Why is there no hype for Dragon Quest XI? For me this is the P5 of 2018 and there's nothing I want to play more

Why is there no hype for Dragon Quest XI? For me this is the P5 of 2018 and there's nothing I want to play more.

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You already made this thread an hour ago and it 404'd so fuck off.

We don't know when it's gonna be released this year and we're waiting for Switch version details

There's a ton hype for it, but there's nothing to discuss at this point. We've gotten literally no news about the localization since July.

>docked mode 3D
>handheld mode 2D

It's most likely going to be a downscaled port of the PS4 version, both handheld and docked.

- Mouths move but no voice acting
- Localization announced, but no release date or scheduled release
- Square Enix in charge of releasing a complete JRPG in 2018

Most people know not to trust those slimy bastards.

>- Mouths move but no voice acting
Don't forget MIDI music.
Which is why you should get the 3DS version where MIDI and the lack of VA aren't as jarring. Also 3DS has substantial extra content.

>requires voiceacting
Just fuck off.

That belt looks uncomfortable.

theres no hype because se doesn't want to talk about it.

Noone cares about your shitty niche nip games. P5 is fucking horrendous on it's own, and i dare anyone to ask me why.

>no 3DS

Literally no one cares lmao

That'd be pretty cool actually.

There has been no confirmation of what versions are being localized.

Because there's no news. Not much you can do about it until then.

Ni No Kuni II is the P5 of 2018

why? also what makes 3 or 4 better than 5

5 is better in terms of gameplay but the characters and story are the most flanderized they've been to date
It makes P4's scooby doo gang look like geniuses in comparison to the chuuni idiot cast of P5.

Senya is stealth best girl. I wish nips could overlook Martina's titties and understand.

NNKII has nowhere near the hype of P5. Too many people were burned by the first one. Even though I think NNKII looks much improved, I don't think it's going to be terribly popular.

Senya's pretty cute.

You'd think she would be their favorite, girls like her are usually more their type

>tfw in the Western version this costume will be replaced with a hijab

Square Enix is too busy with milking FFXV.

>Don't forget MIDI music.
>MIDI in 2018
is this a joke?

Because there's still no release date

If they would have just patched the ally AI it would have been fine

It's no joke, the 3DS version of Dragon Quest 8 is also notorious for downgrading the orchestral music of PS2 version to synth for 3DS.

DQ costumes have never been censored for Western release. It's not half as revealing as Maya's outfit, which wasn't censored in DQH, so there's no reason to fuss.

Wasn't it the same for the DQ7 remake? Wonder why they keep doing this.

Patching the shitty AI wouldn't have made the story not boring or the characters more than completely forgettable.

DQ7 never had orchestral music, it had even worse MIDI on PS1.

Is this coming out for PC?

How did nier get a simultaneous release while dragon quest doesn't?

The orchestral music of the PS2 DQ8 was only for the Western release. It was never in the initial release.

its kinda not great
think dq8 but linear with no exploration
and halfway through the game repeats content

Dq8 was on the 3ds

>DQ costumes have never been censored for Western release
Objectively incorrect

It was not censored for Western release. The costume changes are present in the Japanese version.

Correction, it had orchestral music in the Japanese 3DS version which then got downgraded to MIDI in western 3DS version.
PS1 DQ7 had worse quality MIDI than the 3DS version.
This same thing happened to Dragon Quest 8 3DS where the Japanese version had orchestral music (from the PS2 version) which then got downgraded to MIDI for Western release.

Wrong faggot, both Japanese 3DS DQ7 and DQ8 had orchestral music which got downgraded to MIDI for the West.
They made DQ11 MIDI-only for Japan most likely in an effort to minimize the drama when it came to the West.

Nier didn't have as much text, this game has 50+ hours of story

If I am wrong, please correct me. I am not trying to misinform anyone.

Dragon Quest 8 3DS is censored in both Japan and the West.
But West also got double-butchered with MIDI music while Japan had orchestra.
There's a mod for hacked 3DS to restore both uncensored models and orchestral music.

too japanese for dumbfucks at square enix usa. any game with long texts are delayed release.

What platforms is this on?

Automata is an action game with not even half as much text as Dragon Quest 11.

PS4 and 3DS, currently. It is also supposed to release on the Switch in the future.

