Is it the greatest horror game?


I think Siren 2 was the best horror game with good controls. It's what RE4 should have been.

But biohazard exists.

> horror

Project Zero/Fatal Frame


That's not SOMA nor Silent Hill 2


What? Soma is a fucking masterpiece, that guy is right. It did almost everything right out of what a good horror game needs to do

By playing as a retard?

Not even the best RE game, lad.

tried playing re4 remastered on ps4, couldn't get past the village w/ the church in the beginning, controls were so clunky and I just couldn't bring myself to play anymore after the first 30 mins. Should I go back?

doesnt hold up anywhere near as well.

>But user, that's not F.E.A.R.

Bloodborne is the greatest horror game of all time.

once you wrap your mind around not being able to move and shoot the controls are fine and the game is built well around them. the game itself is amazing. i know a lot of people who were still floored by it only having played it recently.

I've always felt like the most unnerving games are the ones not defined in the horror genre, but rather normal games with an occasional horror element.

I enjoyed this game immensely, it had some good spooks (Goddamn you, Lisa Trevor), and I recall being blown away by the graphics this game had on the Gamecube. That being said, I wouldn't say I found it to be the greatest horror game. Also, man, I really hated having to burn all those bodies. It did add a bit to the tension though, because crimson heads don't fuck around.

Silent Hill 2 was the peak of third-person tank controlled horror games. 3 was really good but 2 was better story in my mind.

I get scared easily so I haven't done that first person stuff. PT freaked me out completely. I beat it but wow. I was freaked out.

This many posts in and not a single mention of the actual greatest horror game of all time: Siren.
Sasuga, nu-Sup Forums

learn to read

RE2 remake is the first game i've been excited about in a long time.

That and Silent Hill 2.

Fatal Frame 3 also comes very close.

Siren games are mediocre desu.

RE games aren't even horror. What's the point of the eerie music and atmosphere if you're going to give the protagonist big guns and have the enemies be zombies/giant animal monsters. It completely goes against the creepy aspect and is fucking stupid.

I sorta feel the same way. I don't know if it is nostalgia glasses or what. RE2 was a great game for its time. But I'd be lying if I said I was excited for tank controls again. Though I haven't been keeping up with the news on it. So maybe it has changed.

your answer is, yes it is.

Fatal frame 2.

>being scared makes you a retard

he's a faggot but you're a bigger faggot

Then play Outlast you shitter.

check The Land of Pain and Home Sweet Home, two relatively unknown indie horror games that are actually really good

Replay it, his choices really speaking for himself

Good taste user

>not the first post from this ip