Whats everyones issue with overwatch? Its pretty fun desu. I shittalked it on here too until i actually played it. I wouldnt expect anyone here to have good opinions though. Everyone on Sup Forums is under the age of 20 now
Whats everyones issue with overwatch? Its pretty fun desu. I shittalked it on here too until i actually played it...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Everyone on Sup Forums is under the age of 20 now
I'm 30 years old and overwatch is a piece of shit that's run and played by retards
there's nothing new that's been added to it since launch except for a few maps. gamemodes are all played out
I'm above the age of 20, which is why I have such fond memories of a time when private servers with custom maps and content were practically a mandatory feature in multiplayer FPS games. But no, for some reason people today would rather have shitty casual matchmaking to give them the illusion that the matches they're being dropped into are balanced even though they clearly aren't.
Beyond that, I could forgive pretty much every issue the game has were it not for Blizzard's obsession with counters and counterpicking. Hero switching harms every part of the game that it touches, and all around makes the game dramatically less fun and skillful than it could be.
I don't feel like I learn anything new every game, which is a turn-off for me. After hitting Diamond after a hundred hours of gameplay it just becomes a tedious grind to fix all the little mistakes. A single player doesn't have enough impact with the low skill cap.
Theres a shit ton new heros wtf r u on
Ppl seem to only have minor grievances with the game and somehow that means game is absolute shit
>Sup Forums's bad a game
>Proceeds to shit talk it
checks out
I just got a tattoo of Sombra's symbol. Fun game.
Straight up i doubt any v autist posters even played this game theyre just riding the hate bandwagon
I got quake 3 for my 9th birthday for starters. 26 years old son.
Freeze tag rail guns are forever eternal. You a scrub
Team games are only fun if you have enough friends to fill a whole team and play together.
I will never understand the mentality of anyone that supports this meme shitheap of a game.
It's been proven time after time that it's mechanically utter garbage, and has attracted one of the whiniest, most insufferable groups of manbabies in the entire world.
They ""bugfixed"" Lucio,
They removed the way he preserved momentum which really lowered the skillcap for the character and after that I just sorta burnt out. Pre-nerf he was easily the most fun character to play in the game especially in pubstomps since you could aggressively dive for healers or snipers.
slow ass casual shit with terrible gameplay and terrible chokepoint map
ITS FUCKING BORING only retards like these kind of games that only give you like 4 possible actions to do in the entire game because thats all they can manage
overwatch is for noobs in the fps genre or guys with autism that think that spamming bullets on tanks is fun. If you are the second kind of person pls kys
That’s funny, because only people under the age of 20 enjoy this shallow shit show.
>each character has way too few abilities
>shields are boring and too strong
>healing is tedious and too easy
>every map is garbage
>every game type is garbage
>balance is horrible
>ultimates are stupid
What's the screenshot with three question marks showing?
If blizzard made street fighter 2 they'd patch out fucking combos because they were "a glitch"
Quake Champions got a patch that finally moved projectiles server side so it sucks a little less. Now there's even less of a raisin to play overshit
Literally the only good thing to come out of overshit is porn.
cause a hero every 6 fucking months is enough to shake up a game... get fucking real Overwatch is dying and really fast
>OWL just introduced
Once you've played every map and every character thoroughly the game is up and you see how every match essentially works according to the same dynamic.
You go to a choke point and its held until someone uses an ultimate, rinse and repeat until you get to the last one where the game is won by who can coordinate their supers properly.
>go from diamond to low plat rating while literally carrying every game
>say fuck it and dick around, intentionally throwing - back in diamond
it's not fun knowing that whatever you do in the game doesn't matter since the outcome of the match is already decided
>Everyone on Sup Forums is under the age of 20 now
speak for yourself fag
It killed FPS for the next couple of years
Now every FPS franchise is ruined with abilities and shit, and suddenly the focus is on strategy (which is not what I play FPS games for) instead of aiming and reflexes
It's one of those things that's fun on the surface, when you first start playing it, but as you dive deeper you get annoyed with a lot of the game design choices in the game. This might be controversial, but I feel the game would be significantly better if they removed most of the ultimates aside from D.va mech call and increased the player count in matches to 8.
the char he is playing should push the other one and kill him when he uses that ability, it doesn't
>Its pretty fun desu.
