>Go on Sup Forums
>No Kingdom Come thread
Are you fucking kidding me?
Also, Kingdom Come: Deliverance thread
>Go on Sup Forums
>No Kingdom Come thread
Are you fucking kidding me?
Also, Kingdom Come: Deliverance thread
Other urls found in this thread:
i am not reading all that shit nigga.
so is he based or not?
This game looks like it will be a mess
It's a comfy game you have here but go easy on the shilling
Stop shilling your shitty unoptimized eurojank game
>So you're saying you think black people are incompetent
Yeah quit being so obvious.
A better method would be to post a specific question about it with a slightly but not completely negative attitude and then say something nice about a competing product. The shilling can start from there but not in the OP.
Vavra has past experience with Mafia which was pretty great so I'm expecting this to be good also.
I seriously doubt anyone who posts a game must be the creator shilling it. CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT VIDEO GAMES?
Sup Forums in a nutshell
>graphics from Tes oblivion
>gameplay from fallout 4
>plot from a historical revisionist
YeAH, a masterpiece right there
also - sage
Nothing you just said was accurate. Bump because you're a faggot.
I was already interested in this game,
But these Twitter caps have sent me into full day one buy mode.
Warhorse will be the savior of Western RPGs on console.
When I was sleepy last night I bought my copy on CD keys, because the price jumped from $36 to $38 and I was afraid it's go up more. Can't fucking wait
>Say something nice about a competing product
I literally fucking cannot. All open world action WRPGS have been bad this decade. All of them.
Maybe we can have a thread if it actually stays on topic of the game.
So any news? Will it have reviews embargo?
I watched a video that showed some of the fighting. Whats that star icon on the enemy? The red point will change direction. Is that where he is attacking from?
Warband was this decade.
Not even close to the same kind of game. That's a real time grand strat/combat simulator/tactics game. Hardly a classic story based RPG
Mount and Blade beta was released in 2007, which is more than 10 years ago....
Warband was basically the final finished product of this beta
He is gamergate.
Puts bannerlord development into perspective, shit
There is nothing to talk about.
Everything there is to say was already said and it remains that way until they deliver new information.
Most of their workers are under arrest, anyway.
>There is nothing to talk about.
>Most of their workers are under arrest, anyway.
Daily reminder that KCD is first person Medieval Bop-it QTE combat
Daily reminder this game has been simplified for console players
Daily reminder this game doesn't have multiplayer; instead you'll be challenged by multiple play throughs of the same game without scaling difficulty to compensate.
Daily reminder you play as the son of a blacksmith but the devs cut blacksmithing from the game
Daily reminder that the blocking system in this game is "press the block button now" prompt on your HUD
Daily reminder Warhorse is a terrible company
Daily reminder Siege finally got new lighting
Daily reminder only 16 square kilometers of boring empty landscape
Daily reminder shills post Kingdom Come: Deliverance threads every few hours on Sup Forums
Daily reminder Mordhau will blow this game out the god damn water.
Don't forget how they deliberately picked up fights with SWJs on social media so they could get Sup Forums and Sup Forums to shill their game for free.
Shilling is being made by people that are interested in the game. The devs are probably working their ass out in the crunch time to avoid having any broken shit that might ruin the game image in the release.
Shitposting is being made by people that love chaos for the sake of it, will impersonate both tumblrinas and Sup Forumstards just to get the (you). And of course there is the retards that actually believe Sup Forums shit and tumblr shit. Sadly those who want to discuss the game are doomed until shitposters move to their next thing.
>see the thread
>no discussion about the game, just about Vavra politics and one copy pasta that some autistic retard that looks like the game character wants to propagate it.
>check archives recently
>30+ threads with same file name in OP
I wouldn't be surprised if it's that Pokemon fag who posted about that owl "leak"
>hey guys look at me sticking it to the filthy SJW d-do you l-like me yet? pls buy my chillaxing game
Well I didn't say the people interested about the game don't have any sort mental disease user, so its a possibility that we are a dealing with an autistic person
Then I'd quit making that claiming
>the people
Person* get some sleep.
There's never any discussion.