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Still off in the corner, being out-performed in every category by Chad Thunder-Axe.

>he doesn't know that the hammer is the most broken weapon in the game

Enjoy your animu morph shit tho

Right here my nigger. This game's fucking amazing, just got to Coral Highlands and haven't even touched another weapon, everything is so much more fluid now.
Any other xboners itt?


Hope you can keep up while I blast everything dead in three minutes with Ultra AED spam.



Fuck yeah I love slides.

And then you fail the quest because swinging your retarded glowstick around is staggering your team and making them cart.

when i play this it feels like half the hunt im just charging shit, with hammer i can go straight down to business


>In the middle of the coral high lands
>Only one armor set in the entire game with a set bonus
>Minor skills on armor vary between useless and horse shit.
>no reason to grind out any of the armors at all.
>Weapon progression is stopped by inexplicable question marks

So is this going to get any better? Is there a post game or something?

Your first MH?

Keep playing through the story my dude, the gane will only show what you can actually get at the time.


so are hammers finally not trash like pre-tri or what

>When the monster's sleeping and you land that Charged Big Bang


>Get Zora Gem
>Make Zorah Mag Hammer
>pic related

>the hammergin vs the chadge blade

The meme power of this game is insane

>Start escort mission
>its named "The best kind of mission"

There are plenty of sets with set bonuses, you haven't unlocked them yet.
Skills are great, especially if you coordinate them with your weapon. There's a stun boost skill that lets you knock monsters out faster with a hammer.
Investing in armor isn't a great idea in the early game because the stats aren't worth the materials needed. You should only craft 1-2 sets before hitting lategame. Later monsters need somewhat decent defense to not die in one hit to.
Weapon progression is stopped by story. You need to get through more of the game, see more monsters and collect more materials.
You've only scratched the surface of the game so far, your options are limited. There's a shitload of options by the time you're midway through.

>charge blade buffed like fucking hell, bully monsters into submission with infinite AEDS and charged sword mode
>Long Sword practically invincible jumping samurai now

Why would you use any weapon but these 2 now

Alright user I'll see where things go, but unless there is some new tier of armor that actually becomes useful and overites the old tiers, it seems like its going to be shit

damn, sakura lookin better here

>Decide to start off easy with SnS as I can't be fucked with GS/hammer, just wanna go fast
>able to regularly land stuns with the shield and get all breaks on even diablos and rathalos and get the kill in under 5-6 minutes

HOly fuck you guys weren't wrong about them nerfing the fuck out of the difficulty. And I thought 4 and generations were easy...

>tfw got shat on for years for maining the long sword
>muh low DPS
>muh friendly fire
>tfw MonHun World comes out

>CB is the new LS and shitterbait
What went wrong

Tell me about the dual swords, how do I use them

>Hitbox is only an inch infront of my face
>No way to close the gap short of running forwards
>One dodge eats half your stamina bar.
>Monster just walks forwards mid combo and fucks your whole combo up

Because you develop terrible habits with MHW's CB. It makes you a worse hunter.

Hammer and Twin blades dual main here for ultimate spin2win

>jog up a wall for a foot or slide down a slope for a foot
>transform into a 1-ton pinwheel of bludgeoning
>get up and do it again

Learn your timing
All that stuff has nothing to do with DBs, you just need to learn the monster's patterns more. All monsters have huge openings you could easily sneak 2 demon mode combos into.

>retards actually payed $60 for vanilla

i can only play GS. am i bad?

hold the fucking phone

did he just do a hadoken ingame

>>No way to close the gap short of running forwards
devil mode + circle you mouth breather
also this

IG main here. I never get fucking tired of vaulting around in the air like a madman.

>being so insecure about having to wait for the game that you have to shitpost just to feel better

I never get tired of watching you mosquitoes get swatted out of the air.

I'm usually a hammerbro but starting off gunlance this time.

>waiting 9 months to play a game because you're autistic
Damn shame, also if you can't make back 60 bucks in the time it takes for the port comes out on PC you got bigger problems.

How do you deal with being slow GLbro?

Can I start farming the entire alpha and beta armor series now or is there an even better series later on?

Was pumping in to my greatsword, till I found out how satisfying it was to big bang dudes in the face. Got it to first level Anjanath hammer. Should I keep going fire, or is there some better upgrade path?

I'm using gs and while I like it I don't really like the designs of the swords. I hope they get better but if they don't I've tried the long sword and like it. Am I a bitch for using it? I know you'll say "just use what you want" but I wanna know if the long sword is a cool weapon?

They keep getting carted since they have no idea of the monster's attack pattern.

Kulu Hammer is the best hammer early on. Great damage and 15% affinity.

>the lance charge
I love being don quixote

anjanath is pretty damn solid for a while. Make sure to have a back up blade weapon for whenever you need tails/something res to fire.

Longsword is just a big ass katana. They've given it some really cool moves this time around. It's got good mobility, Fade Slash is an evasive slash that you can use to the side or backwards in a combo.

It's all about building up a big combo so your longsword does more damage. No ones is a bitch for enjoying a weapon they love to use. You're only a bitch if you stop other people from using their weapons. Tripping other players online can do that.

>tfw have to wait for months or a year till Capcom releases a complete edition

Is SnS fun?

I haven't seen one person use it

So did the sword that won the fan weapon contest get added to the game?

