Is this the soccer of video games...

Is this the soccer of video games? It's like povertyball in the sense that it's free and doesn't require much to get started. You only need a few rocks to mark goalposts and a ball to play divegrass, likewise you only need a toaster to play League.

League is also mainly played by third worlders, just like soccer, since it's easily accessible and they don't know any better games/sports. What do you guys think?

Pretty accurate
The difference is soccer/football is actually good and LoL is trash

This. It's also better than Grid iron that stops and starts every 5 seconds for that ad space. Rugby beats all though.

I disagree. I think with the new Rune system and the constant updates is making LoL a whole lot more viable now and pretty balanced imho.

Until they stop forcing a lane meta and as long as Flash is in the game, it will always be bad
Also last time I checked the pick and ban rates were still not very wide

>Grid iron
I wish australians would leave this board and just drink themselves to death

How do i get good, i don't even know whats good anymore, what can i abuse to d5 again so i can quit, i'm like plat 3 and play top.

uninstall this game and play dota 2 instead

It's still a stupid sport anyway.

>soccer/football is actually good

league of legends is absolute dogshit, but why do you lie?

Rugby Union > Rugby League > AFL > Tennis > Cricket > Soccer > American "football"

>Most Popular video game in the world

Pick one

The vast majority of people alive have shit taste.

good taste

reminder that "popularity = quality" is a logical fallacy and has never been true in any case ever

>The difference is soccer/football is actually good

Pedro no

You can't deny a correlation between popularity and quality because your obscure weeb game didn't attain mainstream appeal.

Are you going to tell me Mario games regularly sell in the millions on name recognition alone?

Yeah there are only 7 champions that aren't viable right now in soloQ, pro scene is different but if you count all regions all champions have been played since rune reforged. Also runes being 100% free and blue essence rework made the new players experience miles better. If someone is interested, it's the best time to play League.

>You can't deny a correlation between popularity and quality because your obscure weeb game didn't attain mainstream appeal.
Do you actually believe that Mcdonald's makes the finest cuisine on planet earth and that Gangnam Style is the greatest piece of music ever composed by mankind?

Things are popular because they're accessible and have normie/retard appeal.

It's Sup Forums dude. All games aside from Deus Ex suck dick.

defend this lolbabbies

Fighting games are the soccer of video games.

MOBAs are the soccer CLUB of video games where you're forced to play with randos and if you don't want to deal with the retard who doesn't understand how to pass the ball, everyone thinks it's you who's the jerk.

wtf i hate starbucks now

>having no friends to play with

It's not the game's fault if you don't bring people to team up with

league has some pretty hot dudes

>Most Popular video game in the world

You mean Candy Crush?

Pic unrelated?

DOTA has better husbandos.

but dota doesn't have furry midgets

yeah it does

Hope you enjoy working with literal cuckolds, Mr Rioter

Meepo isn't cute user

>Not wanting to have an orgy with 5 meepos

Whats the baseball of video games?

t. bronze v player

why do people keep praising the rune shit? they always remake runes and masteries and no matter what, the game is still played the same, just because there are more passive effects doesnt fix the game

DOTA? what's that? is it another MOBA like LoL?

anyone else find this post EXTREMELY ironic considering Dota2 prides itself over being completely free2Play and also suffers from a overwhelming third worlder playerbase problem?

Every other Dota2 Post is someone crying about Brazilians/Peruvians/Russians due to valve not wanting to regionlock (doing so would kill the game as those players are easily at least 70% of the playerbase).

naw not even close, most people can understand soccer in a few seconds evne if they dont play and never seen it before

that is not the case with dota like games

best furry midget

If there were cute, I would
But I've yet to see him even be cute in fan art

even more interesting considering riot coined the term "toxicity". yet they still have the sense to region lock players. probably because they can afford making decent latam servers, but still.

>yet they still have the sense to region lock players.
They literally only do this so they can charge people for server transfers

that and Riot understands the most important factor in determining rather people have fun or not is the COMMUNITY and PLAYERBASE.

Riots entire crusade against "toxicity" was not misplaced and the people who make fun of it are the ones who have yet to critically think about it.

If you have a utterly awful playerbase then anyone who interacts with them in your MULTIPLAYER ONLY game with obviously have a utterly awful time. Makes sense no? Whats the main factor that makes video games fun? Interacting with other people right? (hence why playing games with friends can make even shitty games bearable). The amount of enjoyment you get from a game directly correlates to the people you play against/with.

Language Barrier often plays a huge factor in this hence why Riot was smart enough to erect a fence in the first place instead of doing what S2 did and erecting one halfway through the games lifespan after players begin yelling their heads off.

Riot is smarter than people give them credit for. But people like RiotLyte and DanielZ make them look retarded

if anything its a valuable lesson that russians will never be part of the west