Why was old Sup Forums so cringey?
Why was old Sup Forums so cringey?
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Why are you such a faggot?
Because we live in a post-irony era where earnestness is met with derision.
Internet humor as a whole felt like a cavemen age of comedy, where everyone was just discovering the concept of "funny", then years later people started to hate memes and make a deal about how bad they were.
Then they started to like them again, but with layers of irony and self awareness, as excuses to like things they knew where shitty and this was possibly around the time cringe culture sparked.
Something like this
because it was EPIC for the win
Back then, this would be a serious response, but now it's said in an ironic where, because it feels silly today.
This is also why those "deep friend" Twitter memes and forced anal vore Wojaks exist.
Because we liked to have fun while hating our lives and ourselves.
Because lurk more
Maybe it's just wishful thinking but I feel like earnestness is making a comeback.
Tell him
because everyone was underage so they thought
"le epic angry man" was funny
Nope, because newfags who think they're oldfags will shout you down with "cringe" or "reddit" or "normie" insults then go back to their anal vore wojack thread #649262555 or pepe thread #639250473
You just mistake post-post-irony for earnestness.
>having fun
I'm glad things are better now.
Same reason why people older than 20 are still here, autism.
I don't mean on here. These kids are lost causes for the next decade until they turn 25.
I mean irl.
For the record, I always hated that stupid faggot. The "we're the coolest and we must unite our great power together" mentality is gay. Wojaks, on the other hand, are funny. It's just people fucking around and having a good time.
Every meme is cringey.
In 10 years Somebody Toucha My Spaghet or Ugandan Knuckles will be looked back on with disgust.
>all these newfags going around calling people normie instead of normalfag
Honestly really annoyed, I prefered when Sup Forums had a negative reputation, now it's a site that's culturally influential and historically important.
>In 10 years
you mean now
>Why was old Sup Forums so cringey?
Because Reddit has turned this place into a no-fun-allowed bastion of post-ironic modern humour.
>tfw we live in an age where we have to clarify whether we genuinely enjoy something or if we only like it 'ironically'
what's the difference?
reddit didn't exist
it still has a negative reputation. The problem is that is based off people thinking the whole site is Sup Forums when before it was Sup Forums. Which love it or hate it was at least people coming here for a laugh and to fuck around. v.s. out of bitterness hatred and a confusion of what the site is.
This. Reddit fucking killed Sup Forums. It used to be that, even though the site was known as the Internet Hate Machine, every post was made in order to have fun. That's why there was the old saying "for teh lulz". Of course, Redditors who believe that their site is the pinnacle of earnest discussion viewed Sup Forums as the opposite: a place where nothing but hate and anger is expressed. You thus have a deluge of faux-edgy newfags from Reddit who completely miss the point of this site shitting the place up. Theoretically Reddit would carry on the torch of Sup Forums and act as the new spot for fun discussion, but its hivemind-encouraging format and its insufferable users have made that dream dead.
yeah. it breaks my heart everytime a funny, sarcastic or facetious post is made and everyone assumes it was a serious statement and starts a giant catfight.
Left is cringe-worthy. Right is amusing.
One of the biggest issues Sup Forums in general has now is the lack of any worthwhile OC. Just look at Sup Forums for example, the closest thing to an actual OC was the laboman stuff. But that is more of a viral marketing thing than actual custom content. Everything else is just repurposed wojack/pepe crap that stopped being funny years ago.
The whole upvote shit just fucks everything up. A breeding ground for samethink. That they all have accounts and shit doesn't help. Here tripfags get shit on, not encouraged.
This place is full of shills, trolls and idiots, but at least we can argue on a level field.
I feel like /biz/ is the only board that should be allowed to wojack post.
Good thing today is opposite day.
hello newfag
How long have you been here?
This. Everyone is trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls, and nobody posts genuine opinions anymore
nobody can tell anymore, that's the fun thing about it
TTGL is also shit. Fuck that song
wait. So today ISNT opposite day?
this and be honest user. Its a fucking anonymous Brazilian cartoon BBS ffs. Nobody will know or care.
Fucking Web 2.0, man.
I'm thinking of quitting the internet proper (for real this time, I swear). When it's not making me angry at the world at large, it's depressing me or distracting me from more important things with unlimited shallow entertainment and deviant pornography. Been here too long.
i'm being scornful of it honestly
a lot of shit from the awesomeface era just sucked and was a bunch of baseless random humor or tryhard anime tier shit like Sup Forums-tan animations
Sup Forums is especially bad though even by 4ch standards, boards like Sup Forums /biz/ and Sup Forums that have much less activity produce significantly more OC and memes than Sup Forums. Its just a shit board
honestly the left represents a single person who cared to animate some gay shit because that's literally what that is
Why do people hate wojak?
>think videogames went to shit after 2014
>Sup Forums meme went to shit after 2014
i think you are into something here...
