ITT: Bullshit Bosses

ITT: Bullshit Bosses




>Hollow Knight isn't being shil-

I just wanted to start a bullshit boss thread I swear, those are always fun

There's a reason i didnt put HK in the op

Been stuck on this guy for a few hours now

It's my first kirby game, wtf am i supposed to do


I literally cannot beat this guy

Why did they make the first boss so fucking hard?

How do I even damage this guy? The game gives me no hints. This is when Fi would actually be useful...




>Glances in your general direction


Why does this guy fight like a succubus?

How the fuck do you beat this guy? I keep getting Game Overs because of this one bullshit part.

Shoot fireballs


Damn this was a fun boss. Reminded me how fun it is to get completely raped by a boss because you are too slow, your reactionary dodges are not consistent enough and pushing damage is somewhat nontrivial. And then you git gud and feel how your skill level rises rapidly.

Your mom



I literally don't have the reaction time to beat this guy

I know how to dodge each of his attacks, but they are just too fast and there are too many in succession and I just die over and over again. I'm so glad dream deaths dont break your fragile strength charm

Try friendship

Why did this turn into DSP: The Thread?


Not looking at your own character but looking the whole screen helps a bit with reaction time. Once the guy spawns, you know what move he'll be using based on his location. And because the moves will be focused always directly towards you, you can dodge without looking your character. The only exception is the floor spikes.

Not even this for me, that faggot Fassad kept eating bananas so I just said fuck it and grinded on sewer monsters until Kumatora learned PK Ground and beat his shit in. Made the fight against the Natural Killer Cyborg too easy though.

I got memed. The other NPC told me to finish it all and i thought it would turn out to be something amazing. All i got was a charm and i didn't even had the chance to fight him on his dream.

what even is this post

Is that Mike Wazowski?

He's goddamn easy though, the whole late game of Lisa is really poorly balanced.

Not if you play in birdieless mode.

I see your meme boss and raise you this mother fucker

yeah nah m8 how bout u fuckin git gud eh he's piss cuz its a dream fight so you die in the fight you dont die in the game. meaning just equip fragile strength and you're fuckin set

Wouldn't be so bad without the random bouncing that chucks you to the side in front of his fucking drill.


Dude just play Lance

Shin Yggdrasil Untold: Strange Labyrinth featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series?

I can't beat this fucker.

The fight itself is kind of easy, but fuck this.