The spirits, including lead designer Magnus, overwhelmingly agreed that creating Mundus...

>the spirits, including lead designer Magnus, overwhelmingly agreed that creating Mundus, nirn and mortal life was a huge mistake
>they all left except for a tiny minority we know was the Aedra
>Even the Aedra were so pissed they killed lorkhan for tricking them into making mundus
>the Daedra knew from the start it was going to be a mistake and didn't get involved, thus being outcast and creating their own planes in oblivion
>Thalmor want to undo the mistake of creating Mundus and let life return to the superior form it descended from
>Thalmor and Daedra are somehow the bad guys

>Thalmor and Daedra are somehow the bad guys
Everyone is a bad guy except House Redoran and Indoril

That's not even how it happened, n'wah.
Get the fuck outta my mushroom.

>bad guys
Say it to my face, not in the etherium and see what happens

>Say it to my face
I would but you're too busy hiding in your floating mushroom tree-house.

It's exactly how it happened, heretic

>implying the entire universe isn't a mistake

But is Amaranth possible to achieve without mortal life? Are the various beings who existed before the creation of Mundus not too mentally static?

Lorkhan did nothing wrong

>Beat Daggerfall and have a good time
>Read Warp in the West

Fucking lazy lol

Don't you have a crab to stand in somewhere?


wow wee I wonder who can be behind to post?

>#1 Wizard
More like #1 NEET who doesn't even participate in House politics anymore.
>b-but he cured Corprus!!
>implying that wasn't Azura

>Thalmor wanna CHIM the world
>The Dwarves tried the same thing and CHIM’d selves out of reality


This guy walks up and fucks your gf so hard she becomes a vampire.

What do you do?

Thalmor hates mortality, Dwemer hates fucking everything

kill him and rape his corpse, but be gentle about it

That's not what either did. What the Thalmor are doing is the complete and total antithesis of CHIM. If the Thalmor succeed it will be impossible for anyone to accomplish CHIM again because nothing will be truly unique, new, or unforeseen. In the world the Thalmor want to go back to everything will be by design.

The Dwemer wanted to use Numidium to create a world where things were constant and measurable because of their cultural obsession with reason and logic. Even then the majority of them were against such an extreme act of universal alteration.

>Trying to rape the literal god of rape
Your bravery(or maybe stupidity) is commendable, but your going to wake up with a gaping bleeding asshole and fangs.

>Your bravery(or maybe stupidity)
That's why they call me the god of madness

Didn't Vivec rape him back or something, or am I misremembering?

Molag Bal gently fuck Vivec

TES lore threads are silly places

They just had a whole lot of sort-of-consensual sex.