Gaming SOs

Gaming SOs.

Are they good or bad. Do you want to share your hobby or have it be exclusive to you.

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Ranking of gaming so’s

Girl (male) > boy (female) > boys > girls

Ironically this is the correct ranking for everything .

>the perfect pair
BAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. reminds me when i watched thor ragnorak last night and there niggers literally everywhere. like wtf lol why are there so many niggers everywhere. fucking jew kikes propaganda wheres hitler when you need him

playing video games is boring and I'm glad my girlfriend doesn't play them either

Wait, one of those is just two guys not a couple

A-are you ok user?

Depends. The level of acceptability between absolute fucking normie and insufferable nerd is painfully thin. But it's much more preferable to have an SO who isn't entirely into anime and vidya then one who can't shut the fuck up about either.

also this comic is cancer

who else /The Perfect Pair/ here?

Op here and I agree with both points. That comic is absolutely cancer its just the first thing that popped up for gaming couple.

And I agree on the level of nerd for a so.

>Gay for the sake of putting in gay

>the perfect pair
Every fucking time

i tend to be perfect pair or late night grind with my partner. i think its great to share a few co-op games together and then have different games you like to play separate but like to watch them play. my current BF and i play OW sometimes and he calls me mommy and i call him daddy in chat. my ex GF used to watch me play witcher and dragons dogma and i would watch her play Flight Simulator X
i think its good to share, maybe not play together but atleast be able to talk about your games together.

WMBF is superior


I happen to like Korean and Hispanic women too, White America. Where's my representation?


No fuck off with race mixing bullshit you jew

The guy who livestreamed his Mario wedding.

>being this gay

I don't want a companion at all really. I want someone I can cuddle with once or twice a week then we do our own shit the rest of the time.
Playing videogames with women is always a fucking disaster too. Just always. There's always something they miss or fuckup or incessant nagging/whining about mechanics or not understand because they didn't read.

It's like having retards on youtube playing games right next to you.

>come home from work
>wife is topless on skype with guild
>dog is begging to go out
>dishes aren't done
>no food is ready
>take dog (that she wanted) out
>play with him for a little bit
>come home
>do dishes
>make myself dinner
>she's smoked all the pot
>a little bit of cognac left
>drink and go to bed
>she's still topless on skype
never marry a gamer girl

Bad, women who like video games are crazy.

>Hey user can I play this overwatch game you like so much?
>It can be a shared hobby! Just tell me what to do!
>She becomes a mercy main
>Have to carry her, tell her when to use ult, who to heal
>All while I'm trying to play my own shit
>My SR falls massively
>Starting to think I should break up with her over this

>gay propaganda
every FUCKING time

>the perfect pair
>isn't the late night couple

Shit taste from Dorkly once again

Don't worry, she's got the hair color that only rabid SJWs would have. She's propped up on birth control and marxist indoctrination, and is a lost cause to the gene pool.

>My wife and I are a gamer couple

I enjoy playing fighting games in my spare time, more of a personal thing I wouldn't really want to have it as an active part of my relationship.

Rules of life

alternate good end

>Hey user can I play this overwatch game you like so much?
>It can be a shared hobby! Just tell me what to do!
>She becomes a mercy main
>she does really well
>gift her the game on steam, plays waaaaayy better on her rig
>synergizes well with me in comp
>plays other classes and becomes a considerably valuable partner
>have tons of fun btfoing scrubs and having victory sex from time to time
>quality of life improves within an already healthy relationship

>not liking birth control
>not liking being able to creampie your gf with minimal risk if she isn't retarded about taking her pills

>perfect pair is black dude on white girl
fucking kikes

>getting this butthurt over gays

I’m sorry they invaded your safe space.

>thread about gaming couples
>decends into Sup Forums tier buzzwords.

Every fucking time nu-Sup Forums.



Fucking niggers

>gift her the game on steam

>not wanting the late night grind

Fucking faggots.

overwatch isn't on steam

well shit I blew it

I wouldn't mind playing some games, but it shouldn't be the base of the relationship. I want a great that makes me do different things and takes me out of my comfort zone, but will also just watch movies with me and cuddle under a blanket.
I'm going to blow my brains out



Possibly the least fake news site since the election.

Wheres the "I don't play Video games girl, and you need to let me win if you love me"?


>genetic fallacy


or even worse, French

When comics are co-opted by SJWs, it's inevitable that Sup Forums, or even just normal people, speak against the propaganda they spew.

this unironically makes me angry, and i dont even like retro games.

>Over half of the sources linked in the artical don’t exist and goes to 404.

It’s real guys!

>reading articles about women written by literal self-hating faggots
>reading articles written by literally the worst faggot ever
>taking opinions and biases as fact
I'll admit user, Birth control makes women fat and annoying.

But consider the following:
>there are women who do things like exercise and not be or act underage, allowing birth control to affect them less while still being able to have their insides painted
>you probably aren't getting any woman who already isn't fat any annoying without birth control

fake news is still fake news user

I'm sorry, let me correct myself
>retarded opinions and biases as fact

Did you take the wrong turn on your way to reddit?

I'd be in jail for assault and I wouldn't even care.

hell, might even be murder, dunno.

>gay people existing means they are taking over my hobby!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

holy fuck are idiots like you more annoying than even the most preachy sjw.

