Admit it Sup Forums, you know it's the best Elder Scrolls

Admit it Sup Forums, you know it's the best Elder Scrolls.


>Admit it
Ive never denied it.

best soundtrack, quests and expansion at least

How would i know if ive never played any of them

*teleports behind you*
heh, nothing personnel, kid

Skyrim is good with mods but Oblivion has to be the only game I've 100% cleared in every way. Haven't had the chance to play Morrowind despite how much I hear about it.


It's certainly the comfiest.

>Haven't had the chance to play Morrowind despite how much I hear about it.
I played it last year, very good. Don't install any gay overhaul mods though.

it has the worst mods though unfortunately

People are selective as fuck about what was good about Oblivion like memorable quests. Yeah, all of ten of them that made good use of Radiant AI and were mostly Dark Brotherhood material.

Filthy phone poster.

literally the worst one


It is bad, and here's why.

1) It is completely unimaginative. Standard medieval-europe fantasy setting, fucking yawn. What is worse is that they CHANGED the lore from a much more interesting setting just to make it more standard.

2) The character models all look like apes. Look at their fucking noses. The voice actors are bland overall as well. What happened to the dark elf voices? Jesus.

3) The story and overall writing is bad.

4) Quest markers, fast travel and levelled loot and enemies is the final nail in the coffin. Why explore anything when you can just pop up anywhere you want, and why bother exploring when you can't find anything fun anyway due to levelled loots and enemies?

Morrowind is the pinnacle of the TES-series, it is so far above the others that this is not even a point of discussion. Second place can be debated, but never first.

Name ONE good song that isn't a rehash of a Morrowind tune or Wings of Kynareth (which is admittedly good).

Morrowinds soundtrack is far better. Oblivions is a second. Daggerfall comes third. Arena/Skyrim comes last (Don't know about Arenas so I cant place it, and Skyrim is all about boring 'atmospheric' music)

>Morrowind is the pinnacle of the TES-series
not even fucking close buddy

Though DO install better bodies and faces. It is a near requirement because the original character models and faces are godawful.

>Name ONE good song that isn't a rehash of a Morrowind tune
Reign of the Septims
Through the Valleys
Death Knell
Harvest Dawn
Wind From the Depths
King and Country
Fall of the Hammer
Wings of Kynareth
Alls Well
March of the Marauders
Watchman's Ease
Glory of Cyrodiil
Defending the Gate
Bloody Blades
Minstrel's Lament
Ancient Sorrow
Auriel's Ascension
Daedra in Flight
Unmarked Stone
Sunrise of Flutes
Churl's Revenge
Deep Waters
Dusk at the Market
Peace of Akatosh

redguard is a great game and while the lore is on par with morrowind (lore may as well have started with redguard), the gameplay of everything afterwards can hardly be considered the same genre. or maybe it's close to Skyrim. maybe

Well, TES adventures is a whole other beast. Are they considered as part of the TES series?

Having a worthwhile opinion on video games is harder than not typing like a nigger, user.

Fuck off, you just copied a list of all the music. 90% of the memorable tunes in Oblivion are memorable because they rehash or sample heavily from Morrowinds soundtrack. Those that do not do this are either 'atmospheric'-non-music or Wings of Kynareth (which is the only song that is on par with Morrowinds tracks).

what the fuck kind of question is that? of course they are. every entry save for Oblivion Mobile is canon.

None of them are a Morrowind re-hash, you're thinking of Skyrim

Can be honest for a minute, Morrowind fans are NOT Elder Scrolls fans, they hate every other game in the series, even Arena/Daggerfall. They just obsess over their shitty little game with bad combat that came out like 20 years ago and cant move on.

Like we get it, you're a contrarian, no one cares if you prefer Morrowind, you probably sniff your own farts too thinking youre so fucking spectacular.

Meanwhile us real ES fans who like ALL the games can continue to get along while you jack off in a corner to how great your game is because you have nostalgia goggles glued on.

Have you played Morrowind and Oblivion? If you have, replay them or re-listen to both games music. Oblivions songs sample heavily from Morrowind, at least any songs that are at least mildly memorable. Those that don't, which may be the majority, are utterly forgettable standard orchestral trash.

speak for yourself. Oblivion is the only game in the series I dislike and I've played everything single entry in the series. Morrowind remains at the top of that list though.

You just admitted to never playing either of the games.

Oh, you're baiting, nevermind.

You can like other games in the series AND have a functioning sense of taste. Morrowind outclasses the rest of the games, pure and simple. The others aren't BAD, but they pale in comparison, there's no question of that. The only people who think otherwise are those that are old enough to have nostalgia for Daggerfall, or young enough to have started with Oblivion and thus are blinded by nostalgia for that.

