>Be xbone fag
>Wanna get into PC
>Buy one of these badboys for $150 off craigslist
>Spend $80 upgrading RAM, hard drive, and power supply
>Buy GTX 1050 Ti for $180
>Running the games at 1080p60fps at medium to high settings
Who said PC gaming was expensive?
Be xbone fag
Other urls found in this thread:
tryhards its not like modern AAA was good
great bait hehe gottem
>buy top of the line GPU
>1300 dollars
and that's just one part of the whole set up
yea so cheap
If you're an autist who buys the most expensive parts, yeah it's going to be expensive. Just because you can spend a lot of money on a PC, doesn't mean you have to.
>5 months ago was 850
>now nearly 1.5 thousand
so cheap
Then don't buy that one.
Bet you won't even use 10% of its capacity :)
What is that, an Optiplex?
yeah, nah. 1060 minimum for a rig to be considered decent. 1070 to be considered good.
like that other guy said, bait but I'll bite
>1050 Ti
>top of the line
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>top of the line
Retards did. 1050ti is great for 1080p gaming and any i5 is perfectly fine for 60fps gaming
An RX 480 is the exact GPU in an xbone x. Can run 4k 30fps perfectly fucking fine.
It depends on your resolution, retard. For 1080p the 1060 gets roughly 75+ fps on average for Ultra settings AAA games. The 1050ti is a good high settings 60fps card for 1080p. IMO if you're gaming at 60fps you should buy cards for resolution
I just got a 1060 at msrp last week. You just have to not use the internet like a 60 y/o woman.
>Stuck with my 970
>Bad enough I had to endure 3.5gb memes
>Now I can't even upgrade
It's not fair
Perfectly fucking fine for 1080p. Literally not a single game that uses more than 3.5gb vram at 1080p anyway
>Muh ultra textures
If a game has 4k textures that use up all of your vram, you cannot see them at 1080p you fucking idiot. Use medium settings and enjoy it.
this is basically what got my GF into PC gaming. she had an xbone and old laptop. my laptop was starting to go so i decided to invest into a cheap ass PC. bought a broken PC from my friend replaced the GPU with a 1050ti and 1tb HDD and that thing works great. i consider it comparable to consoles but 60fps instead of 30. feels good she just built her own PC and is building another super cheap one to test mods for one of her games that apparently can super fuck up your computer if you get the wrong ones.
user confirmed can't even read
>1050 ti for 180
You could buy used 970 for that price and it would be a lot better
The 1060 is head and shoulders better than the 1050ti when it comes to 1080p resolution. Only the poorest of poorfags or an uninformed consumer would refuse to spend like 80 dollars more for a 6gb 1060 a year ago. Buttcoiners have ravaged the gpu market so you might make a case for the 1050 ti because it has only experienced like a 20% price increase compared to the 1060, 1070, and 1080 which are going for more than double MSRP. If you NEED to game then the 1050ti is an ok option but it will never be recomended again after the bitcoin meme bursts and the used market gets flooded with 1060's and better for lower prices.
Listen up, retard. I know that the 1060 is a head above the 1050ti. The issue is that every frame rendered above 60fps is a waste of power. With vsync and a frame limit the 1050ti will use 95% of its power for what the 1060 would use 80% of its power for, but now that extra money poured into the 1060 is completely wasted.
6gb for a 1080p card? What a fucking waste of money
The savvy consumer futureproofs their system as much as their budget allows. 95% is dangerously close to 100%.
>Future proofing
>With a 1080p card
Yeah I'd love to know I'll be playing at 1080p in 2020
You got me, but I was talking about the past. The 1060 released in 2016.
Hopefully by 2020 we'll have a 1440p 144hz OLED monitors with gsync at reasonable prices, at the very least a successor to OLED technology because that has its share of problems.
I tried getting a 970 or 960 but the 1050 Ti was the best value for what was available.
I actually made a guide for exactly this. I have benchmarks in the video for anyone interested in the benches for the GTX 1060 and GTX 1050 TI
Hey guys,
I don't need a powerhouse PC, I actually have an Xbox One X so I can play multiplat games on that for 1440p/4k.
I'm looking to build a PC for MMOs and the occassional PC exclusive game, or games that just play better on PC.
Would something like a I5 and a gtx 1060 be sufficient for this? I've actually found some prebuilts with these parts for around $650, which seems like a good deal considering card prices.
Just do what OP did, that's more or less the cheapest way to get a decent PC.
It's called diminishing returns
You can buy a PC that's capable of playing most new releases for not very much money
But if you want the absolute BEST, you will pay through the ass for it
So just spend like £300/£400 and you'll be set
Sounds good to me. Prices for a dell 3020 seem really reasonable. After a card and psu I'll get a good pc for cheap. I'm really happy I came across this thread.
Depends on what kind of i5 it is but that kinda build should blow your xbone out of the water and then some.
I'd recommend getting something like this: losangeles.craigslist.org
and then adding a 500w or 600w PSU and a graphics card of your choice, maybe a GTX 1050 Ti, 1060, 970, but something above this range might become bottlenecked by the somewhat old cpu.