This board has gone to shit
It's a real shame because you can tell that those people are the only ones left embodying the spirit of the old Internet. The only reason that I still come here is because it's (sadly enough) the best place on the internet to discuss vidya. If Web 1.0 forums could come back, or if another imageboard popped up that was a time capsule from the 2000s internet, I'd leave in a heartbeat.
Amen to that. One of the worst parts is that it disincentivizes participating, because you know that unless you spend your entire day commenting on the newest posts, no one will ever hear what you have to say. That's not even considering the fact that only the most average, pandering opinions are seen.
This. It's disgusting how disingenuous this board has become.
Only pink or green ones though
At least old Sup Forums knew how to have fun and laugh. Nowadays you can't even like or dislike something without someone throwing every buzzword in the book in your face like you're not allowed to disagree with some made-up hivemind that doesn't exist.
Over 10 years by now. Time flies by.
you rack a diciprin
I have fun in and laugh at Wojak threads. Sucks to be you, I guess.
I enjoyed this one too 2bh
>left = not about videogames
>right= is about videogames
right is better
overused and unfunny. Atari comeback shit was gold though
>not subscribing to bazinga theory
>TTGL is also shit
TTGL is great
Its the culmination of ever-growing spirit, full of hope and high powered scifi action with fun characters that grow to become badasses.
2nd half of the show is top tier to this day
I miss these. Where's the one with snacks?
Oversaturation and embraced by the Facebook/ Twitter crowd. When Wojack and Pepe appeared on the rolling news during the US presidential election, that was the end. Doesn't help that they're also closely associated with Sup Forums and all its attendant shit.
I wonder what happened to 3-angledblue
Nah. It was honestly boring and the ending sucks. Most of Gianax's shows suck
I do
How can you unironically dislike TTGL?
I just didnt like it. It's not a fucking crime to not like something
even earnest trolling is met with derision.
Jokes are called "bait" and frowned upon.
>this board
I wouldn't recommend looking out a window any time soon, user.
Tell me you at least like Re: Cutie Honey
There is an epidemic of irony poisoning, and that is just a symptom
Yeah but it's a crime to be a fag.
Probably because you unfunny fucking redditors keep trying to push your unfunny humorless bullshit onto Sup Forums so you look back on us and go "OMG ITS AWFUL WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING REDDIT" so you went on this crusade on your little clubhouse
It's rarely creative or funny and mainly used to be a dick. Granted, there's nothing wrong with being a dick, but if it embodies anger rather than levity, then why bother? Atari wojaks are the exception though, they're fucking hilarious.
This, and it fucking sucks.
I don't understand why people always blame reddit.
The reddit boogeyman has always been dumb and has done more damage than reddit themselves, who have done next to nothing to affect this site. The users of reddit aren't much compared to the strong mindset of Sup Forums users as a whole, both now and in the past. People have always said it's other sites that are ruining Sup Forums but I never believed it since this site has had far more of an impact on the internet than most others and in my eyes it's Sup Forums that's homogenizing the rest of the internet, even moreso that it's popular as fuck now, just look at how fast epic maymays and terminology spread everywhere. Even fucking twitter has more of a presence than reddit.
How so? We unironically stole the permaB&hammer from moot and destroyed Sup Forums.
>Doesn't help that they're also closely associated with Sup Forums
literally why the term "newfag" exists, facebook immigrants visit this place out of curiosity and decide everything's related to a single category
Never heard of it
Hey man, I dont call you a fag for your anime tastes
because it isn't funny or meaningful.
yeah you're part of them problem OP is trying to address
>doesn't even know cutie honey
Not the user you're arguing with but taste disregarded.
The thing about Twitter users is that most of them wouldn't touch Sup Forums with a 10-foot-pole because they only know of it as the evil fascist site. Redditors, on the other hand, are the largest demographic that actually is willing to go onto Sup Forums and shit up the site. Besides, nowadays most memes come from Reddit/Twitter/Facebook, not Sup Forums. I wish that we were still living in the imageboard glory days but that's no longer the case.
Just like Sup Forums back in the chanology days, yeah. Except much worse.
doesn't feel guy originate from some guy on the bus who a girl won't sit next to?
Died on a car crash.
Left was made by one artist and only replicated by one artist. He had a very distinct interpretation of what Sup Forums looked like. Right is utilized by more than one person.
I heard Sup Forums is /b /2.0 I-i-i-i-i-i-i-is this true?
When is ironic humor going to stop
I'm sick of it, every meme is either "haha this isn't funny so it's funny" or "haha this is annoying and I'm doing it to feel schadenfreude"
It’s just people in general, Sup Forums right now are people like pic related, grew up on completely abysmal media and affected their development.
Being that gay is still illegal in every united state except california.
All of old Sup Forums is cringy.
old Sup Forums fucked up by creating profitable content, but now /r/reddit exists and anything you say on here is potential content for someone to cash in on