Super Nt Mini

10 days, motherfuckers

what is this?


A Simulation that plays SNES games with native hardware chips playing at 1080p.
Not worth the $200 imo, especially if the controllers don't come with em.

just snes?

Yep. Region free though. Not sure if they emulate other systems, but it's not likely.

Yeah, it also cleans your underpants for you and makes toast.

Just SNES, but the original Nt Mini had a free jailbroken update provided by the creator allowing for rom loading and Sega Master System, Gameboy, and four or five other systems.

Eh, my wife bought me an actual SNES last christmas. As soon as I have time I plan on blazing through LttP soon.


You can use any of the original controllers and accessories.

>native hardware chips
It actually uses an FPGA

Programmed by Kevtris. I trust anything that man touches.


Where's the market for something like this?

Normies will buy the real minis and anybody with an iota of computer knowledge will just make one with a billion games on it via Raspberry Pi and/or emulate on their computers.
I'm legit wondering who would actually buy these.

He designed the original NES HDMI mod and has a track record of programming chips with 100% accuracy.

Oh, and another thing.
Fags who buy physical SNES carts in 1996+22 will only want to play them on official SNES consoles since they're already gay enough to buy physical carts instead of emulate.

So again, I ask- who gon buy dese?

SNES Mini is emulation. Retro Pi is emulation. This is not emulation. It plays the games off the cartridge exactly as the original did but with a smaller form factor and directly to HDMI with a systems menu allowing for tweaking of the frame and aspect ratio.

Also, it’s not region-locked, and the previous iteration came out with rom loading and FBGA chip configurations for several other classic systems. The idea of playing them with 100% accuracy without emulation and on a chip that functions exactly as the original hardware is enticing for retro game fans.

I would buy something like this. I have it preordered. I’m actually selling my SNES Classic on eBay to offset the cost.

Enjoy whatever you want to enjoy, my dude.
I have thousands of games on my pc that I emulate all the time for free.

Or you could just buy a Framemeister which covers ALL consoles for barely a higher price.

It's an FPGA designed to emulate SNES hardware down to the actual inefficiencies and glitches. It's essentially a modern remake of the original SNES in every way.

Because it's an FPGA, it's not "emulation" and not a hardware clone. It is more or less a hardware replica.

ALL consoles huh? You mean like the 5 that do native RGB right?

Many need modded for RGB ouput.

That assumes I own all the other consoles and want to commit to having wires and shit everywhere. I’d much rather have a FPGA solution. I’m betting on support being released for 8-Bit and eventually other 16-Bit consoles as it happened already with the Nt Mini. If not, I can always sell mine for a profit on eBay if I’m not fully satisfied with it.

When rom loading is patched I will also be able to play these games for free, but without emulation, which is important to me personally. (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)

>you could spend 200 dollars on this or you could just buy a laptop that plays every fucking thing

>you could miss the whole fucking point entirely


Did I get it right?

I'll do you one better,

>you could spend roughly 100 dollars on a raspberry pi kit that plays every retro console title

This. I haven play with filters and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop me.

Call me when they have one for the n64

You really didn’t, like, not even close.

>ignores every post in the thread
>regurgitates the same shitpost that’s already been addressed multiple times

What shitpost? It's a fact.

No, this is emulation you fucking retard, do you not know what "Emulation" means?
"reproduction of the function or action of a different computer, software system, etc."
If you have anything different from the original, it is emulation, you braindead fuckwit.

If you’re playing dumb for (you)s you’re doing a good job

Seriously, what are you getting at?

Nothing, he's fucking retarded and he doesn't even know what he's saying. He's arguing against emulation, despite using an emulator, and he's not even sure why he's doing it.

Retards will always love these little devices, because they don't realize you can get a far better experience using a properly tooled emulator, since they're too stupid to learn how to tool an emulator for their own needs, thus they'll endlessly complain about color accuracy and input delay, non-issues to anyone with an IQ above the single digits.

This isn’t me, but please see If you can’t understand the difference between emulating on a modern laptop or pc, and what a FPGA chip actually does, you should try google. Emulation can’t do what an actual hardware solution can. You can call me more names, but to anyone who actually knows what they’re talking about, you’re the one who appears brainded.

And I do understand what you’re saying, it’s not ACTUALLY the same chip, but the important thing is it FUNCTIONS IDENTICALLY to the original hardware and outputs an indistinguishable product.

t.Someone who has actually used verilog and knows the capabilities of FPGA

From what I can tell he must be thinking he's getting the most authentic experience with those devices.

At that point you're better off just buying the original console.