It is ok to play a sorcerer in my first run of Dark souls III?

it is ok to play a sorcerer in my first run of Dark souls III?

Yes, if you want to have a bad time.


stop shillling undermeme

Because sadly magic sucks in this game.

is that bad?

Based cleric or bust

No, because even if DS2 managed perfectly well magic, they fucked it up again in 3.
Leave it for new game+

it's ok. Weak early game it gets stronger on mid/late game

You need 60 points in INT and 2 ring slots just to shoot magic missiles that do damage on par with a refined longsword.

It takes a lot of jumping through hoops to be powerful.
Also one of the strongest spells boils down to farting out a little cloud and waiting for things to die. It's not fun.

Then again most of DaS3 wasn't fun for me. Most builds aren't as effective as roll spam and using a shortsword, longsword or broadsword.

what about the pyromantic?

It's shit. Pyromancer can be really good, but have fun spamming the same two decent pyromancies. And then obviously, miracle builds are garbage.

pyro is the best build in the game imo

for any dark souls you should just put every point into strength why wouldnt you? just hit things and dodge you dont even need hp to do that

Pyromancy is even worse. It scales on INT and FTH equally, so you need fucking 60/60 just to do decent damage.

Is magic good in 2? Just starting it and I don't want boring sword+board again after finishing 1.

almost every single enemy is super weak to fire in Dark Souls 3, you clearly have no idea what the fuck you're talking about

Pyromancies only need 40/40 for maximum power. Most enemies in DS3 are weak to fire, anyway.

Pyromancy is easily the best build for PVE and PVP

>heysel pick R1 into Old Moonlight true combo
>Sniping anons with binocs+obscuring ring+Soul Stream
>Moonlight Greatsword lasers fueled by repair powders

Sorcery isn't at all bad, just misunderstood

Great Chaos FIre Orb by itself trivializes every single encounter in the game that does not feature an enemy that completely nullifies fire damage. You can blow through everything with near base stats and the two pyromancy rings/fire clutch.

If you want fun, or at least a different experience from "cheesewheel rolling simulator 2017" then ye.

Sadly if you're at all interested in weapon arts, you're gonna have a bad time.

if you're playing for optimal damage in pve you're fucking autistic

>so you need fucking 60/60 just to do decent damage.

I'm just telling you sorcerers and pyros are going to lose 9 out of 10 fights in PVP against anybody who isnt a retard.

Pyromancy literally gets good damage with spells from the start. You get all your good spells WAY earlier than anyone else, and you don't need to jump through hoops to get them like with Miracles. Literally you get the best spells all by halfway through the game. The literal only downside is that you don't get any good scaling weapons or infusions until later, since Chaos is in Anor Londo and Dark is in Profaned Capital. The only things that actually pose a threat would be the one or two things that actually resist fire.

Just because you're dogshit doesn't mean the builds bad, it just means you're too stupid to figure out how to use it.

>Dark Souls III
>Miracles teach book location

Pick a weapon, make it raw, pump endurance and health. This is how you play every build in DSIII.

What the fuck are you on?
Dark Infusions are insanely good.
Black Flame is just fucked.
Fire Surge is surprisingly good
Dark Infusions are fucking crazy.
Chaos Bed Vestiges and Great Chaos Fire Orb pump out insane damage.
Boulder Spew can stun lock literally anything (besides players in PvP) that can be knocked over by it.
Gargoyle Spear is still really good despite being nerfed.
Witches' Locks are the only Whip that isn't garbage
You get to use almost every spell because the Crystal Chime exists, and you're already a Dark Build anyway.

Raw is only decent for SL1 runs since Buffs vastly overpower Infusions.

Infusions are more fun though, since you get more spell variety.

Raw sucks complete fucking ass if you aren't Buffing, literally use Fire or Deep if you aren't buffing. Fuck tons of weapons literally do more damage if you juts have the base required stats and Heavy/Sharp/Refined infuse over Raw. I'm not even talking really high requirement ones, literally ones that need only 10-12 in Str/Dex.

You know what's even easier than killing something by pumping stats points into int, faith, attunement, wasting ring slots, and having a limited mana pool?

Killing it by swinging your sword at it one or two times for the same amount of damage.

op didn't ask for optimal pvp builds, he just asked if sorcery is an ok build, which it is. There are better and worse builds and that's fine

meant for

how 2 b anime
flashsword/greatsword/moonlight only
soul stream
magic shield
power within or beacon if you're a pussy
finish every boss/invader/host with soul greatsword, yell something about human spirit, no exceptions

>Magic Shield
My nigga

Magic Shield and GMS are fucking amazing and people seem to forget they exists.

You can't throw your sword from 40 feet away and one hit kill most mobs. sure you have to allocate a few estus but if they're that far away it doesn't matter you're not going to take as much damage in the long run.

>pumping points in str/dex isn't a thing btw

>worried about taking damage from mobs in a game where you can roll 13 times in a row without resting

what about a hybrid Pyromancie/sorcerer?

>heysel pick R1 into Old Moonlight true combo
hold up I didn't know that was a thing, how much damage does it do?

While we're baiting i might as well post this.

A lot.

No. Strictly forbidden. I'm calling the Blue Sentinels on your degenerate ass.

Every build is viable as long as you don't suck outright. Not even joking, you can 100% the games without a build, save for the side quests that require a minimum stat to progress.

Yorshka is cute!


Sorcery is actually AIDs in DS3, everything took a step back from 2.

>estus is now split between yellow and blue, but spells cost both FP and stamina to cast so you're now eating two resources while having less heals
>extremely cookie cutter build if you want to minmax damage, gay little fairy hat
>enemies and bosses are swift and will run you down, making sword sorceries generally the most useful at which point you may as well just be running straight sword
>you can't buff sword catalysts like blue flame
>you can't magic enchant catalysts
>less spell variety as a whole, also the entire hex field is basically gone
>your best spells like crystal sorcery is locked until the end of the game
If anything tells you that sorcery/bows were a total afterthought, consider that the Cursed Greatwood doesn't even allow you to lock onto pustules out of the reach of melee builds.
Generally the thought you will have the most often playing sorc is "why am I not just running a straight sword build?".

Pyro on the other hand is fun as fuck.