Well Sup Forums? Opinions?

Well Sup Forums? Opinions?

that's racist?

My opinion is that mgs4 is a good game and doesnt deserve the hate it gets here

It's racist because they are appropriating black zimbabwaes.

Despite its faults, Color Splash was a good game overall.

Megaman 2 is overrated, and Megaman 8 is underrated

Why is Polygon/Kotaku so gay?

Why are you posting clickbait on Sup Forums

I don’t like people that are different than me.

prove it's not

Meanwhile, Razer earned a few fans seeing as everyone has been gobbling up meme twitter accounts.

The absolute state of PC gaming.

Who knew I'd find truth in this thread?

isnt their enough to hate about uganden knuckles without calling it racist? like you dont really need an excuse to hate this

uttery racist, I won't be buying razer anytime soon I can tell you that much

In what way does that relate to PC gaming? Wouldn't it be more about twitter keyboard warriors getting mad over nothing?

>You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies,
>off-topic replies
>off-topic replies

I'm glad you guys know the truth

Ugandan movies are cool though, plus the Wakaliwood Twitter reposts the memes

>guy that used the accent could actually be from uganda

>shitty meme made by PCfats
>shitty company PCfats keep relevant

I wonder what this has to do with PC gaming

Proofs lies on you.

>Making fun of an accent
>Making fun of development countries
>All while from the comfort of a privileged life that never has to experience the hardships the average Ugandan has to.
>Sup Forums is still gonna act like that's not racist
Fucking Sup Forums has seeped through too much already.

prove it is.

ah, well played, my logical friend. Pay attention because I'll also be proving you're not a raging homo.

Video game "journalism" is shit. Ugandan Knuckles is a shit meme. Razer is shit.

Razer is racist? Makes me happy I own some of their stuff then.

Why does journalism trigger the average Sup Forums autist so much?

Would it be racist if it approximated the way Scots talk instead? I bet it fucking wouldn't

Megaman and Bass is better than both 7 and 8

Uganda is a country not a race.

>go to their twitter
>don't see this meme
>briefly see a glimpse of some apology tweets

I don't even know what razer sell but I'm definitely never buying from there again

I know a guy from Uganda at work and he thinks the meme is hilarious. He's constantly showing people his favorite videos in his free time. The only "African" people who are upset are African-Americans.

It can't be racist if what you mock doesn't qualify as people.

It's quotes from a Ugandan comedy movie though

The movie is racist

The Ugandan film industry loves the meme because it gives them exposure they never had. Also Uganda isn't a race, it is a nation. At worst people are being xenophobic not racist. Learn English, you dumb wetback.

>harmless jokes are the same thing as actual discrimination and hatred towards other races
Fucking tumblr has seeped through too much already. Nice bait, I guess.

>Soy water
No salvation.

What if their social media person is black?

How can it be racist, Ugandan isn't a race.

Did they apologize? That's actually so gay