Please god let her fucking die in the upcoming patch

Please god let her fucking die in the upcoming patch

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what are you, gay?

she’s a thousand times better than lyse

Why do you want her to die?

*clenches fist*

>dragon race
>human with "dragon" features
ffxiv is fucking disgusting

This except let Yotsuyu die

yiff in hell furfag

I want to keep yugiri in my tier 4 aquarium

Help! I've fallen in love with Cutiegiri Cutewalker!

Not a dragon race you stupid nigger

I agree, filthy non-Garlean scum should be purged from this realm, they're no better than beast tribes.

>Thinking anyone will die
>When Yotsuyu got cut down by a katana, crushed by a collapsing castle, drowned on a river and went adrift on open sea for god knows how long without food and water is still alive

>shitty Lysefag tries his best to deflect

i wanna put my pee pee in her

>ywn wear cool looking gear like this
>only shit japanese weeb fanboy armor
>in a fucking technological/utopian raid setting too

>Introduce a character with a unique and interesting backstory
>She's irrelevant past Heavensward

Which character do you want brought back for the next expansion?

Why the fuck do you care so, so much? Really, why? There's a dozen MMOs that have your furfag race characters to play.

I want detailed feet back in the next expansion

Why is it that the Stormblood crew can't even compare to the HW cast?

Hoary Boulder

Preliminary Patchnotes in case anyone not seen yet


She basically becomes the main character of the Machinist's questline in SB though.


>Castrum and Praetorium cutscenes are now unskippable, even if you've seen them so that new players can experience then without shame
>You get an extra 80 poetics

How will this effect the MSQ roulette and new players?

Why does everyone hate Lyse so much?


I wonder if I should sell my house to some desperate person before the patch, I barely use it anymore anyway


>Play as a male and have male MS items
>Have one Fantasia left
>See this


They should have let Ilberd alive and have him, Laurentius and Yuyuhase reluctantly work with the WoL.

Because of memes like even though it never happens

No character development. She starts the expansion clenching her fist and yelling at everyone for not fighting the bad guys and end the expansion clenching her fist and yelling at everyone for not fighting the bad guys.

Just sell it and buy an apartment. It's cheaper and you keep it, even if you unsub.

>Last housing patch, people were literally mapping out the fastests paths and practicing dragoon/ninja jumps for that .5 second head start
>MFW it didn't matter at all because only the first 500 people could even log in

I wonder how many tears are going to rain this time, hahahaha!

it might not be too bad for this one since it's for FC housing only at least for the week following 4.25.

Afterwards, for personal housing, then get ready for tears

Is it ALL going to be considered FC housing? Like, 6 fucking wards dedicated to FC housing? Or only shit like, medium/large plots?

The other new hair shown

From Yoshida's posts, it sounds like all plots are up for grabs for FC housing. But remember, there is a restriction placed on accounts now, so I don't really see every plot getting taken up due to this.

If you go with left then you are literally gay

The only reason they should have left Ilberd alive was so i could kill him myself and not let him fucking suicide and drag me into that ala mhigan shithole in the process.

>More dyke hair
Two nukes wern't enough.

It's more than 1700 plots opened per world, so I guess it depends.

How many people have a FC with 4 or more people, who don't have a house or an alt that is in someone else's FC on the same world. My guess is not enough to scoop up all 1700 houses that quick.

I like it. I can make my real life hair look like that and it's nice.

Yeah so it at least sounds a bit more promising. I did notice some folks leaving FCs though due to this restriction, which made me chuckle. But yeah fuckin' hell, Yoshi, you should have had these in place when housing was introduced.

So how long do you think before the game gets boring again? I give it a week.

Proposal: You can only own ONE house. You can pick between an FC and a personal house.

Proposal: stop giving a shit about useless houses and go play Sims or Minecraft you stupid shitter

Fuck off homie. 1 house per account and nothing else. I have a shirogane mansion and what should I do, stay without FC or leave my super weeb castle? Fuck off for real

Why dont they just make housing lots instances so everyone can have one instead of having wards that no one cares about?

Keep your shitty threads on /vg/.

Fewer people in this game care about raiding than they do about community housing.


