ITT: Characters that are literally perfect
ITT: Characters that are literally perfect
I love Reisen!
furfags that should go to /d/
You just posted the only one.
That's not allowed there.
Gnar is perfection!
Newfag detected
>furshit on /d/
how fucking new
Sorry I don't care about your fucking quarentine board, maybe is more to your liking? You should all go there and stay go.
If Mario was a girl, I would marry him.
Does Kass make you feel insecure?
I'm sure there's a scientific explanation detailing the individual factors that would cause Kass character design to trigger the parts of the brain used for sexual attraction. God help us if any company finds away to harness that algorithm to their advantage.
Technically, they're a featherfag.
no flaws
>pic related
>garbage princess gf
>slippery as fuck
>cancerous I'm smash Bros
Yeah no flaws right hahaha
Revali is 100x better
Lurk more and learn to spell the buzz words
100x infinite is still infinite!
Just imagine what it would feel like to have those feet gripping you
>dissing Luigi
get a load of this nigger
Find a flaw
Art is garbage and no personality other than
>oi m8 crikey XD
his pants are still on
That... that's not real, is it?
>he doesn't know
Objectively has a worse mustache than Mario.
>Not even best character from his own game
All 3 are in a close tie
Accents aren't personalities and anybody who creates this shit needs to be gassed
find a single flaw
i want to do lewd thing to him he is legal right some people say he's a kid
He's a shittier version of Randolf the crane rider from One Piece.
My favorite.
Yeah, point still stands.
Why do Kass threads stay up but my Toriel threads get deleted? Are Sup Forums mods gay or something?
>Sup Forums
>surprised it's full of faggots
Are you new?
Kass is too perfect, the entire Rito section of the game is shit and it's probably because of all the focus he got during development.
Is Kass actually homosex?
because the only goat you should be wanting to fuck is asriel
Because undertale conflicts with the culture of Sup Forums and it gets massively flagged for it.
Im sure most people are I different to the actual game but the fanbase is too flooded with the fnaf children crowd. It is unfortunate
Thanks for posting more kass but I highly count that, rito section was gorgeous
The best answer.
Indifferent not I different wtf
Um yes?
Every single undertale thread just got nuked, fucking ridiculous, mods have a hateboner for on-topic threads I guess.
adult asriel >>> shota asriel
shota asriel>thicc asriel>adult asriel
Thicc Asriel? As in built like his father?
I just noticed. What a fucking joke. I think most of them get flagged for furry content, which is bullshit.
What if I want Asgore?
Um no.
I’m a cute skinny twink, why can’t I find a bf Sup Forums? The only people who want to date me are daddies in their 40s.
Daddies are rich and desperate. Go snag one.
>What a fucking joke. I think most of them get flagged for furry content, which is bullshit.
What can you expect from the mods? I once got banned because I posted Star Fox characters in a character thread, and the pic I used certainly wasn’t porn or even close to it. If they want to be dicks, they truly are dicks.
You can be instabanned for making a post with Impna in it....