What is objectively the best cyberpunk game?

what is objectively the best cyberpunk game?

E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy

Reminds me of the Chinese guy from Snatcher.

What is the best post-cyberpunk game?

Observer (presentation wise)
Deus Ex (any of them)
Blade Runner PC

Do you mean the best game that has cyberpunk in it, or the game that best portrays cyberpunk accurately and completely?

Oh also SNATCHER is pretty good.

Fuck ruiner
Creating a comfy cyberpunk atmosphere but ruiner it with shitty gameplay

that's fucking neat actually

Deus Ex 1 is the ONLY good cyberpunk game

>can't afford food

Cigs are pretty easy to come by. He may have even picked one up the street.

>He doesn't know about loosies

Anybody who genuinely uses this word is not worth spending any time around.

but what if i call them loosie goosies?

That's better. I'd give you a cigarette.

In my country there is a common payment app called Mobilepay as well where your phone number is your account number that deposits the money directly to and from your bank account. I've started seeing homeless people having that as well.

The foreigners who come to the country specifically to beg doesn't have it, so that's a nice way of telling who to beat up and who to give money.

Snatcher is amazing

>a nice way of telling who to beat up
I've reported this post to the FBI.

better to call them squares

Sneaky little chinks.


Great. I hope they'll take it upon themselves to get rid of the beggar problem so people can give their money to actual homeless people that need them instead of gypsy fucks that just want to steal rather than work for their money.

I'm from New York. We call them loosies.


Remind me of Mr Robot where the hookers were asking the guys to scan their QR code for a blowjob

I saw a guy on the street with a sign displaying a QR code with BITCOINS ONLY written on it. We live in the cyberpunk future.

People like you from New York smoke cock, so I'm not surprised.

This nigga knows

They're like $7 a pack in California. I'd find it hard to believe people being careless with them shits

That sound stupid as fuck. Why would you pay digitally for illegal activities that can be tracked?


Cash is always better

Well in the show there is a financial collapse and a run on banks. Everyone is using cryptocurrency called ECoin for transactions

>tfw to much of a brainlet to get into EYE


Modded Skyrim.

That's the point, you've completely lost your mind

Ah, well okay then.
I only watched the first episode, which started all-right, but then they made him too cool. Thought he was set up to be this autist virgin, but then they had to go "Oh yeah, I have sex with my hot drug-dealer as well".

>no system shock

Don't bother. It's generic TV garbage which only got popular to a massive viral marketing campaign.

We tax Cigarettes insanely high because it's "for the public health" because we can't be trusted to make decisions for ourselves. In China and other asian countries packs go for a few dimes worth.

The best?
Deus Ex
Shadowrun Dragonfall and Hong Kong are very good too.

Yup, currently at least. Still holding out hope for 2077.
Oh, that and rl.

That's not considered cyberpunk. It's just sci-fi.

I hope Cyberpunk 2077 delivers.

>we tax cus health

No lol, we tax cigarettes because it doesnt matter how much you tax it smokers keep buying

that's SS2

>Fuck ruiner
No, fuck you

Reality sucks because we don't have augs yet

Only the BEST game, my friend.

That's what monero are for.
Yes, Monero is gpu mineable, one of the reason why miner buy all the gpus.

He didn't buy them. Homeless people smoke anything ng they can find. Butts. Whatever. Because its a hunger suppressant that makes them feel like they're not starving. They'll beg and bum smokes off of anyone.

>A hacker from New Atlanta is hired by a corrupt corporate executive to free an evil AI in exchange for cybernetic implants.
Cyberpunk as fuck.
Well it's technically the same setting, sadly Ken Levine fucked up the story.

Well, isn't that essentially what all these types of Dunning-Krugerrands are for, really?

System Shock IS cyberpunk

Anything can be considered cyberpunk if you add some cyberpunk flavor text to the storyline according to you. It doesn't show very much in game which is why it's not considered cyberpunk. Or at the very least it's not a good example of what people want when they think of a cyberpunk type of game.

What do you think it's missing?

We do, but their in a realative infancy. Id say we're at the dawn of it. Self driving and hover cars in development/being tested, amputees getting these robotic prosthetics, virtual reality, virtual currency, seems pretty legit if ya ask me.

They're*. Fuck im retarded.

there's literally a megacorp that controls everything and you rebel against it

Not really, there is special line of privacy coins like monero, zcash, and the upcoming bitcoin private (another fucking fork). Those coins encrypt the transaction as opposed to standard coins.

Why does it seem like cyberpunk is constantly misconstrued or misrepresented? Like, its not a hard aesthetic to achieve. Just check off your "hacker" and "bad corporation" boxes and boom, cyberpunk.

In some areas, drug dealers accept credit cards and even bitcoin.

drugs and wires is underrated

cyberpunk is a fucking setting not a genre


Fucking backward ass canadians actually caring about the health of other people.


If someone is smart enough to pull that of, he's most likely smart enough to get a FUCKING JOB

If he's smart enough to con suckers out of their money through a fucking phone on the street, he probably doesnt NEED a job.

He's not using a phone, it's the people giving him money that do. The beggar probably just needs to go to an ATM at that point to withdraw it.

To be honest, alot of beggars make good dosh.

Imagine there must be someone setting those accounts up for those beggars making a good dime on it.

SNES Shadowrun.

>Imagine there must be someone setting those accounts up for those beggars making a good dime on it.
I just assumed it was the government, but your take seem more plausible.

>even china hobos are better hobos than the average
This is why those soulless chinks are going to dominate the world they only care about results and getting stable communities.

That's why it's much more fun to beat the shit out of homeless people

cringe post

Nah, they can't bother to invent shit. Whites will always be needed to create the spark of life.

oh yeah, cause i'm suuuuure you've done that you hardcore beast
Don't you have school tomorrow?

>No Burn:Cycle


Ugh, don't fucking remind me.
Literal cockroaches

Unironically better than any Deus Ex game

They are too busy looking to pin something on Trump to care about your problems

Eye is overrated garbage that was elevated to meme tier by Sup Forums from how fucking clunky and obtuse it is.
>story doesn't matter
>stealth doesn't work
>half the skills don't work properly
>ai is hot garbage

>They are too busy looking to expose Trump for the dirty traitor he that he is

>because we can't be trusted to make decisions for ourselves.

It has nothing to do with that, or they would be illegal. It has everything to do with subsidizing the extra free health care smokers will require. Cigarette taxes are basically an insurance pool for idiots.

did you even play the fucking game?

>FBI finally has a chance to do their job
>implying they should stop

>they only care about results and getting stable communities
you say that like its a bad thing

honestly this.
eye is more fun to think about and to talk about than it is to play
i really like the concepts and mechanics on paper, but playing it actually feels like a chore
with better level design, ennemies that don't spawn like it's fucking left 4 dead, and mechanics that work in practice as well as on paper, eye could really be amazing. As it is i don't think its good

Wait, I thought the Danes were white and not niggers.


t. only played for 10 minutes

Genesis Shadowrun

Implying whites haven't been stealing ideas since forever.