>nintendo is switching to soy based plastics

*breathes in*

Other urls found in this thread:


Pure pottery



*chokes on a big, black veiny cock glistening in sweat and precum*

>Emily Goldstein

Too obvious


This is fake. It's not a real article.
This is fake. It's not a real article.
This is fake. It's not a real article.

There. We can avoid having a 500 post thread now.


>t. soyboys

*breathes manually*

>faggot OP

Fucking perfect

This thread is going to hit 500 replies no matter what you do.


The fuck is soy based plastic and can we reuse numales to make more of it?

Their plastics already contain soy, why do you think it melts when somethings adheres to it?
They don't last long (still 10 or so years) but its good for the environment, stop complaining

I refuse to believe. Just too perfect.


See you at post limit

>inb4 soyboy

Literally fake news

This gave me a boner

Reminder that soyboy is a term propagated by cuckholds because they are offended by the political use of the term and are trying to make it disappear

Oh boy, here we go.

You can't make this shit up

that is homosexual

>10 or so years
Are you actually saying game consoles have a fucking lifespan now cause the fucking ricejews are too greedy to make good products? What the fuck???

Im glad my biodegradable soy-based plastic meme is still living on

but he did

>soy-based plastic
Education level: Burger.

Someone please debunk this
It overdid it; it's too much, to the point of circling all the way around and ending up not being funny now

i cant wait


< This is what a Sony team looks like

Ten years of normal use yeah, but its far better for the environment when thrown out, plus I'd imagine you could still buy third party controllers in 10 years.


holy shit it writes itself

Why is the PS4 one in this?

>soy will be in plates and cups
So it's over?



>People make fun of soy for having estrogen esc. compaunds
>Nearly all plastics have BPA which acts as a synthetic estrogen
So technically, nothing has changed.
Also friendly reminder to put liquids from a bottle inside a glass first and don't ever use plastic straws, that shit is literally poison.

>*chokes on a big veiny cock glistening in sweat and precum*
Oh my god yes plea-
>, black

Stainless steel straws are god tier

soy based printer ink has been used to print pretty much everything for a while now

Just as real as this one.

Can that disabled guy even hold it?

I hate soy because I hate science and progress.


So assblated by Nintendo Sup Forums has to invent retarded meme to combat their success. Sad!

You're eating the plate?



Don't forget the fact our water is littered with plastic.

this has to be fake



I heard about the tiny plastic parts in water, does this mean in 30-40 years when we are all old there is gonna be a HUGE increase in cancer?
The body cant get rid of plastic

I don't believe this. But then, if you believe anything in this thread you're a fucking retard.

So now we laugh at fake articles?

Look up BPA estrogen