Because if they do that, they can't force people to stay subbed.

These are the appartments. Too bad they're small like shit, like everyone suggested already they should create small/medium/large size apartaments and 75% of the people would shut up. People doesn't even care about the garden/outside, they just want to decorate a huge ass house

Just use the nude patch you deviant

I'm pretty sure loads of people would still bitch they couldn't do airships or crossbreeding.

>tfw wanna have big weeb garden
>all the gardens are tiny as shit, even mansion
>the outdoor furniture is meh as well for most part



Post character theme songs.
I'm a DRK main

Gas all cats

>mfw turbonigger autists these days expect 900 years of content that somehow feels fresh

Its gonna happen but why?

The game designers are creatively bankrupt and they are going to reveal them in the raid to hype up fantasia sales. Expect them to be the turbo slut race.

>Why aren't you fighting the empire?!
>We tried and got our shit pushed in super hard.
>*fist clench* JUST DO IT THO

Fuck Lyse, give me "Yda" back

Gone forever.

>Implying they're going to release another race

Stop posting your shit here, Robutts. You're just Randomboobguy tier crap with little less blur and a little more colors.

Why is she still alive

You're a fucking retard if you think they're not going to do it. Square never passes up on ERP money.

Of course they're going to. Fantasia sales and cash shop sales drive the game.

That's a really good question.

To keep having close calls until they run out of Scions to kill and she's next.

Really never though, she's the face of the game in crossovers.

Expect her to be a floating stump powered by aether by the time 6.0 rolls around


>Make a new race
>OR, spend that time making a new dress to put on the cash shop and make the same money anyway


They get twice the sales from a fantasia for lazily recycling another race's animations and slightly tweaking models because the ERPers are going to swap to one while it's hot and fresh and 3/4ths will swap back after their initial wow factor wears off with a second fantasia.

>got paladin to 70 tonight
>currently in the process of working on Warrior as well (lvl 37 currently)
>Not sure what to do next
Sup Forums do I suck it up and suffer through arcanist/summoner for the disciple of war achievement or do I move on to other tanks and healers? After all this tanking I can't imagine going back to the DPS queue but I know I have to eventually...halp

correction, not arcanist/summoner, I mean pugilist/monk, brainfart sorry

Because it'll make the company $1m+ in on launch day from all the turbo fags buying fantasia

i want to breed that rabbit

>end the expansion clenching her fist and yelling at everyone for not fighting the bad guys
Explain this

>make a dress and harvest money from your ERP playerbase
>make a bunny race, steal tera's ERP playerbase, and have triple the profit when you make a new cash shop dress
Objectively speaking, making viera is a more profitable venture.

Lyse, her hand wide open.

don't bully the lyse haters they're mentally ill and don't know any better

in truth, most of 'em never played the game or skipped the cutscenes and are just mad because someone other than the Warrior of Light got some recognition in the game

i dont think the team that designs gear also designs character models lad

Was their a point of revealing that Lyse was pretending to be Yda the whole time? Why no just keep her as Yda?

She would break your pelvis

Even the Warrior of Light still gets recognition after that cutscene where you have quest objectives to talk to every leader so they can literally give you your credit. I'll never understand the meme that gets regurgitated that Lyse takes credit.

I want to fuck Y'shtola

Oh I see. Well if it makes so much fucking money it's quite a surprise it's been fucking 9 months since stormblood even released and there's not a hint of them in sight let alone them being a playable race.

I suppose you figure dancer is just on the horizon too?

>That scene where Aymeric congratulates you

W-why was I blushing...?

We're going to get to comfort Yugiri when Yotsuyu eventually cucks her in the Hienbowl.

Heavens no, they don't make nearly enough money to make new classes. Why do you think we only got two?

So are the Ascians even relevant anymore?

Cirina's the one that's really getting cucked.

They were sidelined for most of the expansion but that doesn't mean they're irrelevant. I'm sure they're the underlying cause of all this somehow, and we'll discover that after we lead a revolution in the empire in the next expansion

I only want to have kinky bondage sessions with my wife Yotsuyu

Yotsuyu's pussy is reserved for Brotetsu!

And everyone knows that Hien belongs to the Buduga tribe