Can we finally admit that it wasnt that bad?

can we finally admit that it wasnt that bad?

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The music was phenominal

I loved the entire trilogy

>XBOX 360

but yall were okay when FFX did it

good music, visuals and battle system

shit characters, content, story and world

ok game, mediocre ff

For the hundredth time, no. The game is garbage and no matter how many times you insist it wasn't won't change that fact. Absolutely awful characters which leads you to not care about the story, the awful storytelling, the combat that plays itself, and like 2/3 of the game focusing on that little shit hope that no one cared the slightest for. The only redeemable thing about the game is that the graphics were fantastic for it's time.

despite all the problems, it's still one of the most memorable games of 7th gen.

Having tried to play this, no. It's trash. It was a dumpster fire I bought for 5 bucks used and still felt cheated.

>nu-Sup Forums still trying to force the X did hallways before XIII meme

not an argument :)

Why don't they make a Zodiak version of this game where they enhance the game content, gameplay, visuals, etc.

Uh, no. It was fucking terrible, and will always be terrible. I bought the CE, played it for 30 minutes and then never looked back, except for the regret of having spent money on that pile of shit. Absolute shit game that only extremely die hard fans, newbies or women could enjoy.

It's worse than its reputation suggests, because there's people who actually defend it.

Too much other shit going on and I think they realize no one that actually played XIII liked it. FF7 remake, their 4 FF mobile games, Dissidia NT possible ports, XII steam release and so on.

X still had a clear delination between dungeons, towns and "overworld". It had an airship. It had sidequests and things for you to find on the world map and secret Summons. It had a story that allowed for moments of respite and fun and peaceful character building rather than being a fugitive story in its entirety. It had a world that seemed to be more than just a backdrop for the main character's personal woes.
You are correct, most of the errors that XIII committed can trace their lineage back to X. But you're simply acting dumb if you can't see how XIII made it all that much worse.
That said its biggest crime by far that eclipses all the others was having goddamn sequels that monopolized the image of the franchise for what, a decade?

ok it wasn't bad, it was terrible

No game released after Final Fantasy XII was good.

yes, FFXIII tried to be another FFX but failed in EVERY way. Why can't 13 retards see this?

It's a 3/10 until you get to the open part, then it's like a 6/10. At least that part has all the bare minimum of things you should expect out of Final Fantasy.

Only good thing about this game was how butthurt Sony fanboys were when it was announced for 360. I don't think there's been anything so butt-devastating this gen.

Blinded by Light is so goddamn good holy shit.

Because only retards unironically enjoy 13.

that was the first E3 I participated with Sup Forums. I remember the uproar only for the game to end up being shit

It wasn't bad, it was total shit. And that's coming from somebody who thoroughly enjoyed XIII-2 and LR.

>bad game releases
>few years pass
>”i-it wasn’t that bad, r-r-right guys?”
Be less predictable, Sup Forums.

I've tried to play it twice, and every time I get about 10-15 hrs in I just give up. One long ass hallway with awful characters and story.

>few years
It's been 8 years.

Lightning is love
Lightning is life
Lightning a cute
I want to hold hands and have consensual sex with her in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
If she told me she was pregnant with my child tomorrow I would immediately take responsibility

The characters and plot were garbage but the gameplay is the second best FF has ever achieved, trumped by XIII-2 only. There is so much room for experimentation with the paradigm system coupled with the ATB bar and the launching mechanic it's dumbfounding. Brainlets will use auto-battles and make every interesting fight that could be cleared within 2 minutes with the proper strategy into a 10 minute X mashing session, and that's the truth to it.


It was a better game than 15, that's for sure. I couldn't make it more than 5 chapters into 15.

XV at least has gameplay

>wasn’t that bad
Bruh, the game was great. I’m happy we’re getting Moreno games that requires one brainwork put into it. Too bad the brainlets hated it so much that we went back to a simplified game in the sequels and 15. Almost every aspect of this game is great, with some bordering on genius.

No, you see, X and XIII are very different.

>It's been 8 years.

>searched for the pasta
>first result was from neogaf
Is this the original post? Not even surprised if neogaf is where this came from. I don't even see how this port was surprising, considering the 360 was legitimately the JRPG machine of that time.

>mfw I've been here for 9 years

not really at least 15 had the fishing minigame and proper main game dungeons

It was okay, just not great.

Also this, holy hell that battle theme.

Which is kind of weird in a narrative sense, ain’t it?
>the prince heard his kingdom was destroyed and decided to head back
>but first he spent 13 days and night hunting wildlife and fishing and taking pictures while camping
>it was okay because when he got back to the city, it was like time had stood still, just waiting for him to come back
>despite the very obvious passage of time

That's the post but I remember it being by a different user.

There were so many great meltdowns back in those days before it became reddit 2.0. Google "welcome to the carnival of stupid neogaf" for the thread were people were throwing an absolute tantrum about the POSSIBILITY of an MGS4 360 port.

the narrative of both 13/15 as well as most FF games sucks anyway, who cares?

>I'm an expert.

It really shows.

Everything you do during gameplay, aside for the main missions, is not canon.

I liked the sequel because while I hate Lightning, playing Barbie dress up with her makes my dick hard

XIII was a horrible mistake that brought us some of the absolute worst fucking characters in videogames.

>only 13 days

was like 2 months in-game time for me.

Fair point but the cast of 15 was just so fucking bland, specifically Noctis and Ignis.

are you seriously going to try and argue that 15's cast was more bland than 13's? Ardyn alone is better than all of 13's characters combined

Bruh, 13 has some of the most subtly complex characters in the series. 15 is full of cliches and superficial character developments.

