Should we do away with censorship, age restrictions, copyright laws and let games flourish in a free market?
Would this produce better games?
Should we do away with censorship, age restrictions, copyright laws and let games flourish in a free market?
If you get rid of copyright laws, there will be almost zero incentive for people to try and make new shit. If you think ripoffs, clones, and derivative cash-ins are bad now, they would be a thousand times worse without copyright protections.
>tfw no FC update in fucking forever
Life is pain
go try pregmod if you haven't already
I don't really see age restriction in the gaming community, more like "age demographics". The parents have the final say in what their children play, with or without a MA rating
>censor ship
>age restriction
ESRB ratings are useless
Fuck no thats retarded
If your incentive is money you would just make shit like COD anyways so no real loss there
What? Pregmod is updated daily. They got incubators working too.
I wish there was more content, but it's up to the community to write more.
>Should we do away with
I only want this so I can see the deleted scenes from South Park Stick Of truth.
>age restrictions
Does anyone including parents follow this these days. Anyone.....? Nope.
>copyright laws
I all honesty if we got rid of this. Then no one would make a profit to make any other game. And any developers can use any other developers games and just say it was an original so I would say. NO.
>and let games flourish in a free market?
What market again no one would have any profit to even have market. Everyone would just be stealing everyone else's ideas.
>Would this produce better games?
No you stupid cunt. Jesus you are one of those faggots that thought the purge would be fun. Only to realize it's not after you have been raped for the 15th while trying to enjoy crime being legal. Shut the fuck up.
>copyright laws
You ever see the Google Play store? Every other game is a poorly veiled Mario rip-off or uses assets from whatever they can get their hands on. Copyright both protects creators and forces companies to actually give a fuck about their product to get neet bucks
Want to know how I can tell you're American?
>Assumes everyone is American because he too is American.
Nice logic tard.
t. pic related
Want to know how I can tell you've never worked in a creative field, much less invented anything for the marketplace? Go to China if you want to live in a culture where there's no respect for copyright.
Tard posts picture because Tard is American.
>No copyright law
Yes, it's confusing, and yes, jews abuse the fuck out of it. No, we do not need to get rid of it because jews abuse it to hell and back. It just needs to be reworked.
Copyright law is SUPPOSED to protect YOUR intellectual property. What it does instead, is protect the person who OWNS the rights to YOUR intellectual property, and then sues the shit out of you for even so much as trying to remix it for your class project without giving them royalties.
This is true.
Keep the copyright laws but remove the censorship. Censorship has ruined more games than I can count.
ESRB ratings actually harm smaller publishers pretty badly.
It seriously needs to be removed.
I think what qualifies to be copyrighted is also a problem. Wasn't No Man's Sky being sued because it uses the word "Sky" in the title?
Random guess were they sued because of Sky. because of james Bonds SkyFall?
The fees on them really hurt badly. Thankfully steam doesn't require them.
No, the broadcaster "Sky".
ohhhhh Murdoch got them by the throat with his wrinkly balls in the wind.
I wish more games would explore a world like that one does.
>Should we do away with censorship
I'm okay with this. People should be allowed to make a video game with adult themes and content if they want to.
>age restrictions
Nah, we need that for stupid parents who don't know how to raise their kids.
>copyright laws
Now you're just being stupid.
kill yourself pedshit rat