Resident Evil 2 Reimagining

Anniversary reveals were planned but are now DEAD. Blame Capcom wanting focus on Monster Hunter: World.

Other things I’ve seen that I want to clear up based on details “leaks”.

The game is a reimagining, NOT a remake. I refuse to call it a remake. You wouldn’t call Silent Hill Shattered Memories a remake of the original Silent Hill, so I’m not calling this a remake.
Nemesis WAS due to appear but what with them working on a Resident Evil 3 REIMAGINING and in the early stuff for 8 (a major reason why things have been slower than intended for this game) he’s been saved for that. They had him 60% modelled before shifting him over to other team members for 3.
While both character will meet Mr. X, he will stalk Leon, and this new female Licker, one of Irons’s hooker victims, will go after Claire in random times. Both of these stalker enemies will have one-hit kills in the Classic difficulty.
The alligator has NOT been cut. When and where he appears has been changed, that’s all, and this is due to them not liking the idea of crocs living in sewers :l
Raccoon City has been expanded and redesigned, this due to Leon and Claire both having campaigns missions before reaching the RPD. Leon will encounter Kendo, while Claire won’t (no “darling” will be said by him).
Leon driving him and Claire to the station was part of the gameplay, but they didn’t want it to be over an hour to get to the police station.
New cutscenes will appear, but not pre-rendered ones.
Enemies will sometimes drop goodies upon their death.
Zombies in riot gear will require well-placed shots to their weak points.
Crimson heads were due to appear but dropped.
Police station, sewers, marshalling yard, and labs are all expanded upon with new areas.
New puzzles.

New puzzles.
New weapons.
Giant plant WILL serve as a boss after it grabs Sherry, forcing Claire to run up and down stairs (instead of climbing ladders like in the original) and shooting its tumour-exposed areas.
After the Raccoon City stage for both characters, it’s certainly like the classic games in terms of backtracking and exploration and collecting items and puzzle-solving. Each campaign segment can last a good hour or 2.
DLC is a hard one to talk about, as the first mission will release in early 2019, Ada, Hunk DLC planned. Sherry’s nightmare may have been planned, but I don’t think it’s a thing now. Still could be, however. Ada’s escape from the city and Hunk’s escape with Miguel might be things they’re working on, but I don’t know. Probably true.
Expect a 4th Survivor mission or something similar.
28th of September is their target release date.
Obviously, expect all info by E3, though teasers may drop as early as March/April.

adios muchachos

evertime somebody buys Monster Hunter: World, its another knife in claire's back

You had me at female licker

Source: OP's ass

You do realize that the REmake added and changed things as well right?

I think he means reimagining by the style and structure of how the game plays out. Somebody else said the same thing on reddit.

For what purpose would they change the game play so radically? They have to know that a huge segment of the player base would get pissed off.

nice story, the fake leaks the other day were better

Stealing it for my YouTube video, thanks for 100% leak.

Sounds like a complete pile of trash..capcom you did not disappoint

What type of camera will it have?

2nd person

Fuck that, I want revamped outbreak game

I could reveal more stuff but was just clearing up what’s already been said... Leon’s uniform has been tinkered with somewhat, as well as his hairstyle. His 90’s oyband curtains supposedly didn’t go with the image of a tough police officer

0th person

>female Licker
All I needed to hear

>new puzzles

4D Glasses required #ND person voidwave experience

*boyband, sorry. Classic Leon will serve as an alternate costume upon completion of the game.

>For what purpose would they change the game play so radically?
They did it with REmake. That game is nothing like the original.

VR only

i wonder if they will add bandersnatches

Isn't Sherry only has platonic mother/big sister like feeling for Claire or they go full yuri later in RE6?
I never played RE6.

claire isnt in re6, but leon is, and he bangs her

I can't wait for this leak to go down in the history books like the other leaks such as "Vergil is a dinosaur" DmC tier leak.

In all seriousness though, there hasn't been many recent major leaks that were accurate on Sup Forums or anywhere on the internet within the last half decade as far as I know that wasn't from cracking open files from a demo and developers being careless. The last time there were some credible leaks that were "major" were rosters for Super Smash on 3DS and Wii U, IIRC.

To cite a recent case, nearly all The Last Guardian leaks that happened here were debunked when the game released and whatever accurate information was left was in the "a broken clock is right twice a day" tier.