Yes I especially enjoy winning the game by pressing Q simultaneously as my teammates. Although I do not enjoy when the enemy team wins the game by pressing Q simultaneously.
let the mutts have this one friend, i feel kinda bad for them
The game is actively being balanced around selling more lootboxes.
New content is being added at a slow as fuck pace.
2cp maps are the most unfun, unbalanced and poorly designed maps that take the longest to finish. KotH maps on the other hand (the most fun and balanced game mode) playtime was halved to best of 3 instead of Bo5.
A shitton of low skill - high impact characters.
Good third of the cast have game breaking bugs with their kit that's been around since forever and hasn't been attended to.
Resurrection ability exists.
Absolutely zero transparency in dev's plans and intentions with the game and the balance because they're scared to talk to the players about stuff that matters now.
Dev's prioritizing cosmetics and e-sport qol features over making enjoyable competitive experience for players.
But nonetheless that's the best game we have in the genre. Everything else is either even worse or dead. The only hope for the future of OW is if with all the owl pushing, the devs will listen more to the pro players' feedback on the balance and will finally choose to balance the game around pro scene only and not try to please both gold and gm players at once.
It's fun, I still play it every now and then
No idea why spergs on here take this game so seriously
>buggy as hell
>2cp maps
>the entire cast is tropes witha minimal twist on them
>devs more focused on "stoping" "toxic" players then actually balancing the game
>bugs in there since launch
>a character every 6 months
>the same meta for 2 years
this game has got no future, give it 2 more years before it dies
I was interested in the game initially but I quickly realized that matches are more about which team uses their cooldowns at the appropriate times than any sort of skill in shooting or movement.
I won't say it's a bad game, but I no longer have any desire to play it and it seems I'm far from alone on that.
It's super fun and I love it.
Lots of people get mad at it because they aren't as good at it as they feel they should be, so they blame the elo system for matching them up with bad players, even though it's always statistically more likely for your enemy team to be bad players, if you are supposed to be good.
Because it's so team-based, the outcome of a win or loss ends up depending on how well your team works together, so it's very difficult for a single person to "carry". Random pub teams may or may not work well together, so it ends up feeling random as to whether you win or not.
Lots of characters tend to have a very high skill movement and main weapon with one extremely nooby, low-skill attack on a cool-down. Roadhog's hook (pre nerf) is super easy to kill with, but his right click is extremely hard to position quite right. Genji's movement is quite complex and it's difficult but powerful to land headshots with the shuriken, but his deflect makes it a lot easier. Mcree's gun requires aim, but his flashbang does not. Junkrat's grenade launcher is difficult to aim, his concussion mine is not. The revolver, scrap gun, icicles, shuriken, bow and so on are all quite high-skill weapons, while the flashbang, hook, freeze ray, deflection and scatter arrow are all quite easy.
It ends up being fine in regular games due to how there are loads of barriers and shields and healing and you can predict or work around a lot of these things. Can get a little annoying on deathmatch, though.
It's a mechanic that I guess is probably bad overall but it's not a dealbreaker.
>The game is actively being balanced around selling more lootboxes.
>Good third of the cast have game breaking bugs with their kit that's been around since forever and hasn't been attended to.
Who? And what?
>Absolutely zero transparency in dev's plans and intentions with the game and the balance because they're scared to talk to the players about stuff that matters now.
Jeff regularly puts out videos about future balance changes. He recently talked about giving junkrat's mine some damage fall-off, or replacing scatter arrow with somethig else entirely, for example, as well as saying they'll buff mercy if the recent nerf is too much.
>increased the player count in matches to 8.
I think 7 would be nice, as you'd have room for 3 DPS heroes instead of 2, which seems to always be quite desperately wanted.
CSGO is an incredibly boring game with incredibly boring players and an incredibly boring meta that has not changed in 20 years.
Being unable to shoot accurately while moving is an incredibly boring mechanic, as is memorising a pattern every time you shoot your gun.
I just don't like when people latch autistically onto one game forever. It was fun for a month yeah, now calm down about it jesus fuck stop covering the whole board in threads about one year old game.
