Replay vanilla oblivion after not having touched it for at least 8 years

>replay vanilla oblivion after not having touched it for at least 8 years
>quests are still good
>notice the game starts out piss easy, enemies die from very few hits in the beginning while become more and more tanky the higher I level

wew, I thought rewarding individual character progression was the one mechanic that makes people play RPGs.
how did they fuck that up?

I always thought of it in a "Your character is aging or losing their touch, and the world won't wait up for you sort of way." The level-up messages corroborate this, although I don't think Bethesda intended for it to be taken that way at all.

Oblivion is the worst game in The Elder Scrolls. The only thing Oblivion did right and had going for it was the quests. Everything else was terrible and Skyrim improved on its short comings but what Skyrim cut out RPG-wise that Oblivion had, Morrowind did better.

Oblivion isn't bad, I think it just didn't hold up over time. I think a large part of Oblivion's fanbase is just nostalgiafags, but that's okay. I can pop in an old Ultima game and go down memory lane myself.

Todd is probably legit retarded. I don't see how else they keep creating these massive holes in their games' design.

Anyone else notice a surge in Oblivion threads after Oney uploaded his Oblivion playthrough?

It was honestly baffeling. I assume he did not want to scare off casual players with a game that is too hard in the beginning, but he literally made the game the opposite of what it should be

It's because of the broken level scaling they had for Oblivion, one of the many broken things in Oblivion but probably the most glaring one.

As you level up further you'll find bandits wearing glass/daedric armor as well, Oblivion basically requires mods to play like a normal proper RPG

I found that after you reached very high levels, it starts getting easier again.

it's still probably best to stay low leveled, create a min maxed character from the start and get "good" gear

>Oblivion basically requires mods to play like a normal proper RPG
>literally wants the game to be less unique

Even if it wasn't what people wanted in an ES game, Oblivion's leveling system added an interesting "stay ahead of the curve" aspect to character growth.

>defending oblivions leveling system

fuck off back to

>Oblivion's leveling system added an interesting "stay ahead of the curve" aspect to character growth.
not leveling at all should still not be viable

there NEED to be strong enemies from the start so you have to work your way up to overcome them

Many named NPCs and notably the guards are too strong for you to fight at lower levels.

Everyone loves oney

gueards rarely ever have to be fought and so do named characters. I agree in theory, but it should have been done MUCH more consistently.

I'm level 3 on a character right now and can happily slash my way through most dungeons with not even a complete set of armor

I agree, actually, I'd prefer that there were at least boss NPCs that were too tough to kill at lower levels - but I still do prefer the rest of the leveling being left as is as opposed to it being the same as every other RPG ever.

>be less unique

fucking lol. Oblivion's leveling scaling was not intended to be broken that way, they just fucked up.

Are you that delusional to think that ogres needing you to slash your sword 100-200 times as you grow in levels and everything becoming a wall of meat was fun? It's unique in the sense that it's bad you idiot. A drooling lunatic is pretty unique too that doesnt mean it's actually good.

That's the whole point, guy. If you were fighting by slashing Ogres hundreds of times, you were doing it wrong. I don't see anybody saying shit like:

>oh gee I tried rushing a Dark Souls boss using shit gear and the fight was ridiculous and unenjoyable, wtf? Fucking broken game come on devs

If there's one advice I'd love to give to people here, it's this one...

I come from a poor family, and when I was younger, I couldn't afford a good computer. I would look at screenshots online, and DREAM of playing these games in the future.

Oblivion was one of them. It looked seductively tantalizing when it came out.

So I waited for YEARS, to finally get a part-time job an save money for a new rig. I actually built my dream PC. The only problem was...

It was TOO LATE.

When I tried Oblivion on my new rig, I was disappointed by the graphics. It didn't look as realistic as when it came out. In fact, I couldn't even finish it, because it looked weird.

I waited for so many years to experience that adventure, and I couldn't do it at the end.

So the morale of this story is...

Don't wait too long to play a game, because technology progresses really fast, and your game might become obsolete before you can have the chance to try it.

what kind of retard are you

I had top gear, don't even try and pretend I was fighting it with basic gear. Oblivion's level scaling is notorious for how bad it is, which is why they changed it in Skyrim and it's why there's huge mods specifically against this shitty level scaling

That wasn't the point of the analogy. Doing nothing but hacking away with a sword, even if it's the top quality material, is a bad way of fighting in Oblivion. If the sword is enchanted cleverly, you'd have no problem killing things. Same thing as if you have a few low-cost but useful spells that any class could cast.

Are you the hero of Kvatch?

play morrowind

i'm not a fan of level scaling either but namefag is right, if enemies are health sponging you that bad you're fucking up.

protip: take destruction

It was an example, even shooting arrows and slinging spells at it would still take forever

Especially with the fucking god awful enemys level with the player shit.

no him either but once you've maxed out your first few stats, and then gain another 10 levels or so (say level 50-60 or so) the damage sponging get's beyond ridiculous.

even with maxed out strength and the strongest sword, strong goblins will easily take a minute of nonstop slashing until they die

... No, it wouldn't. Sneak attack bonuses or literally any kind of spell usage beyond brainlet mashing of a basic destruction spell tear end-game enemies to shreds.

Especially custom spells - if you have a single clever bone in your body you could very easily become stupidly strong with those.

oblivion is objectively better than skyrim in every way except graphics.

then reduce their armor or stats or buff your own further you fucking retard

i played oldblivion on my toaster my dad put together for me when i was like 12 or 13

I might play it now after not playing it for like 10 years. All I remember about it is that it crashed every 5 minutes. Does anyone here have experience with it?

voice actors messing up and ugly faces

Games are supposed to have a difficulty curve.