OP is lonely and has no friends so comes here to make up lies for attention.

Is it some Mexican ripoff?

It's fucking Spanish. In Mexican one Leon wears sombrero

Why do you do it Op? Is it for the attention? There are better ways to get attention.


>early stuff for 8
There is no reason to bring back Nemesis when there are now much more effective BOWs
That, and every time he appears outside of RE3, he's worse.
>female Licker
Could be interesting. But, what about G-Birkin who wants to rape his daughter? He should be Claire's stalker enemy.
>one-hit kills in the Classic difficulty
If it's random like the hunter decapitation, fine. But, if every attack is one-hit kill level, that's fucking retarded.
>them not liking the idea of crocs living in sewers
It was an urban legend that Americans adopted baby crocs and flushed them down their toilet. That's probably where the inspiration came from. Where else would it be if this isn't the case.
>Claire won't
So, no zapping system
>Leon driving him and Claire to the station was part of the gameplay
Dumb. RE6 did that and it was in the worst campaign in the series.
>New cutscenes will appear, but not pre-rendered ones
Not that 7 bullshit please. I like skippable cutscenes, it was added in future releases for a reason.
>Enemies will sometimes drop goodies upon their death
It better just be pictures and files. Them dropping ammo and shit would ruin this.
>Zombies in riot gear will require well-placed shots to their weakpoints
Terrible idea, because now I know it'll either be a TPS or an FPS.
>New puzzles
Let me guess. It's either 4 style baby puzzles that boil down to 'shoot shit to pull a lever' or 7 style baby puzzles that boil down to 'fuck around with shadows'

Then where's the bulls.
Checkmate, Atheists.


WE DO IT (worse)

Bullshit. You are just doing this to see if a bunch of Youtubers make videos commenting about these "leaks" again.

Fuck off tripfag, go and cry about 20th anniversary, pathetic cunt

The real pathetic cunt is the one who constantly cries about a guy who doesn't want to be optimistic about something that continually gets bad news in leaks and hasn't released any info in over 2 years

>I'm mad and melancholic, so everyone should feel that way
Sure thing fucker, keep saying whenever you want

I'm not saying everyone should feel that way. I'm merely stating my own opinion and you're making it a big deal. If you don't like me, you can just filter my name and be done with it.

>Resident Evil 3 reimagining

I know this is all likely bullshit, but just to satiate my general curiosity, what are the odds that they’d make a Code Veronica “reimagining”?

CODE:Veronica is the only mainline RE that actually needs a remake. It's just so dated thanks to the early jump to 3D areas and all the characters look cartoonish

>you don't like me, please stop hurting my feelings
>please filter me
Grow a pair, dipshit

Fuck off, it doesn't need one. How can one tripfag be that wrong on so many levels?

I'm assuming you don't have a pair. I don't care if you filter me or not, but you're freaking out over so little. I could give you something to really freak out on in a second.

I'm saying it looks bad. CODE:Veronica is the most dated game in the series and even its gameplay was a bit behind the times for RE as it improved on little and dropped a few things that actually worked well in 3 (like the dodging)

You answered your own question

You're going to love this, trust me. What you're seeing now is my normal shittaste

>no you
Can someone be more shit loaded then you? I guess not.

This, is Super Shittaste

And this... this is known as Super Shittaste that has surpassed Super Shittaste. Or you can call it, Super Shittaste 2

If this is true, it looks pretty good...
Hey, can you guys do a Plane Scene DLC?
Have some new dlc characters in battle mode like Dr. Pavel, Masketta, Bane and obviously CIA.
Sup Forums will forever be loyal to you, if you do that.

>I'm saying it looks bad.
>most dated
I guess it isn't meme, that tripfaggots are the most hated thing.


big fat claire butt

Am I suppose to freekout or something?
Man you are pathetic. Nice comeback, faggot.

>forgetting the entire switch reveal being leaked here down to every detail
Are you new?

