Will some people just always be terrible at fighting games no matter how much they practice?
Will some people just always be terrible at fighting games no matter how much they practice?
yes, me.
I don't believe so, I've had people say that before and then noticed they only had very little playtime. It's absolutely possible to have 500 hours on a game and still be "shit", if it's the first fighting game you take seriously on a competitive level. Because you WILL be up against people who have a thousand and more. Not being bad is a very slow process and eventually you're so much not bad that you end up being good but it takes forever.
Some inputs in most fighting games are genuinely really hard to do on a controller, so that's a gigantic barrier of entry. Fighting games players can say all they want about combos not being important at entry level of play, the first thing most people do is to try out their chosen character moves in training mode and if they aren't able to pull off those moves whitin 30 mins you lost them already.
Which inputs are you thinking of being too difficult with a dpad on a controller
I’m inclined to agree, but time and dedication trumps all...
If fighting games werent just combo memorizing shitty games i would probably try being good
Not in SFV case tho, besides maybe 720. which only Zangief uses.
here have a (you)
Not him but shit like button holding and EX moves that change depending on which buttons you press (namely square+triangle or cross+circle) are pretty annoying to do on a controller.
Directional inputs are also harder to do on the right side because the thumb's abductor muscle is weaker.
No, you just valty underestimate just how many hours people good at fighting games invested in. You probably played 20 hours and feel bad you can't do the shit you see on youtube.
First off, on the PS4 controller you can hit R1 or R2 respectively for the punch or kick inputs for EX moves. Second point is only a problem for you.
Depends what you mean by "terrible".
Part of the problem is that skill in fighting games is exponential, not linear: Somebody who can win like 9/10 times against randoms online and casual players might still be absolutely shit compared too other competitive players. I'd say it's possible for anybody to at least get to a point where they are very good relative to randoms and casuals just by playing the game and praciticng, but there is a wall where practice alone isn't enough and you need to actually interact with other players, look up frame data, punishes, go tto events, etc to climb that wall, and then even if you spend hundrds or thousands of hours doing that, there's another wall of just natural talent.
This is true of any fighting game, from SF to Tekken to MvC to even Pokken, pic related: I have another 500 hours or so on top of this on the switch version, and even though I have around a 70% winrate and thousands of matchesplayed, I'm still not even typically making it to the semifinals in my locals or getting out of pools in majors.
Memorizing combos is the easiest part of fighting games, git gud
Some sf turbo nerd could probably rape you a new asshole with just one button.
To quote Bedman from GG
>If getting up after a fall and trying again was really all it took to win, then we'd all be winners, wouldn't we?
The problem with some people is that they think that the journey of being good at a fighting game is nothing more than 'just playing' over and over again. Mindlessly playing won't get you far. Engaging your brain, thinking on what are you doing wrong and what should you be doing to improve on it is what will make you a better player.
pic related is Michael Begum, he was born with Arthrogryposis, meaning that he has severely limited motion in his limbs. Also, he has played competitive Street Fighter using his mouth.
People can put up any kind of excuses they want for not being able to do a DP motion. At the end the day, it's not that the games are hard, those people simply don't have enough passion or dedication to want to be better.
Isn't R1 and R2 for HP and HK?
It does both the heavy and the medium specifically to make EX inputs easier
Some people are just bad at reacting accordingly. I have this nasty habit of waiting for my opponent to do something stupid so I can a heavy punish but then getting dumbfounded when they do something smart. I also can't make the most out of a situation on the whim
Yeah but I'm talking about LKMK and LPMP EX moves.
Pretty sure they make 100% of all ex commands come out, go into training and turn inputs on
I honestly think you have to have some form of autism to be good at fighting games the way good players are, like have you ever been to a tournament? The people there are fucking weird.
I'm not saying that it's physically impossible for your average player to do combos on a controller, I'm simply saying that execution is a much greater barrier than people who are already good seems to think. At the end of the day, people, even competitive people, buy video games to play them and have fun playing them, not struggle with the controls and spend all their free time training like it is their life goal.
To answer OP question, I'm pretty sure that anyone able with tons of training can be at least competent, the more interesting question is: are fighting game fun to play (beyond mashing) for regular players? I think they are not and that's why they are niche.
Some people just never realize how to effectively learn and practice.
Understanding where you messed up is the first step most can take, but understanding why you messed up is important too. A lot of people get trapped in the mindset of "This didn't work this once or twice when I did it therefor it is useless/it will never work" when in reality fighting games to to be more complex and nebulous then that since you are combating another person.
Knowing why your overhead or low worked in the moment is as important as knowing when to do them.
Basically base level understanding of fighting games eventually turns into a base level of reads eventually. Its a step by step process that has more going on to it then "Learn to do combo".
canceling normals into shoryuken motions is awkward as fuck on dpad. Its time for capcom to drop those archaic arcade stick directional motions and adopt NRS dpad friendly special move inputs. Only old fucks and autistic faggots still use arcade sticks anyway, the average normie does not want to spend 100 of dollars just to do a fucking move.
Yeah. They're called White guys.
Time and dedication should be able to get anyone to a solid level of play, but the problem is you need to practice in a productive way, ideally doing lots of research too while your not playing.