Morrowind is the best by all objective metrics, it can not be disputed.

I'm not baiting. Most of Oblivions songs are the definition of generic. I bought the collectors edition at release, and I still distinctly remember how dissapointed I felt by the music. There's no melodies to the songs, it is just generic hollywood orchestra.

>aged like milk
>can break the game by doing something wrong and its unfinishable
>tiny map
>no idea what youre doing since quests are vauge, have to go everywhere and talk to everyone to figure out what youre doing
>fucking broken combat where you cant hit a building

Yeah sure is a 10/10


Are you upset that Soule's music on a TES game sounds similar to Soule's music on a TES game, leddispacer?

>even Arena/Daggerfall

Nobody but the most fringe of nerdy neckbeards have ever played those games. For the vast majority of TES fans the games truly begin with Morrowind. Even though most played Skyrim they can at least see far back as Morrowind. The first two TES games look like absolute unplayable ass to the masses and rightfully so.

TES franchise starts with 3.


>Didn't age at all
>Game gives you enough freedom of action to break the game if you wish
>Map that is infinitely more interesting to explore than in any other TES-game
>You are just retarded, honestly
>You are still retarded, it is an RPG, build your character correctly

Can we finally admit that TES was never good?

Are you a fucking gay, you can get Arena and Daggerfall for free even, and if you are too much of a graphics baby to handle the spites there is a Unity version of Daggerfall you can play

Literally no excuse to not play them other than youre a manbaby who wont go out of his comfortzone of morrowind

Nobody cared for these games until Morrowind blew people away. Then they were able to maintain that momentum and put out successors that did even better with Skyrim being super mainstream of a success. TES 6 is guaranteed to be even bigger than Skyrim. Will probably be nearly GTA levels of popular.

>aged like milk
Literally looks better than when it was released.
>can break the game by doing something wrong and its unfinishable
Yes, Morrowind is the only Bethesda game with bugs.
>tiny map
Not really and quality matters more than quantity.
>no idea what youre doing since quests are vauge, have to go everywhere and talk to everyone to figure out what youre doing
I can see how this could be a problem for you. So should you, and you should be ashamed.
>fucking broken combat where you cant hit a building
Why would you hit a building? Are you retarded?

>Literally looks better than when it was released.

It is, right after Skyrim and Morrowind.

mods maybe?

Oblivion > Daggerfall > Skyrim > Morrowind > Arena

not even baiting, fight me

Morrowind shouldn't be that low

Morrowind > Skyrim > Daggerfall > Arena > Oblivion

Not baiting either, Oblivion is just that bad.

Yes it should

>this is what morrobabies actually think

Why though?

Oblivion/Morrowind > Skyrim/Daggerfall > Arena
There is no correct answer but this is the closest we can get.

I'll even explain.

Morrowind: Detailed map full of hand-placed scenery, well-written story and quests, faction mechanics, rpg-elements are well put together and detailed, magic system is much more detailed than in the other games, music is 10/10, the setting is alien, interesting and very well-designed.

Skyrim: Beautiful graphics, a more interesting setting and story than Oblivion, more interesting events and locations in the world compared to the bland map where nothing happens of Oblivion

Daggerfall: Huge enormous map, though utterly empty and pre-generated. Still, great effort for the time. Sprawling dungeons, detailed rpg-mechanics, there are a myriad of things you can do and many different playstyles/builds to experiment with.

Arena: The first of the TES-games, so it gets a few freebie points for innovation. Set the stage for the rest of the games and allowed some fun stuff with magic (tunneling through walls).

Oblivion: A dissapointment on every level but graphics compared to Morrowind. The voice acting was crap, the music was bland, the world was bland and empty, levelled enemies was retarded (bandits with glass-armor), levelled loot-lists and enemy-lists meant exploration was pointless, wherever you went you saw the same shit, the story was bad, introduced invincible npcs (retard-proofing the game by lowering the bar to the retard-players level)

Is there any viable controller mod for the pc that doesn't require xpadder or some other shit? Wanna do a comfy couch replay but only have the pc version.

I agree with all the points apart from music, yet Oblivion still somehow manages to be the best TES.

>A disappointment on every level but graphics
>the music was bland, the world was bland and empty, wherever you went you saw the same shit, the story was bad, invincible npcs
>levelled loot-lists and enemy-lists meant exploration was pointless

all this applies to skyrim.

Blandest Elderscroll Game.