League was the worst version of this I don't understand why it took so long to die.
The maps are the most insulting part about this game to me.
They are the most retarded maps ever, They're all just a tunnel with 1 main choke point and usually 1 or sometimes 0 flanking paths. Add unlimited ammo and it's so retarded. The whole game is just shooting down a choke point to charge your ult, get 1 pick then try to go in.
There's very little decision making or aim since your only option most of the time is:
>Go to choke point
>Shoot at people in choke point
>Being unable to shoot accurately while moving is an incredibly boring mechanic
You're fucking retarded and should never give your opinion about a video game ever again on this board. Let me guess you also think counter strike sucks because you can't "aim down the sights"? Leave and never come back, child.
>I shittalked it on here too until i actually played it.
That's funny, because of you "shittalk" in that game, your account gets permabanned. NO REFUNDS.
Only the most massive of pussies like this Reddit garbage.
>No community servers
>Developers banning people for having badwrongfun
>No custom content
>Limited pool of maps
>Developers hate hitscan weapons
>Algorithm which pairs you with retards when you're on a winning streak
>Holiday event skins require you to play the game for practically the whole event to get the skin you want
>Characters which require no aim to play effectively
>Lets blatantly unbalanced bullshit continue for months
I only bought the game because I was expecting it to be improved on over time. Now it's been two years and the game still feels barebones.
How is it fun?
I cant play more than 3 matches because in the end the game is fucking boring, you got no progression system, no new weapons and playstyles to unlock, no perks, no nothing, and unlocking a new cosmetic skin on a fucking FIRST PERSON SHOOTER is the most retarded fucking thing on the planet
>I cant play more than 3 matches because in the end the game is fucking boring, you got no progression system
You could try to boost your competetive rank, for greater challenge and bragging rights.
I think it's a really unhealthy way to look at things to assume that if you aren't earning points or unlocking ability or upgrading gear or earning experience then there is no point in a game.
Just play the game. It's not supposed to be work, it's supposed to be a game.
The cosmetics and lootboxes killed it for me. Not saying that to get (You)s. I just couldn't get excited about the game once I realized I wasn't going to get the skins they were showing because there isn't enough time during an event to get what you want unless you're lucky. The game rewards you with lootboxes which feels good until you're not getting what you want and then there's no reason to play anymore. So, for anybody that says cosmetics don't fuck up games; fuck you.
I don't understand why you retards are surprised. Overwatch isn't suppose to be some super skilled quake level game. It's a casual game that's just suppose to be fun for casuals not autist. ARe you the man babies who are mad that nintendo cardboard box game doesn't appeal to you?
>It sucks because you don't level up and unlock things like CoD, I need a constant carrot on a stick to enjoy a video game
>new cosmetic skin on a fucking FIRST PERSON SHOOTER
>they give every hero a single cosmetic for the actual thing they can see (their weapon)
So you don't actually enjoy playing videogames, then? You just enjoy the false sense of accomplishment when the game tells you "YOU LEVELED UP!"
You are the reason modern videogames are shit, Games are being dumbed down to cater to people like you.
>cosmetic skin on a fucking FIRST PERSON SHOOTER is the most retarded fucking thing on the planet
It changes what the gun looks like
It's a tactical FPS, it's supposed to be slow and methodical, Not run around spraying lazer guns with perfect accuracy like your modern shit shooters battlefield/CoD.
because that way you are actually get something in return of the time you have wasted, and helps in the way of making the game feel fresh, and yeah, I legit think that CoD its a better and more complete game than overwatch by a long shot
This poster is why shooters are grindy cancer now. Before people would play the game for the game, not because of some skinnerbox garbage that should have stayed in mmos. I think shooters shouldn't even show your rank, it should just be a game mode with a balanced system and tighter match making
Incredibly boring game breaks 1 million viewers while the forced 20 million dollar buy in league struggles to hit half what,it did on its first day. How long until Blizzturd starts giving away skins to viewers for damage control?
>in return of the time you have waste
It's not wasted time if you enjoy it.
Then they shouldn't force an Overwatch league. Hell, they didn't force esports for Starcraft 1, have barely touched its balance over the years, and it turns out to be a better esport. Really blah blah whatever.
