No video game based on Ernest P. Worrell

>no video game based on Ernest P. Worrell

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Literally who?

Wow. Just wow.

>Ernest Stars In a Game
Whats a better title?

what kind of a game would it be?

And that is a good thing
Only thing better would be no movies with him


Japanese Tactical RPG a la Fire Emblem

>ernest [does what the games plot is]

>pedo level

>Ernest P. Worrell

>Passed away at 50

Fuck my life.

"Hey, Verne! It's Ernest!"

>Ernest Saves the Orphanage


such great memories of watching his videos as a kid

Bart vs the world but with Ernest

You have to be this tall to post here.

Sandbox with clumsy controls

Ernest was a handyman (yes, I am in fact familiar with Ernest lore). So it should be about him doing various jobs. But you'd have total freedom to accomplish them any way you liked, and EVERY object in each stage would be interactive, and most tools would work wrong or at least occasionally malfunction is some kind of comical way.

Think of it as a PG level-based version of Postal 2.

Hatred (but with Ernest!)

CAREFUL now.. they be PISON

What was it about this guy that people liked so much? He always seemed strange, but not a good way.

neo-Sup Forums

5 captchas, jesus christ.


Marketing character from the 80's/90's. Later spun off into movies. Gimmick was that he is extremely incompetent and stupid, but by sheer luck, everything works out for him.

Reminder that jim varney died of lung cancer because he smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day. Ernest movies used to take extra time to film because varney would take constant smoke breaks.

He was pretty much a live action Goofy.
And people love Goofy.

know what i mean, vern?

>ernest burns down an orphanage

Game loosely based on this great movie.
You create a kid to play as and Ernest is your AI controlled side kick. The game involves you defeating trolls using Ernest. Maybe in the same way as Evil Dead on the PS2. Multiple stages with very very demonic scary settings. The type of settings very out of place. Weapons are all crafted from whatever you find a pick up system similar to Dead Rising.
Also Miak somehow.

Miak is out of season

how much does goofy weigh?

Heh, fat chance. He was stupid enough to smoke and he died of lung cancer. There is no such thing as luck.

I wonder what compelled people to smoke so much back in the day.

Wasnt it some crazy high number like 90% of americans used to smoke? Aggressive tobacco marketing? No surgeon general warnings?

The troll in this movie used to scare the absolute shit out of me.

How about some stupid Ape Escape rip-off except he's hunting gophers with ridiculous home-made implements
Super-intelligent gophers are optional

That movie scared the fuck out of every kid i knew.

Oh and everytime you die your turned into the tiny stone. And another kid takes your place ala ZombiU

rip slinky dog

It was worth every puff, his voice was great.

>I can't separate TV from reality

It's legitimately addictive, and calming (even if that's just taking the edge off of cravings). Also much cheaper back then. Just a cheap easy way to relax that you could do anywhere anytime

I would be fine with it if it was some point click adventure like Monkey Island

I always used to think he was his mexican brother

Ernest Saves Christmas
Ernest Scared Stupid
Ernest Goes to Jail

All required viewing.

Bro, ernest goes to camp is GOAT

Uhhhh, does a game called "Super Mario Bros." ring a bell???? DUMBASS!

Young man, I couldn't help but notice the lack of diversity in this game.

Saves Camp was the peak.

With the amount of cigs ive watched Steve smoke they definitely looked classy and easy to get in just about any pack size.

What about Ernest Goes To Camp?

Even the fucking intro scared me as a bab
god bless man


He was asked the question and he pretty much said everyone has an annoying neighbor/family member/friend that is like Ernest that we love and hate at the same time. That's why people liked him because it was amusing and relate-able.

>Ernest likes hurting people

Jack Thompson would have a field day with this user.

He gets a kiss from her on his cheek at the end of the movie.

It's fine, it's pure and alright. We demonize such actions nowadays.

chavo del 8
that's a great underrated series.

Replace the last character you played in a videogame with Ernest
He has all of his asspull ability when shit gets dangerous.
How does he do?

Ernest was too pure for this world.

she's like fucking 25

>never knew I wanted this till now
Somehow I imagine it being something like Zombies Ate My Neighbors

I've had that happen to me.
I chew constantly on my pens and markers and the ink that comes out of there taste terrible.

this should catch you up

You're weird.

Pretty good actually

>Ernest Goes to E3

wasn't his gimmick also that he was genuine and good and therefore came out on top because good guys win etc etc? Or is my memory off?

>mfw i used to think my uncle was Jim Varney
>looked the same and wore the same clothes
>even did all the Ernest mannerisms

He looks better with longer hair.

>Corruption of Champions

Racism didnt exist in the 90s

You're brain-washed.

Just pay for the gold pass or whatever. It's the best thing I've ever done.

>Hey, Vern, you lookin' at the moon tonight? She's awful big, ain't she? Now, lissen, Vern, I got hired by tha' big ol' far-mo-sooticul place what looks like a church on the hill over there? There's a buncha dogs out loose tonight, prob'ly howlin' at the moon! 'n they're BIG suckers, some kinna MUTANT puppies, wooey. So here's the plan: I catch 'em in this net, 'n you hold open th' cage. I'll drag 'em in and toss 'em in, 'n ya slam the door shut behind 'em, lock 'em up, and throw away the key! Y'got that, Vern?

Goes to Jail is essential Ernest

These 2 guys were pretty good too

>be on Sup Forums
>someone calls you weird, on Sup Forums
>gets super defensive
You are only making yourself seem weirder.

>no video game based off Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe

>letting g00k win

I'd want the Aunt Edna DLC, know what I mean Vern?

>Goodniss gracious, vern, we fell into a big doohicky, ain't we? Shucks, one second I'm at th' big town potluck 'n the second I'm sittin' in front o' this big ol' swirly thing.
>Heck, you know what? This must be New Mexico! Tha's why there ain't nothin' here, it's the new one, nothin's built yet! We should go see if we kin get into proper meh-he-coh where stuff's all built up. C'mon, Vern, a lil' adventure never hurt no one!
>Oh, hey, there's a local! Wow, I dinnae know meh-he-coians were so small 'n... Green? Wuh woh. Hey, Vern? I don' think we're in New Mexico. We must be on...


Anyone else watch his BuckMaster safety videos "The Misadventures of Bubba"? Hilarious, check it out on YT.

Wasn't he racist?

sorry but im going to decline, thank you for the offer

Not defensive, just tell it like it is.

i didnt know mike rowe did movies


sure why not
go away


Pillars of Eternity. I honestly want an RPG where I can play Ernest now.

Never heard of this before. Will check it out.

>paying for Sup Forums
I'd rather suffer a broken captcha system instead of giving money to this shit-heap of a site.

>Ernest goes to /gsg/