
>strawberries don't unlock anything and are only for bragging rights
what an abortion of a game. 10/10 my ass.

I wonder if the ending is different if you don't get any?

>you need to dangle shiny keys in front of gamers for them to play the game

So they're glorified trophies?
Got it

Speaking of abortions, 10/10 writing
So nuanced, no wonder journos think its Shakespeare

There's nothing wrong with abortions.

I don't remember this part, what was the context

Holy shit, how did this abortion meme get so out of hand? What's wrong with Sup Forums?

it's an edit

Because the game is a metaphor for the struggle of getting an abortion?
Did you not get the true ending?

It's because it's not enough for faggots on Sup Forums to dislike a game, now they have to make shit up about it to validate their personal agenda.

Sup Forums can't have a game starring a girl who's good friends with a black guy be popular

Is this game good??

>The harder to get collectables give you extra lives in the second half of the game
>protag isn't a loli so Sup Forums hates it anyway

OP, you gotta realize Sup Forums will praise anything with a young girl in it.

It's okay but Slime-san is far better. It costs less, has better world building, more varied mechanics, and actually lets you unlock shit with the collectables such as playstyles, outfits, arcade minigames, and backgrounds. It even has a sizeable demo.

Is this real? Good lord.

you can judge how good a game is by how angry it makes this place. So yes.

No, it's an edit. Abortion isn't mentioned in the game at all.

How many chapters does this game have?

7 + 1

are there more blue hearts in the first stages? I found one in the hotel, but dunno if there's more in the city or the other stage

One guy kept forcing it really hard
In fact, it's probably the same game making the Celeste threads

They're both good games, but I think the dashing works better in Celeste. It was kind of finicky in Slime-san. Also, Slime-san focuses on bite size stages while Celeste has relatively long chapters with more secrets. That's not to say Slime-san doesn't have secrets too though.

One in every level

They would be for bragging rights if you weren't able to just turn on god mode whenever you have a bit of trouble.

Time to develop autism then

The second one is kinda bullshit.

The second is a bit tricky but you can figure it out, even without the hint.

The real bullshit one is the puzzle in level 6.

'gullible' is written on your ceiling user

I thought that one was pretty easy, but I did stage 1 heart before it.

This game made me really hungry for strawberries so I went to the store and bought some and then felt bad because it was too easy.

I got that one pretty quickly, thought level 2's was the most bullshit.

It does kind of bother me that most of them are pretty standard platforming secrets, two of them are Fez-style puzzles, and one feels like something out of a romhack. I'm ok with all of these, but would have preferred if they stuck to one.

this fucking obsession

The game tells you strawberries don't do anything early on


Only collect them when you want to and don't whine that they don't do anything

the baby was black

One crazy motherfucker tried to point out that this game was made by someone who could be an SJW, or is, or whatever. About half of the thread said, "Well the game itself doesn't seem very political, it actually looks fun"
Driven insane that people didn't immediately jump on the hate wagon and even went so far as to defend it he madly crafted this meme to push his idea that this is a political game. By linking it by the longest stretch of the mind imaginable to abortion, which he associates with SJWs for right or wrong

b-but dunkey said..

Stars past 70 don't do anything in Super Mario 64, either, but I'm sure you went for them anyway.

Do you need to collect blue hearts for full clear runs?

I'd guess you'd have to get everything for a full clear

So is there any way to replay old levels with the Double Dash?
Also lets keep this thread going along, what was your favorite stage gimmick? I loved those space blocks so much

yes they do unlock the mario shooter apparatus on the nintendo garden you fucking mongoloid retard

hanging on hooks was not enough to differentiate this from super meat boy, which it wasn't.

Ugh, I want to play more of this but it's been over a year since I played an action game this difficult and my thumbs are killing me.