Bland is better than irritating


Worst thing about FF13 was that it was a blatant knee jerk reaction to FF12. Shame they also fucked up in the story department in even lost THAT crowd which never cared much for game mechanics.

Seriously, besides Noctis, the cast are all one dimensional and only has a singular characteristic, and it’s some that’s usually present in these kind of media too, making them nothing more than walking cliches.

13 is a 5/10 game that gave us 8/10 sequels.

>the cast are all one dimensional and only has a singular characteristic
this is exactly what 13 is, prompto also gets more development than anyone in 13

>its okay when X did it
I'm getting really really tired of this meme

FF10 is just as bad as 13

worst thing about ffxiii was all the work artists wasted on it considering writers should've been shot

This chart is just straight up lying.

>13 has some of the most subtly complex character

>Ignoring the posts explaining why X did linearity better

I think you're confusing characters making overdramatic anime noises while the same point is hammered over and over because the game thinks players are idiots for subtlety and character development.

FF is the Call of Duty of JRPGs

I like prompto, but having your character flat out state his character trait instead of showing it to the audience is kind of a bullshit cop out because he’s never actually demonstrated the trait he stated about himself. Plus, the entire cast of 13 has the most human growth in the entire series. If you asked me too, I could name each of their arcs and personality and what makes them so great.


That's nothing really wrong with that. Some people enjoy their entry-level games and never go deeper than that because flash and production values is everything they need.

You can twist 10 to sound better on paper.
>10 is better it has bunch of engaging minigames!
What you aren't told is that these minigames are pieces of crap that genuinely makes you consider suicide. So on paper it sounds better than 13, but in reality it's far, far worse.

>subtly complex

The game itself is good but the 360 port is atrocious

No. I don't love it. I want to smash it and send it to the scratch room.


The game was OK but the battle system was horrible. Would replay it again in a jiffy if it wasn't such a fucking slog.

Ok i played all 3 and got every trophy. But i don't understand how the hell everyone was able to goku fly through space and shit at the end to kill the supposed god. I also don't really understand what they acheived, doesn't god kind of have a purpose in the universe's existence?

I liked the characters and the paradigm shifting but that's about all of the praise I'll give it.

complete opposite. refrain from giving your opinion on video games in the future. thanks.

It did have better character development, which admittedly doesn't say much given how stale FFX character development was outside of Tidus and Yuna

Battle system was great, my favorite thing about the games. You're probably doing it wrong. I never got how anyone can't love this battle system, only way i can think is that they don't understand it or something

FFXIII gave us the best ""villain"" in the franchise. Prove me wrong.

Can your parents finally admit they don't actually love you?

13 was completely killed on the editing room floor.

>Let's start the game at one of the most important climaxes, but we won't explain who any of these characters are or why you care for another 10 hours
>Let's then completely play through every moment of the post-trauma with characters we don't know reminiscing and having problems with things we don't know about because they skipped the intro of the game
>Let's restrict the combat system into LITERALLY only auto-attacking for the most combat-heavy and interesting sections of the game because we don't know how tutorials work
>Let's only take the training wheels off and allow you to completely customize your parties after BEATING THE ENTIRE FUCKING GAME

There is a version of 13 that is good, like, really good, but it's the version that appeared before they decided that Lightning was the main character (She isn't, the entire game is about Serah), that decided that they had to start on a train 'just like FF7', and that the players would be too stupid to use the simplified turn-based battles that they put together. It's fast, but it has more in common with classic games like FF4/5/6 than 12, despite that not being communicated at all.

No, it's just bad.

looks like an XIV dungeon

You clearly just don’t understand the COMPLEX SUBTLETY of its characters.

Here’s the starting area for FF7 in comparison

>Ignoring the side quests, secret items, variety of areas, actual towns and NPCss

How exactly is it bad? This should be good

The fact that people thinks this kid still has mommy issues prices that they don’t understand the complexities of the character.

Not that user, but I definitely did not love it. Extreme focus on the stagger bar, overly fluid character roles and lack of long-term resource management with all health and mana fully restored at the end of each battle left me with the feeling that all characters could do everything and every battle played out by means of the same order of operations: Buff, Nerf, Stagger, Nuke, rinse and repeat as necessary. I've played nearly every game in this franchise, and I'd XII is the only one I'd say the combat truly left me bored and the most unappealing part of the game for me personally.

Are the sequels good?

He created a new universe and was going to transfer the souls of the people there so he could rule over a new world since Caius and the chaos fucked up his old world, but he lied about Serah, so Lightning, who has the power to control souls, tries to fight him, and her friends are drawn to her battle because of their bonds in order to help her defeat Bhuni.

The problem isn't that the game is linear. They're all linear. The problem is pacing. You're never encouraged to just relax and take in scenery, do somber inventory and equipment management, talk to NPCs, go back and get something you missed etc. You just run forward, keep running forward. You're nearly there bro, keep going forward


Bruh, when you break down every combat, it’s that simple.

Lightning has no defining traits and literally would not stand out from any other protagonists if her hair wasn't anime pink.

She somehow manages to be more boring than Squall, and that bar is set so low there it's practically on the ground.

To be fair that little faggot did undergo character development. Problem is it's rarely if ever evident to anyone else other than "he can take a joke now without moping and crying about it for an hour" to the player.

XIII's battle system gets OK 20 hours in but before that point it's absolute trash.

And that’s as far as any of the characters ever go.

Ok but the breathing and fighting in space thing...was it like fal'Cie magic or something? Just felt like a cop out happy ending. Would have been better if god won in the end then in the post credits the characters met in the new universe in new bodies or something