God fucking damn I hate you Gen z faggots
Just play the game because its a game you adhd addled fuckface why do you need 100 different level up and unlock indicators popping up in your face to let you know when you're having fun
god fucking damn dude you're a plague
Are you seriously trying to say Overwatch isn't dumbed down casual garbage as well?
if you enjoy playing the same thing over and over with no changes in the gameplay and no progression, then be my guest man, IMO overwatch its a pretty well polished but lazy game in terms of actual content
what the fuck is "gen Z" anyway, wanting actual contet to keep the game fresh is a good thing you dumb fucker, but hey, if you enjoy paying for an empty product then by my guest, its because of faggots like you that games this days are so hollow and empty
I don't like OW but please don't be a faggot who goes "ew this game is more than 1 hour old "
So if I played CoD with every single weapon/perk unlocked from the start, is that a bad game?
Because that's what CoD/Battlefield/every modern shit shooter is
It's not "extra content" or progression, it's just arbitrarily locked behind a grind to pander to morons like you
How fucking new can you be. The shitpostung has turned to logical explainations against the games shitty design loads on here. It should be damn well clear why people don’t like it.
But fuck that, you just wanted it to have a thread up didn’t you? Nobody plays this fucking game but it’s apparently still relevant.
>plays a game of Chess
>doesn't level up or unlock a perk like +1 movement square to Knights
wow what a shit game there's no progression
well if you enjoy playing the same shit over and over again, over the same maps and same characters, then go ahead, I preffer games with actual gameplay content
>I shittalked it on here too until i actually played it.
That's why, it goes for every extremely popular game, pubg being another example.
Needless to say, as fun as the game is(or was for me, since I stopped playing a few months back) there's glaring problems. One was blizzard's obvious balancing problems. Nerfing roadhog to oblivion because lower ranks didn't want punishing heroes was a big one. Having hanzo one shot tanks with scatter arrow is another (you cant' nerf a mechanic because "unfun" and leave even more "unfun" mechanics around).
Blizzard does a great job with communicating with their customers for HotS and OW, but I really wish sometimes they wouldn't listen to complaints so fucking much, it actually ruins their games
yeah because OW and chess are exactly the same, nice argument man
It's the first Blizzard game I've liked since Diablo 2 and I think the variety in the heroes keeps me coming back. The balance is the worst at the moment, but i think the Overwatch League could help make them balance things faster. Playing different heroes when you're tired of others keeps it fresh.
>what are skins, rank grinding, and drip feeding heroes/maps
nope, its something that helps making the game feel fresh, overwatch makes you play the same fucking thing over and over again like a mindless retard
>I shittalked it on here too until i actually played it.
Congratulations, you're a huge faggot and 99% of the reason Sup Forums is terrible now
I dunno, I think old roadhog was -really- OP for most people. Maybe he became easier to work around in the 4000+ SRs but that's like 2% of people.
They're looking into reworking scatter arrow anway. I imagine the initial idea was for people to shoot it around corners but it ended up just being 400 damage to the feet.
It's a shallow game that doesn't have a lot of mechanical depth and encourages players through blue posts and outside conditioning on how to communicate with people to either gamble on the lootbox gachapon for a costume or voice line they would ditch in two weeks and to farm for "toxic" players in order to report them for good boy points, eventually becoming like those players they report but more passive aggressive than direct.
It doesn't really reward you finding techs and additional mechanics either and they would just patch it in a couple days if documented like Pharah rocket-jumping off of Mei's wall as soon as she launches it.
>It doesn't really reward you finding techs and additional mechanics either and they would just patch it in a couple days if documented like Pharah rocket-jumping off of Mei's wall as soon as she launches it.
I guess there's a fine line between bugs and mechanics with a lot of the fine details.
Like how genji could increase the damage of his dash by frame-cancelling it with a melee attack or something, or how widow could shave a few seconds off her damage charge by jumping in a weird way.
I stopped playing OW a couple months after release, are Genji and Widow any good at this rotation?
I mean it's fine really, it feels like a spiritual successor to TF2, but I played that for literally thousands of hours. It's nice that some people can experience that but I just get the feeling that I've played something very similar but better previously.
