What's the cutest game you've ever played?

what's the cutest game you've ever played?

Doki Doki Literature Club.

Sayori is such a cute goofball.


va-11 hall-a

fag this is a gay fag thread for fags! fag!

I dont play games, so I dont care.

All Kirby games are adorable.

don't be silly i'm a boy

world of final fantasy

100% Waifu Juice

that just made it all better

Let me suck your penis silly gay boy

is that supposed to be a problem?


s-sorry i'm not gay



>outside the closet
there is nothing to hide here, sweetie

i never said anything about being gay i just said you were a cute game. im not gay either

t-this isn't video games!
stop ruining my thread with gay posting!

Get on with it already, we all know this is a lewd thread and you either want to suck a cock or get sucked off!

Oh I'm sorry im just going to post a video game here for everyone i didn't mean to interrupt your thread for FAGGOTS ONLY

thank you for staying on topic

Hello Gaythread! I wanted to let you guys know in case you're the same guys in all the other thinly veiled gay threads: The gay guy from one of my circles that I gifted that Far Cry DLC game you guys suggested, has been talking to our group more and we've been playing more games together again.

Thanks again queers of Sup Forums. I wont even sage this post. Have a Picture of a handsome videogame character that will NEVER EVER be in an actual videogame.

Dark Souls

i dunno about the other two but I just said its NOT gay. i didnt even give you chocolates yet, guess you dont want them

Animal Crossing desu

Probably one of these or Kirby.

>handsome videogame character that will NEVER EVER be in an actual videogame.
I'm still fucking mad

I found Elebits to be pretty cute and comfy. Some user reminded me of it the other day. Something about this kid going on an adventure
through the neighborhood just clicked with me.

Stardew Valley was really sweet, apart from all the people trying to drag me into their lives


best game ever
check twitch @conezord

Shantae pirates curse


Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale

What's this anime called agian?