So with the guy who was doing the RE2 on Unreal Engine on board with RE2Make, what are you guys really expecting from the game? He seemed to understand what the game should be, but I have a feeling they are going to make things way easier, with a classic mode unlockable. I would like a Weskers report in the game, as well as expanded hunk and ada scenarios. And it would be cool to play as William Birkin or Mr. X in a scenario

In the mainline series, I should establish that fact.
It's the only one that actually needs a remake. 2 and 3 are perfectly fine as they are now. I've never felt the need to have them remade. CV on the other hand is good, but it could be much better if they touched up the areas and character models, in addition to fixing the gameplay.
It's the year anniversary of this image. It has legitimately made people angry to points I've never seen before. Something about it would set people off, probably because at one point it said 4 was mediocre and 6 was amazing.
Anybody can post some shit on Sup Forums and say it's legit. As there's no post history or established user (unless you tripfag, and even then, people can crack tripcode and secure tripcodes), anybody can claim to be a worker at Capcom. I could take off my tripcode right now and say REmake 2 will convert your PS4 into a sexbot and have just as much credibility.

>I will post some rating pics to show him his place
wew, you showed us

Well, I guess it saying more then enough about you

Stop shitting yourself

Wow, so all I had to do to get CV the recognition it deserved was to say that it deserves a remake more than 2 and 3?
I bet tomorrow you'll be back to saying CV is shit because 'muh backtracking' and 'muh steve'. Christ.
>wew, you showed us
It was a joke mate. And a celebration.

>I could take off my tripcode
Please don't, because I won't be able to know who is posting his own headcanons and shit opinions

Putting your shit thoughts in my mouth, doesn't make their mine shithead
So you can fuck off and crying about how bad and dated CV is

What? Your full retardation?

Like what? The only time I really did that was by accident in an SH thread, when I forgot what the fuck Dahlia said in the first game and guessed what Dahlia's spell did, and that's an easy mistake to make if you drop Silent Hill lore for about a year to do more fucking RE lore research.
And even then, I was still mostly right and on the right side of the argument.

CV is dated. I love it, I think it's fun, but if I had to choose any RE game to get remade, that'd be it. What's wrong with that? It's the most dated out of all the mainline games (not counting 1, as it has already been remade).
Tell me, what mainline game is more dated than CV?

>still can't accept his mistakes
How I said, please don't remove it, because I would feel bad knowing that it's not only one single man who is that much wrong.

Are you a native English speaker? Not to derail this (as there is no other topic than you shitting on me because I use a tripcode), but the way you word everything is fucking weird
>How I said
>I would feel bad knowing that it's not only one single man who is that much wrong
This sounds like Charles Manson's description of a conversation with Yaquis Indians

All games that are under 14 years judging by your shit opinion

>trying that hard to change subject
Go and cry how CV is dated and unplayable

That's obviously incorrect as I said I don't think 2 and 3 need a remake. They don't feel dated. CV does.
I don't think SH1-4 are dated. Spyro 1-3 are still good (well, maybe not 3, but this isn't a fucking Spyro thread)
Jak 2 and 3 are alright. I'm replaying MGS2 soon, and that's older than 14 years
You're trying to make a point, but it was proven incorrect by things I've said earlier in the thread

>I feel like it
No more questions farther, you're just retarded

You didn't make a single point in that post

Because I don't need making one. You can't make a point to "I feel it dated, so it have to be dated and need a remake/remaster or whatever".
By your logic I can said every game I played year ago is dated.
You can write whenever you want, but I've already got your shitty view on things really clear. You can fuck off now.

I've explained why I feel it's dated though.
The gameplay was mostly a downgrade from 3 and REmake and 0 would blow it out of the water.
It looks bad and just sticks out inbetween 3 and REmake which aim for a realistic look, while CV is giving cartoon vibes and looks generally unimpressive.
There's some things that could be expanded on, like Steve's character, the role of HCF, who is employing HCF, and they could merge some of the Darkside Chronicles stuff in (like that bit about Alfred thinking the woman in stasis wasn't Alexia and thought Alexia was living with him). They could also get the canon Gun Survivor 2 files in the main game, expand on Chris' section and Alexia's character, and merge Wesker's Report into the main game's files somehow.

The irony is that World is dead already.

>downgrade from 3
Let me guess, because you felt like it?

No, because CV took away mechanics and only added about 2 good ones that were never seen again until 6, those being guns that are duel wielded and fixing the knife to be a bit above useless

>knife to be a bit above useless
How can one be that wrong

Yeah, the knife actually pretty good in CV. Not as good as the Deadly Silence knife, but still alright

Knife and Crossbow are the most overpowered weapon in CV, fag what the fuck are you doing?

