Frieza tricks bois
Dragon Ball FighterZ Thread
>3 reskin characters
Nice "season pass" LOL
>nothing confirmed yet
Nice "shitpost" LOL
Did you save this shitpost just for when the thread was made?
What's the purpose of Ginyu? Am I supposed to be playing him like Android 18 in terms of special assist mixups and that stuff?
>What's the purpose of Ginyu?
One of the "leaks" was Broly
It's obviously fake
Could it be that base Goku and Vegeta are just alt costumes and not real DLC characters?
Or is that too much wishful thinking?
Any others besides hit?
eh looks like 3 and 3 to me
why is Goku Blue so underwhelming damage wise?
also who do I play neutral with Goku Blue?
DLC has been datamined:
-Cooler(Final Form)
-Fused Zamasu
-SSB Vegito
-Base Goku
-Base Vegeta
-17(DBS Ver.)
Does anyone else not have enough brain power to use assists while performing a combo?
you keep spamming the TOKUSENTAI until you get an opening to do a combo, then keep spamming TOKUSENTAI til death
not nearly enough faggot
Cell has the best VA. Disappointed the Piccolo didn't get better voice direction like in the old anime
>5 and a half Gokus if you count Bardock and Fused Zamasu.
>You're a clone of your own son
Kaioken Base Goku having a dramatic beam struggle finish with Saiyan Saga Vegeta would be sweet as fuck, plus alternate path with Saiyan Saga Vegeta winning and also him killing Nappa. Vegeta had Oozaru too. Fuck the haters; that'd be dope.
Teen CHADten when?
he's actually a very solid point, he requires no meter at all and his summons are pretty great. also CHAAAANGE is maximum asspain
it's not as complex as it looks once you get the hang of the summon order
post combos
Teen Goten is literally just Gohan but with a worse voice and less smart.
Let's play a game of
So which character are you guys most happy to see, and which are you least happy about?
Post a cooler super.
>tfw repeatedly whiffing 18s grapple
What are you using to play DB FZ Sup Forums? Dualshock 4, PSX Controller, fighting stick?
Right here coach
Good thing kid buu is a thing
what if i post android 21 instead
Tips for Beerus? My main problem with him is approaching against players who know how to deal with his slide.
Any useful orb setups?
Just fucking redo it
About to pick up teen gonna, any tips? Or a certain playstyle hes best suited for ?
>Bought this game despite not liking dbz that much
>Have no idea who I want to play
>least happy
base goku/vegeta and 17
>Play Casual Matches
>Get nothing but beaners with shit internet
>-Cooler(Final Form)
Can't wait to play as this fucker.
Broly, Bardock and the base forms were in Budoten, they're literally just recycling shit because they're fucking lazy
>no 3rd female character
Cooler, i guess.
the base forms/ They';; have to have drastically different moves for me to be "okay" with them.
I think you have an extra chance to make people mad with him
so can android 21 just not put people into the OTG knockdown state?
Bardock and Broly everything else is cool
>least happy
Base forms and 17
>most happy
>less smart
How did he end up getting an ojou-sama then?
Can someone with the Steam version post the global achievement percentages for DBFZ?
My team.
I simply can not get a match. Every time I queue up I get kicked from the lobby.
zone with orbs, beam assists and just keep 2h ready. Most people can't deal with that and basically run into their own deaths, and you can confirm the 2h into a full knockdown with ball oki.
Broly is the only good one. Where is kid Goku and Roshi?
Street smarts > Book smarts
Because she's a typical woman and Goten's a friendly superhuman buff male which basically would make any girl wet.
>most happy
Fused zamasu
base, its going to be the same shit but with spirit bomb and garlick gun instead of kamehameha and final flash.
Maybe base goku will get kaio ken
Yep. I can barely do combos as it is.
Vegito is literally the only one I'd buy
>mfw I'll school scrubs online all day with Cooler, Kid Buu, Fat Buu team.
I can't wait until a few months from now where retarded data miners get BTFO and this is just an alt costume for Vegeta. Then the base Goku just being a model for his dramatic finishes, story, and outro shit.
not a woman on that planet who wouldn't want a super saiyan husband to mating press them 10 hours straight
>Super dash and vanish are safe to make actual movement basically redundant
Super Dash is very easy to punish, some characters can even punish it on block. Vanish costs a meter and doesnt give you a combo raw.
>combo routes for almost all characters are extremely samey
It's Day 3 and most people are using a general magic series that many characters deviate from.
>it takes the Marvel route of making fundamentals and fighting game basics completely optional.
The options in the game promote being proactive in your defense (Deflect, raw Vanish which is better on defense than offense) and constant resets to neutral. There is also a lot more neutral in this game than Marvel 2/3 from what I've seen. A lack of free flight, 8-Way airdashes, and meterless empty teleports (aside from Black and sometimes 21) helps.
>But super dashes still beat every fucking normal except 2H
That's just not true.
>will punish you from fullscreen if you are doing anything at all, go through fireballs, track 360 degrees with perfect accuracy
Neither is this; the tracking is not perfect and beam-priority projectiles beat it clean.