>quests are still good
is this bait or are you just pretending to be retarded

It was implemented in the most bumfuck retarded way imaginable though. EVERY CREATURE AND NPC levels with you. And on top of that, certain lower level creatures, like Scamps and Trolls magically vanish when you reach higher levels.

A system like this would work for certain NPCs that actually train themselves regularly. Like I can see multiple heroes showing up for the Oblivion crisis and they all level up as you do, or certain Dremora doing the same thing. Some Dremora/heroes may be less experienced or less combat ready and they level up at a slower rate. It's ridiculous that a bunch of no-name bandits trying to rob you just magically buffed up at the same exact rate as you did and became these ultra powerful bandits now decked out in rare glass armor.


It could be better, sure. It's still better than it not being there at all. The bandits got great gear but honestly there's never really a point in the game where bandits or marauders gave me serious trouble. It makes more sense to me for them to have great gear than Skyrim's system of them having the same shitty gear and yet still being harder to kill for some reason.

Posting the level-up messages to illustrate my earlier point:

14 Today you wake up, full of energy and ideas, and you know, somehow, that overnight everything has changed. What a difference a day makes.
15 Now you just stay at your peak as long as you can. There's no one stronger in Tamriel, but there's always someone younger... a new challenger.
16 You've been trying too hard, thinking too much. Relax. Trust your instincts. Just be yourself. Do the little things, and the big things take care of themselves.
17 Life isn't over. You can still get smarter, or cleverer, or more experienced, or meaner... but your body and soul just aren't going to get any younger.
18 With the life you've been living, the punishment your body has taken... there are limits, and maybe you've reached them. Is this what it's like to grow old?
19 You're really good. Maybe the best. And that's why it's so hard to get better. But you just keep trying, because that's the way you are.
20 By superhuman effort, you can avoid slipping backwards for a while. But one day, you'll lose a step, or drop a beat, or miss a detail... and you'll be gone forever.
21+ The results of hard work and dedication always look like luck. But you know you've earned every ounce of your success.

can you give an example for sword ench or spells? i love this game but i have to lower the difficulty every 2-3 levels

For swords, pair weakness to a damage type and a damage on the same weapon, ideally with a soul trap thing added in to help you recharge it.

For spells, there's a whole bunch. Getting Restoration to 100 helps you buff yourself in so many ways. 100% Weakness to Magicka spells stacked up on an enemy make the game way too easy. Also try Damage Fatigue spells to put people in comas.

Bethesda didn't want to make an RPG per se.
They wanted to make an immersive world exploration game, and just used RPG mechanics as that's what seemed to fit the game most at the time. Possibly simply by inertia, using mechanics that were already used in similar games.

But they've always been focused on making an open world exploration adventure game. I'd compare TES more to something like Far Cry 3 as far as core gameplay goes, rather than true RPGs.

thank you. will give it a shot.

No. Werewolves and an immersive death system are missing, even in nodded oblivion.

Oblivion threads are fueled by the nostalgia of people who were kids when it came out now being in their mid-20s and reflecting on their childhoods.
All of those let's plays are the consequence of that surge in popularity, not the cause of it.

People play old games all the time. Maybe it just sucks.

Pretty much this. The flavor message when you level up. For the first few levels "Things are getting easier as I get stronger." The mid-game levels "I'm good but progress has slowed." The late game levels "I'm getting old and it's a strange feeling."

Also, I don't think Bethesda intended that, but it's a nice flavor that could help you justify the poorly designed game-mechanic. Alternatively (like I did my past play through), I gradually turned the difficulty down as I reached certain level mile-stones.

>>literally wants the game to be less unique

>I remember a time on the Elder Scrolls forums where people would joke about whether a Morrowind mod would be finished before Oblivion released


You can 'fix' the leveling system using a number of mods depending on HOW you want to fix it.
You can get a mod to stop the enemies level scaling if you want to fix it that way.
Or you can get the Realistic Leveling mod if you want to not have to deal with the retarded, counter intuitive leveling system.

You can also get both, which is what I do, Realistic Leveling makes your character start off really weak but as you hit the mid-late game your character becomes stronger and stronger. This creates a much better curve of progression than vanilla.
Fixing level scaling also helps because level scaling is fucking dumb.

Wait Nickies weren't you the dude trying to force the evil clone joke pasta? How'd that go?

You should go back to plebbit fucking faggot.

you have to go back

>Don't wait too long to play a game, because technology progresses really fast
No the moral of the story is you expected the game to be some kind of hyper realistic jerkoff software that gives you mindgasms and you were disappointed when it turned out to be a videogame.

I'm playing Oblivion right now.
It's fine, if you can't play a game because the graphics aren't up to modern standards then you are the highest tier of pleb.

They had a shit leveling mechanic and mishandled enemy scaling. This fucked people who used pure melee and/or stealth. Just play a mage and focus on taking advantage of the customization system. Custom charm spells, stacked weakening spells and summoning liches makes it so that you don't have to deal with the slog that is melee.

Bethesda open world games always have shit difficulty. It's either way too easy or way too hard. There's no in between. And the hard difficulty is never fun, just very annoying and a bore overall.

It had a very good soundtrack tho

Leveling is objectively shit
You get overpowered fast if you use skills that aren't majors (ie pick all magic skills as majors if you're gonna be a pure warrior). You never level up but your damage goes up with skill increases

but its never a good idea to fight those people. no benefit i can think of, just huge penalties

>dude its not broken you just have to cheat/change it fundamentally outside the confines of the game options