I'm used to it from 3u and 4u, y'all getting me hype to try hammer again though.

Fucking katana users take up so much damn space and interrupt my big bang all the time

Why do the best hammers always look so stupid?

Just dropped into deep vale. Don't know what qualifies as early game

Now I gotta ask if my pukei great sword was a good choice, or should I work on something better for the bone?

Tell those mouthbreathers to stop spamming their spirit combo then.


Its alright, kinda just bleh in this game, can't get too many high element ones.

Its simple but a lot of fun. It can be useful to have one in a group as they can use an item without sheathing, so you can get a save with alifepowder if a teammate is in danger. It's DPS is heavily reliant on exploiting elemental weaknesses. And, in this game at least, you'll never have a problem breaking parts.

MHW scrub here. What does Power Charge do for hammer?

I'm here to blow shit up.

>Expect Guitar / Keyboard horns
>stuck with digeri-don’ts and bagpipes.
Should I just pick up lance and cut my losses now?

HH is a trainwreck in this game, pick a new weapon.


So all these people complaining about weapon development being halted by question marks, this is like from previous titles right? I think I remember you needed to hunt a monster and get specific drops from it first, hides, scales, claws, etc, before the upgrade would appear at the smithy. Then you could see what other materials you need to create it. I also remember something like this happening with lagiacrus armor and I could see what I needed to make the whole set other than the helm and vambraces because I never had owned a Lagi claw or a lagi horn so they wouldn't show up while everything else would

I only just started World but it seems to be the same as before in that aspect, can anyone clarify? Also is there no more skill threshold? you just get the skill outright?

don't have the game since waiting for PC but glad theres people with taste on Sup Forums
also how is the ost in the game? anything close to this youtu.be/gku4V5IhZ-M

>dragon punching a dragon



Every area has good music. The hate is just nostalgia.

>tfw too lazy/dumb to micromanage ammo types

>They actually added Kirin
For FUCKS sake. The most boring tedious fight in the series. Just so some 'I wanna be the girl' faggots can dress up as fapbait.

go be gay somewhere else

Its different. Wasn't such a fan at first, but it suits the new style better imo.
Music fades in and out as you track and lose monsters, and smaller monsters have their own music tracks when they gang up on you.

I'm actually really enjoying it, but the tracks aren't as memorable in and of themselves as things like youtube.com/watch?v=BaZLimdhNtU
Think botw's more ambient approach, but not quite to that extent.

>tfw kirin is the only one you've failed the quest on

Apparently the japs found out that the LBG/HBG are completely fucked and the melee attack does more damage than every single ammo type except slashing

I ended up just picking up an LBG and spent 30 minutes spamming shells at its face. Such an incredibly dull fight.

>blowing monsters away wyvern ammp
>raining hell on them with clusterbombs
>making blademasters cry as our slicing ammo does their job ten times better
>landing perfect snipes

fucking noice

>bowguns not only outdamage blademasters, but now make better blademasters
How do meleefags avoid necking themselves

>LBG/HBG are completely fucked and the melee attack does more damage than every single ammo type except slashing
I noticed this earlier when I downed a mosnter, completely forgot about wyvernfire and just began bashing it. Got 3 stuns off that way.

Does anyone else us bows? These things are fun as fuck yet I've yet to see anyone else with one.

this tbqh

I think the games music suffers because they want more environmental music than epic, boss sounding ones. compare youtube.com/watch?v=MmSVcECIS9A which sounds like "I found a teostra!" compared to youtube.com/watch?v=w2vtoCFxJLY which sounds like I wandered into this motherfuckers den and he's about to fuck me up. the music is not awful but its definitely not memorable. basically the botw effect

Because the Hammer is more powerful than both

>can you decide for me which weapon is c-c-c-cool?

Literal fucking soyboy

>start with lance
>it's boring
>switch to switch axe
>it's fun but I feel like i'm not playing it quite right
should I try out hammer? I feel like i'm pretty invested into switch axe

LS is still the shitterbait. Everyone still uses that garbage weapon

How do I play bow? I just spam spread shots and the arc shot that makes all the little balls drop.

They both sound the same to me. Just different tones. The first sounds more cinematic.

>be longsword main forever
>Try out Hammer during the beta
>Can't go back to the pitty pat style of the Longsword



that impact


yes and no. in the other games you could see the tree so you wouldn't know that there are more weapons. Everything past the blocked point is stuff you couldn't make till you get farther into the game anyway so not sure why people care.

That's how it is with this game with tier 4+ weapons though? Or is Sup Forums just not that far yet?

>like the Hammer the best
>think the Longsword designs are way cooler

So when are they going to start dropping in DLC monsters? Once they start coming out is it going to be a new one every week,two weeks month?

The longsword just seems worse than everything else in this game. I switched to gunlance and I get kills a lot faster.

>You cannot join the quest until the leader has watched all cutscenes. Wait and try again

Why the FUCK did they merge the single player and multiplayer quests, but then prevent you from playing all the story quests through with a friend? You should be able to queue up the story quests and just have all the players view the cutscenes at the same time, but with their hunter in it. Having to wait until all the cutscenes have ran is fucking retarded.

The hammer moveset looks so plain. Is it really that satisfying?

after a certain part of the story more weapon trees open up.

Also you couldn't see the trees in the older games fucked up my typing