>convert to a full combo on hit
Raw Super Dash only gives you a full combo if you spend meter on Vanish after a staircase.
>on block leads into a combo, can be made completely safe
How in the fuck does it lead into a combo on block? It's only safe with assists which can be said for anything, and the assist timer is very long in this game.
>You can even do it from unsafe normals on block to turn it into a safe frametrap that they have to predictively use 2H
The startup is so long and distinct that you can 2H on reaction half the time if there's nothing else to block at that moment.
>where they will be punished if you do anything else
2H literally covers any airborne attack, so it's more than just that one option that it covers.
>Absolute rock bottom lowest common denominator gameplay with no depth whatsoever.
Maybe watch anybody other than complete scrubs.
Problem is that every character with a decent projectile just instantly destroys all orbs. How do you deal with that?
There's nothing better than making a team of lorewise jobbers or unwanted characters, people take the piss so easily with them
Go by play-style. Despite liking certain characters more, I'm still enjoying characters more than the ones I like solely because of the way they play.
>the absolute STATE of mahvel
17, will most likely be a main for me
Who the fuck is Zamasu?
Not at all like 18. She uses 17 for constant up-close pressure, Ginyu is meant to fill the screen with tons of mid-to-fullscreen bullshit between the Force and assists and get small hitconfirms here and there off of it. He doesn't use meter unless he has a kill confirm or has a really good chance to Body Change.
>saw a combo video where someone did death discs and chased them with a crouching medium that went under the discs
>assumed no one would ever fall for it but tried it out anyway
>they always fall for it
>not happy
base vegeta
DBS 17
I'm gonna play devil's advocate for base Goku here since he can probably use some stuff from the original DB (the staff, the cloud, tail moves, one of his supers could be him turning into an ape)
>Super Dash is very easy to punish,
This. Try spamming super dash online on ranked and see how much you win. You'll pick up some wins on casual only by going super dash->auto combo but that's as far as you'll get with it.
Dude, most people playing this game are scrubs, of course it will work
>those retards online who just stand still across the level waiting for me to super dash into a heavy
Like really, do you not think I'll just Ki-blast the shit out of you?
>17 who has fuck all and is already represented in the game
>shits on the character who has a fuck ton to full from in both the anime and the manga and was a main villain
Goku Black's original body.
>Who the fuck is Zamasu?
A Kaioshin from another universe who got really butthurt that he got slapped by Goku one time so he decided to commit genocide in Future Trunk's timeline.
I'm stilll hoping these leaks are bullshit but,
Broly seem like he will be a lot of fun to play and 17 is always my boy.
Cooler, who is just a shitty Frieza, and Base Goku and Vegeta. Holy fuck what a waste of everyone's time those two are.
>every major player is going "fuck this" to learning Trunks
g-guess I'll just come up with my own combos then
This is a longshot, but maybe someone in this thread can help me, since googling has provided no results at all. My game is capped at 50fps for some reason. No other games on my pc are doing this, and I can't figure out how to get it to 60. Even with lowest graphic settings it's stuck at 50fps.
It's shit
>"well of course the player count is lower, it's much olde--"
>check the all-time peaks
ChrisG said he was interested in Trunks, you might get something there
Buu footage when?
Can you do a mix of jap and dub voices for different characters?
>Want to use light 17 assist
>Do light command grab instead
This has happened way too much over the weekend. 236L just feels way more natural for that move.
The level 3 supers for 18, Beerus, Trunks and 21 (the air one).
>Base Goku
>Base Vegeta
Absolutely deplorable.
needs tide pods shooped inside his mouth
Who looks cool? What kind of fighting style do you like?
I unironically am excited for Broly & Bardock solely for gameplay reasons. I really think I'll enjoy how they play, and one of them will probably replace Black as my anchor unless their assists just suck. 5th Form Cooler is neat too, I like that design a lot and didn't really expect him.
Zamasu & Vegito were givens. Now you can do teams will all fusions or all gods if you want. I'm sure they'll have neat gameplans.
Base Goku/Base Vegeta/Ranger 17 are meh choices, but I trust ArcSys to make them unique and fun in-game. Kaioken, Oozaru, barrier shenanigans, whatever.
I kinda wanted Roshi, Toppo, and Janemba, but those were all kinda longshots. I'm mildly surprised at no Jiren, but he will probably be the first character shown off for the next Pass.
Can't wait to main Cooler and school scrubs like you. Cooler will be special just for the salt he will generate. Plus he was always the better brother.
cooler brings nothing that broly didnt
actually its five (5) Goku's.
It's shit and I don't acknowledge this as the list until we see it all confirmed.
>Plus he was always the better brother.
well it's easy when the other is just a manlet
Here's something to help you brainstorm in the meanwhile
superkids BTFO
Here's a combo I did, but I'm not sure how optimized it is. Yeah, takes 5 bars, but I was going for flashy / kill percentage.
I don't care if it's bait or not at this point, people saying Bardock counts as a Goku gets me butthurt every time, because there's absolutely zero similarities besides their hair in base form.
Serious question, are people gonna get pissed at those dlc characters ?