Xenoblade 2 trailer scene

why my thread archived already?

Can someone tell me where the scene at 2:14 is in the game? I don't remember seeing it.


image is of possible doujin content

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I dunno but I'm wondering when 0:45 plays in game, no one's been able to tell me yet

It wasn't in the final game. Could have been scrapped for a better idea

end of chapter 7 i think

at the end of the first chapter

that's not it, I don't mean the song in the second half of the trailer that starts at 1:20, I mean 0:45 - 1:10

I guess you're either not that far yet, or you accidentally skipped the scene

when they fall to morytha

Yes it's at the end of the first chapter. right before you fight Malos.

Rex is wearing his original armor, but it's most likely early version of that.

Finished the game, just scrubbed through the chapter 1 scenes on youtube it never plays

you must be the same person who responded last night. if you watch the morytha scene, you'll see it's rex and pneuma, not rex and pyra.

included pic will help you know the difference

idk what to tell you user. I have autism and genuinely can't tell if you're messing with me. But it is from the end of chapter 1.

watch the scenes from the main menu, or you're a shit poster

it's probably an early version of it

why they do this to us......
if it's in the trailer, then leave it in the game

it almost seems like a version of a scene in chapter 9. the epic one.

Maybe but they seem a little to helpless for it to be that

not shitposting, I can't find that song anywhere

here's the same scene in game, it's got a different song playing

it happens at the end of chapter 7, the only difference is that she is in her Pneuma form, they changed that for the trailer to avoid spoilers obviously


why didn't you say so

whoops my bad, I did mention it on the second post though. Either way I don't remember the song playing anywhere