I never really use either of those. I keep the knife in my inventory just in case shit hits the fan (which only happened at the final boss one time) and the crossbow I rarely use. I just stockpile ammo for it, convert to explosive arrows and stockpile those just in case I want to get a boss over with quickly

RE4 doesn't have some mechanics, I guess it's dated too
RE7 missing almost all of them, remaster when?
Sometimes games prefer not using some aspects from previous titles you know and that does make them unplayable and screaming for remakes.

>I never really use either of those.
So how can you say that knife is awful in it? How many time have you played it then?

Quick remark.
If you want to play CV, but can't decide which version to pick, pick it for PS3 or Dreamcast.

>RE4 doesn't have some mechanics, I guess it's dated too
It has a completely different gameplay style. There's a key difference. Also, the mechanics it loses are replaced by specific aiming, new inventory mechanics, upgrading, treasures, QTEs, etc. RE4 loses a lot but also adds a lot.
>RE7 missing almost all of them, remaster when
Again, completely different gameplay style. It also adds mechanics, like VR, pointless collectibles (Mr Everywhere), antique coins, pseudo-Nemesis stalking, VHS tapes. It doesn't add a lot, but it changed gameplay styles, so keep that in mind.
>Sometimes games prefer not using some aspects from previous titles you know and that does make them unplayable and screaming for remakes.
I'm not saying it's unplayable and I'm not screaming for a remake. I only said that if any mainline game had to be remade, it'd have to be CV. There's literally no better choice.
I've played and beaten CV about 6 times. It and 0 are my least replayed RE games, CV is just a bit too long and if I get to the moth hallway and get into a situation where I get continually raped by them and poisoned, I just save, say I'll get back to it tomorrow and never play that save file again.
Isn't the PS4 version just an emulated PS2 version? I feel that the PS3 HD release makes the game too bright.
Dreamcast is a good pick though, love watching Wesker get bullied by Alexia

>whose models
>that butchered lighting
For the players

>It have to be remade
It's already on PS3, PS4 and only thing I could imagine is that one day it will arrive on PC.
So you can keep saying whatever pleases ya, but it has no solid reason for one

I didn't say it has to. I just said it'd be a better choice for a remake than 2 and 3.


For you

Why do 2 and 3 have to be remade. What is wrong with them.


What is wrong with CV?
I feel like 2 and 3 are dated

It's mostly the look of it. It looks like Sonic Adventure, it sticks out like a sore thumb, the only game looking similar to it being Gun Survivor 2, and that uses assets from CV plus a few from RE3
It also didn't evolve the gameplay much, and as I said before, it regressed the gameplay following RE3's changes.
I would comment on the voice acting being bad, but it's honestly the best so bad it's good voice acting in the series. People love to overhype 1's voice acting, but CV is perfect, and CVX is better with the added Wesker meets Claire scene.
Also, I know if they remake 3, they'll fuck up the Nemesis voice again, and Nemesis being as important as he is, that'll kill the game. And before you say that's a small detail, look at fucking Umbrella Chronicle's Nemesis voice, where they put autotune or something over it and just ruined the voice

I dunno looks dated for me, pal

2 and 3 are still fine though. The gameplay is an upgrade from their respective prior game in all ways as are the mechanics. RE3 was an overhaul in new mechanics, what with gunpowder, dodging, the randomization of the game, Nemesis encounters, I could go on. They even still look decent if you have the right version or right display. RE3 with the Envrionmental Graphics mod looks fucking perfect and I wouldn't want it any other way. All RE2 needs is a bit of touching up for the backgrounds and a tad more consistency between the A and B playthroughs. Those are the only issues.

Listen, for me they are dated and needed a remake. You can't argue with my opinion, because you can't know how I play and how I feel while playing, ok.

>thought it was someone genuinely trying to make points for why 2 and 3 need to be remade
>it's just someone trying to make me feel bad
I'm going to bed. Sorry I bumped your thread, I'll rectify that with this post

Is the aniversary in Japan now, they are going to ignore it too?

post more claire

That's how you sounded 2 posts above, and like always going to "bed" when doesn't gave any more arguments.
Fucking hypocrite