Eyes or keep using Ring of Destruction on my shit only

For jew

>Yami Yugi has the best deck out of every partner by far
>doesn't really have a way to screw you over either
>is stuck on the retard mode

>Kaiba has a bunch of paladin rituals to bring out his blue eyes
Prepare for your monster to serve as fodder for his 3000 atk beatstick.

I did hard mode using REZD, so by the time it got back to Joey, I usually had 2 monster zones used up and he wasn't able to drop Time Wizard.
Still, it was annoying when he led off with something like Baby Dragon and nothing else.

>you can get an infinity times 2 atk monster in one turn
>not much in today's meta
power creep is one hell of a drug

*book of moon's you*

Never really understood why Book of Moon is Quick Play, but Book of Taiyou isn't.

>You have every reason to believe Kaiba could lose
I don't know, it was pretty obvious that Yugi vs. Kaiba was going to happen.

Yep. Look how many sacrifices it used to take just to summon an 1850/1000 normal monster

>Not Joey vs Marik
Hey a scrub pretty much proved that there was a chance at beating a god without planning against it.

It's GG^2

You're guaranteed to win with it.

>>you can get an infinity times 2 atk monster in one turn
>>not much in today's meta
>power creep is one hell of a drug
It's been like that since day 1
raigeki, trap holes, lightning vortex, tribute to the doomed, sakuretsu, etc
A huge ass 20k attack dude doesn't matters if it still dies to everything else

I think Marik was way more of a scrub. His only real win was against Bakura.
He had to make up total bullshit in order beat Joey and Mai
>It's a Shadow Game, so I'm going to try to legitimately kill you and win by TKO, even though you have a better board state and more life than me.

Pretty much, the guy fucking sucked and was carried hard by Ra.

odion was way scarier and actually beat joey

More and more battle city looks to be a complete joke.

Yeah, Odion pretty much had his win assured but was forced by Marik to use the fake Ra because everyone doubted that he was the real Marik (partially because he didn't duel like a shitbag).

Gagagigo is 4 stars

lol wat? That card's useless when you do that. Learn to play the game, noob!

uh get your eyes checked dude

i summon bike boy
insect type monsters can't defeat him because he can just run them over with his bike

>Not noticing the mirror force.


I summon HIM and end my turn.

Your move.

>When the theme kicks in

Because instead of being the second-best -1 in the entire game of yugioh, normal spell book of moon would do literally nothing.

>call a monster vampire support
>it's actually Dark Dust Spirit support

It's for Vandreads.

Tributing your opponent's monsters if only for tribute summons, though.

what the fuck is that card even for then

It's for the new vampire archetype

does someone have the archive link to the thread where those were made

wow this card is even worse than I thought.
A generic zombie themed forbidden arts would be really cool

I want to fuck that thing on the left.

>this card will never be real

ok bro

who would win
>the strongest card ever used by a main antagonist in a yugioh anime
>some bird with a gun

I play [POT OF GREED]. It lets me DRAW TWO CARDS.

*goes neg*

What a fucking pathetic post my man.

That's awful, why would you want to lose half your deck?

I always did wonder what that card did

deck thinning is a good thing in the game of yugioh.
throwing 10 cards away is never really bad, because the increased probability of drawing something good from the rest of your deck is worth it.

It's only a 4th in the TCG, and do you actually think anyone traditionally draws even half their deck in that format? So many cards have effects that pull from the deck or graveyard that it doesn't matter.

Why does it have a hitler stash?

Because using it requires the same intelligence as Hitler.

With how fast yugioh is, the idea is that you wouldn't have seen those cards anyways. Playing with another card in hand usually gives you an advantage over your opponent.

Wasn't MEB a flip effect?

Yes, just like his father before him.

>when you lost all your key cards but you keep playing expecting a miracle


Who the fuck is Jonouchi?

I summon wienerdog in driving mode.

how about a level 1 ritual monster

It's how you say Joey in japanese

>Japanese sub
>Marik almost vomiting after his match with Joey
Honestly one of my favorite parts


>Has a stroke then sees a memory of an ancient blue eyes white dragon tablet
What the fuck even is yugioh

What was that dragon card Yami Yugi gave Jaden Yuki at the start of GX?

Here is your Buster Blase support, bro

I think this was the card you're thinking about. Too bad Crowler banned it after episode 2.

Here's my dick

It was winged kuriboh.

Buster Blader, known dragon whelp sexual predator.

Delete these

We all now Joey was the only one who was actually good at a children card game, everyone else was a cheater or was lucky.

>Joey "HIT DA BRICKS" Wheeler
>Not a luckshitter

>that dragon

>Thinking luck is real when you believe in the heart of the cards

Joey realized the only way to beat cheating cunts or egyptian hacks was to gamble everything and it paid off every time.

You get to see these cards, therefore you know what is out of your deck and what is still in it. Your opponent does not get to look at these, unlike face up banished/GY monsters.

The likelihood of banishing a required piece of your engine is unlikely, considering everyone runs 3 of everything they need.

Overall, a pretty shallow price to pay for a draw 2.

I want to make a deck around that card to one turn tie a dual by using cards that increase the opponent's life points while decreasing mine.

you don't get to see the cards