>Perfect Pair isn't Amorous Duo

Go away homo

who /robot/ here

You're implying all gay people are degenerate SJWs, faggot.

wait there are a couple faggots in there
why is dis allowed
wut about the children?


me and my bf play lots of stuff together if were both interested in it idk i think its nice to share stuff together and be able to bond over it

It's honestly done on purpose because there is no other black character in this comic.

No it's awful. If you both play games she'll undoubtedly want to play with you so what was some of your "own time" is now no longer yours. If you try tell her you want to play alone she'll take it as an insult.

Plus girls are shit at games and you don't want to play with someone who sucks.


Yep race-mixing propaganda everywhere. In my country which has a 99% white population, all adverts have blacks or mixed race babies/ couples.

Do you know divorce is thing, right?

No? What leaps of logic made you think that?

>doing the housework while your wife fucks around all day

sounds like she wears the pants. my wife games too but the last time she did that she heard from me real good, i told shes turning into a total lump and didnt marry her to be paying for her electricity and food. I slept on the couch to teach her a lesson and didnt fuck her for a week. after that the house was spotless everytime i came home and she came and apologized to me. then we had some great sex. God, I love being the man of the house.

>no food is ready
I don't get it.

>women gets half your money
>women gets home
>women get car
>women get kids

Ether way user is screwed and he should have went the Bf route.

I mention SJWs with a clear goal of inserting propaganda into comics, you mention gays existing.

Who is making leaps of logic here?

My wife is currently on a big Dragon Age kick. She and I don't like the same genres really though, so we've only played a few games together.

Black people and mixed race couple exist too. I’m sorry you are so assblasted to realize that.

The fact that they exist has nothing to do with inserting propaganda into comics.

You are delusional if you think we live in such a dystopia, but it's obvious your brain is full of Sup Forumsshit, and know nothing about how easy and painless the VAST majority of divorces are as long there are no children involved, so believe whatever you want to believe, you ignorant.

I have a great time when my wife wants to play, but as soon as anything is challenging, or if she loses, it's game over. I can't understand people who think losing in a game is some kind of problem. You get better by playing and that means losing thousands of times until you don't.

By your logic existing is the propaganda.

>should have went the bf route
>Sup Forums shit

That makes no sense. You don't think there are straight white men who are also SJWs who put the same garbage into comics?

user, this shit does happen. You don't even to be some crazy alt-right bigot to see this problem.

>Interracial couples existing is garbage.

Just keep digging that hole.

>be 5'6, ugly and autistic
>no woman will ever want me, at most they might settle down because they can't get any better than me
>they will never love me
>no amount of effort will ever change this
>see this pic

It's most definitely propaganda.

Good thread, bait-eating retards.


>No amount of effort will change this
Get a good body, some confidence and dress well

No women like pathetic, whimpering, self loathing men, other than those who want to control and exploit you.

Cut that shit out, that's the first step for you.

My wife and I both game, but we don't play the same games by and large. She's an isometric dungeon crawler nut that also plays JRPGs, and I prefer FPS and racing games, though we do overlap on JRPGs enough that we can switch off on controls for a Tales or Atelier game.

>Interracial couples are propaganda


Me and my GF play similar games but they are mostly single player so we normally take turns on the TV and play handhelds when it’s not our turn.

Bad, by a long shot. Anyone who thinks otherwise is still too immature to be in a relationship.

>be 6’0, ugly, and fat
>somehow get a girl
>somehow loves me
>doesn’t care that I’m too depressed to change it

No, this is the reality. Government give women special privileges, because "they get used to a standard of living".
All a woman has to do is trick you into marriage and you're done for, her charade is over, the government will now take her side (well, you don't even have to be MARRIED for that to hapen) and you'll get screwed.
Pretending anything otherwise is brainwashing, it's propoganda, it is telling poor deluded men that you'd enjoy the company of that they were lied to, that women have a shred of decency. They have only evolved for user-y, manipulation, lying, deceit, anything they can to get you trapped. That is it. However good an actress she is, however much you want to believe "she's the one", "this one is different", "not all women are like that", there are one hundred thousand other examples to the contrary, and I'm not going to fall for that.
Posts that defend womenkind in ANY capacity are
1) Fooled
2) Women themselves
3) Virgins who put pussy on a pedestal and can't believe what they've been seeking (not their fault, it's biological) can be so heinous

This backs up FPBP.

Gamer girls are either:
>all of the above

>"But my wife is perfect 10/10 and plays more games than me!"
Sure. I bet she shitposts on Sup Forums in her spare time, too.

Thats the thing, dont be a manlet.

honestly this isnt true. im 5'6 somewhat cute but baby face and super autistic.
I get girls fairly easily because im not a pathetic fuck who just goes on with TFW no GF.
Some simple advice.
Get fit enough that you wear the chub atleast somewhat well. lower your standards. Stop just looking for a GF. Just try to make friends and dont act like a thirsty retard who keeps trying to fuck your friends. Eventually you will be able to find someone.

kek, I know a girl that would do this kind of shit exactly like that

said but also date older. Aim for the 30s. Some Sup Forumstards will tell you it's because women are hitting their wall and reaching the end of their biological clock. However true, there is a marked decrease in bitching with more "mature" women.

pretty much the same for me. the key is to have different tastes