People that pick up tf2 now won't get that same feeling because it's in no way the same game after they added all those weapons and added match making. No sprays, custom maps, or custom servers to do whatever on once you get bored or frustrated with the inherent bullshit doesn't help either.
Fun casual game to mess about on with friends, taking it in any form seriously is a bad idea, it's a piece of shit as a competitive game or "esport".
also just for op, I'm 28 and solo queued to Grand Master multiple times
The only people having fun in a competitive game are the top players and people who are deluded enough to believe they might someday be one of the top players, which isn't me. Basically every one is the same point with a different coat of paint.
'minor grievances' are more than enough when it's 80% the same as half the shooters that have come before it.
Genji was briefly considered the most important character ever for a season but now, after a few really minor nerfs (aformentioned melee frame cancel thing got removed, dragon blade is a second or two shorter, and he can't chain double jumps off walls quite as much as he used to), now he's just a decent backline flanker, like tracer. He's in a pretty balanced state right now, I think.
Widow is as widow has always been; most of them are terrible but some of them are amazing. All comes down to how well you can land headshots.
Call me when Jeff gets off his ass and nerfs mercy instead of releasing more shitty skins.
Seriously Blizzard needs to let go of their pride and admit people don't want their 3 patches a year style they could get away with in 2008, when their competitors are releasing patches every 3 weeks it makes their game feel stale as fuck by comparison.
I bought it, felt it was a waste. TF2 is more fun, Overwatch just makes me wish for a refund.
Maybe in yoloqueue tracer is balanced but when you have mercy tier playrates in competitive you might want to give her a critical look.
All the recent news of "no fun allowed" rules makes me not want to play it.
Also Blizzard is a shit tier developer desu.
>Focus on waves of content that's only available for like a month before it's locked until next year.
>Actual content only comes out once every half a year and it's either a hero or a map, and not a wave of content.
Game is literally a lootbox simulator. You know why Overwatch lootboxes are always the example in the "lootboxes are gambling" argument? This is why. They don't care about the game, they care about milking your wallet for every dime they can because at the end of the month when you don't have the new Mercy skin you're going to spend 20$ on lootboxes and Jeff Kaplan is going to laugh in his golden hot tub filled with 20 dollar bills from you and other fags like you.
Does anyone over the age of 21 play this game? Like a single person?
>almost every game is two deathballs bumping into eachother until one runs out of steam
>occasionally someone flanks
>standard tank/healer/dps shlock
The company spends more time trying to make their game PC than actually trying to make their game better.
What was the last character released? How fucking long ago was that? How many shitty FOTM gamemodes have they made only to remove them later so the base game is still severely lacking content even for 40$?
It's been nearly 2 years and the game has fuck all in terms of content, the balance is hamfisted at best, there's a fucking solidly strict meta in a fucking FPS because skill is such a low factor for victory, and honestly I will sooner buy the next EA game than another Blizzard product.
nigga its not like you're paying a subscription to play, like WoW. WoW goes longer than 6 months without any updates and retards pay $15/mo for that.
Only two issues with it really:
1. Lootboxes. Lootboxes should be classified as gambling, maybe then it would convince gaming companies to drop that shit and let us buy cosmetics directly.
2. Blizzard wants it to be a competitive game. It's fucking terrible as a competitive game.
>all the fucks on this board who think people buying video games ruined the gaming industry
No, it was Triple 'A' devs pushing the same shit over and over.
If you don't like a game don't play it, but blaming someone who bought the game for ruining the gaming industry is stupid.
(just play an indie game lol)
Complete lack of content. Its been out what 2 years? Why are there still only like 6 maps? I've only seen 2 maps added since I got the game Oasis and Lunar Colony. There should of been a map a month MINIMUM. and no the seasonal content does not count because you cant log in and play it whenever you want. Even then though the seasonal content barely adds anything real. Cosmetics are not real content.
Blizzard World is probably their best map design wise, but they put a payload on it which just wastes the potential.
Should just be a control point map like the ones you see in games like TF2.
They added junkertown and eichenwalde and a bunch of elimination and deathmatch maps