3DS and PS4, 3DS version has more content and is two-games-in-one.

That's because it was on a Nintendo console. Nintendo are the thought police, Sony doesn't care.

Any good waifu material?

>3DS version has more content

Really? What's added?

Every girl in DQXI's party is great. Even the male one.

Extra sidequest story dungeons, including visiting worlds of older DQ games. Completely hand-crafted, no RNG shit like the SpotPass dungeons of DQ7.

Depends on what you like. But yeah. Chances are you'll like someone.

That's a nice tummy.

I hate how literally all the returning outfits from DQ8 are censored in DQ11.
All of them have same censorship applied to them like on the 3DS version of DQ8 and the Playboy Bunny instead of being like it was on 3DS is instead covered up even more by adding this shitty trenchcoat.

More hyped for DQB2 desu

The tux coat on the bunny suit doesn't bother me at all. The only thing I don't like is the stockings under stockings thing going on with the divine bustier.

At least we can't blame the west for this.

But we can blame CERO which only got stricter because of ESRB pressure, which in turn does make it actually the fault of the West though Japan is more at fault for actually giving in to the pressure.

because 9, 10 and the last three remakes were shit

Noice, need to see more of that outfit



didnt the 3ds has more content than the ps4 version?

fuck yes, thats what I wanted to see

fucking chestlets, when will they learn

It does, see There's also the fact that 3DS is two-games-in-one.
You've got the the normal mode which plays like the PS4 one just with worse graphics but extra content, and then you've got the SNES-mode where it plays like if the game was made on SNES, with SNES-accurate visuals and mechanics.

you say it like it's a bad thing


> the P5 of 2018
You answered your own question

Please kill yourself



So in other words, it'll be forgotten within a year after release.

Oh look, a dumb consolewarrior.


Honestly, unironically, because there is no voice acting. I am not even shitposting. How the fuck do you release a home console game in 2017 with no voice acting?? Also the midi soundtrack. O don't know what the fuck they were thinking.

I really want to like this game, but I just can't.

Wait, i can actually read this.
Why is it mostly hiragana?

it's for kids.

DQ doesn't actually use any of the really really complex shit despite being a RPG. That's how it's always been.

>How the fuck do you release a home console game in 2017 with no voice acting?
Not everyone is so mentally-deficient that they can't enjoy a game without it.

Which version are you getting? I'm getting 3DS because I don't want a PS4 but the switching between graphical styles sounds kind of like a pain in the ass. I'd be fine just doing the whole thing in 2D but there's stuff you can't do.

There's speculation from Japs that the English version will add VA for cutscenes. Supposedly there's no VA in the game just because it's appealing to nostalgia and old ones didn't have it, but the West doesn't have that same nostalgia for the series and it'd be unacceptable for a new game in 2018 to not have VA.

DQ games are literally made for kids, they're equivalent of 3+ rating in Japan.

I'll be getting both the 3DS and PS4 versions, unless the Switch version has new content I'm interested in.

It's just DQ, they're all the same.

I'm afraid the game isn't going to be interesting enough to justify playing it twice

>I'd be fine just doing the whole thing in 2D but there's stuff you can't do.
But that's false, you can play the entire game in 2D. The game literally starts with both at once and after prologue forces you to pick one and rest of the game plays entirely in that mode you're locked to.

You can change the graphics mode in each town. There are dungeons exclusive to each mode. You can't jump in the 2D mode.

Do you really have nothing better to do? Did DQXI fuck your mom or something?

Really looking forward to this on the Switch.

I know there's dungeons exclusive to both but that's the entire point, the 2D mode is SNES-accurate not just visually but also mechanically. Battles work like on SNES and so does the overworld.
The 3D mode plays just like the PS4 version does with walking around, visible monsters, combat mechanics etc.
Your post implied that you can't play through the main story and quests entirely in 2D or 3D which is false.

>ESRB pressure

Prove it.


The west doesn't give a shit about it, which is fucking sad.

Just post more Martina.

The reason is Sugiyama is a douchelord who helds his orchestral OST hostage to sell ticket concerts.

I'm not insulting the game, dude. I'm excited for it. I'm just worried that the story won't be good enough for me to want to play it twice in a row.

OK, I misunderstood what you meant.

>Dragon Quest XI
It came out already