Just wait until Fantasy Strike releases on console. This game practically has no execution barrier and a low matchup information barrier. Which means you can learn a character and familiarize yourself with all the Match ups in the game with your character in about a weeks time. No more spending months just to get to the decision making element of fighting games, with fantasy strike, its literally days.
shit, *you're
fucking ass at shooters lmao
This. I fucking hate white "people". What an absolute dogshit race. Not impressed by them at all.
Mutts btfo
like anything else, progress is slow without a proper guide
This. It helps that there's lots of resources online now, but you'll advance even faster if you have a community of people to play with regularly and give you feedback.
Question for you good fighting game players out there. After you "got good," how easy is it for you to change your main?
People need to find the game that suits them best
I grew up with mortal kombat but I sucked dick at it, then I moved to tekken and I sucked major dick, so I said fuck it and dropped fighting games, then I tried budokai tenkaichi and loved the shit out of it, then I moved to street fighter 4 and had tons of fun but still got bodied by masters so I stepped back and tried dead or alive and I fell in love with the trinity system, can't play anything else now because it's just so intuitive, reactive and fun to use! It's a shame doa is not considered a real game due to the fanservice desu.
What's the most important thing to focus on as a fighting game noob? I'm feeling like combos are a waste for me; I can't execute them in an actual fight. I've been focusing on blocking and punishing above all
Depends on the character and the game.
Technical characters require you learn more combos and setups. There's also getting used to the "feel" of the character, the ranges and all that.
It's pretty fun learning a new character once you are decent at a game, though.
desu I think it's retarded that they keep arcade imputs when most people don't even use arcade sticks
that's why I play only fighters designed for gamepads like doa or smash, yeah they are more casual, but they are also more fun more quickly
Yes. I have over 500 hours in Guilty Gear and still drop my main's most basic BnB.
I consider myself to be quite good, I personally only ever have one main in any game I play and put all my hours into them and can't seem to ever want to switch, because as soon as I try to learn another character I'm not instantly as good and that hurts my motivation a lot. I can pick a new character and win games against newcomers, or do aokay from the get go in a new fighting game for that matter, but really getting up there in the leaderboards or for tournaments, it will forever be the one guy I stuck with from day one.
I know other people who are competent are real quick to pick new characters and level up with them to where they do real good with them though. I want to say it really differs from person to person.
Depends on what game you play. If it's Street Fighter 5 I would probably say to keep doing what you're doing, but learn a punish combo.
Block unsafe moves and punish them with your punish combo. The other thing I would recommend is learning to anti-air with your character. If you can anti-air people consistently they will stop jumping at you.
>Engaging your brain, thinking on what are you doing wrong and what should you be doing to improve on it is what will make you a better player
This is the part I don't get in fighters. I just flat out don't know what I'm doing wrong even if I watch my own replays.
I've given up fighters forever though, unless my son is into them and needs a sparring partner. These days I'm just trying to improve my score in Pac-Man.
It definitely depends on what game and what characters you're playing. It can be difficult to go from a top tier character that primarily wins with 50/50s and bullshit to a character that is more based on zoning/footsies. Once you understand the fundamentals though, it is not very hard to change characters, but I wouldn't recommend jumping into ranked with a new main right away.
Give someone more experienced one of your replays and they will figure it out
>These days I'm just trying to improve my score in Pac-Man.
There is no such thing as "improving your score in Pac-Man" because there is a maximum score to achieve in Pac-Man that causes the game to break. These days, people do not compete for high scores in Pac-Man they compete based on the time it takes to reach the "maximum" score.
Good thing you quit competitive games, because if you don't understand this fundamental aspect of competitive Pac-Man you wouldn't succeed at any competitive game.
Some of us aren't good at Street Fighter: Ultra Casual Buttonmashers Can Win Edition aka SFEX: The Latest One.
The last good SF game was Third Strike.
t. actual casual most likely dbz player sooner or later
For those of you who have trouble with DP motions, have you considered a hitbox style controller? You can build one yourself for fairly cheap, and it's comfy as hell.
Third Strike was complete fucking ass. Third Strike is not good just because you watched a "hype" EVO Moment #37 video, dumbass.
Third Strike is a broken fucking mess where three characters dominate every single fucking tournament, where dumbass parry option selects and other bullshit rape the game of all fighting game fundamentals.
Third Strike is fun at the beginner/mid level, but once you get to high level play it all falls apart.
People shouldn't be able to have opinions about fighting games unless they are good at them.
If you can win by mashing, why aren't you an EVO champ?
lmao, did anyone actually buy that piece of shit? Might as well stick your dick in a blender while you're at it.
>parry option selects
they don't cover every option
>and other bullshit rape the game of all fighting game fundamentals.
oh no, no o.sagat or ST dhalsim, what a horrible game!
hah, i know right xd
NA lobby?
>love Alpha 3 for the variety of characters it features
>everybody and their mothers play Third Strike
I'm mostly a casual for fighting games, but this tilts me a little.
Your reply to my playing Pac-Man was dumb. I hope you enjoy this (You).
If you are consistently shit your training is consistently shit or your attitude is.
Big problem with new people in fighting games is they try to do too much too quickly and learn nothing, or they get discouraged easily because there is no one to blame but yourself for your failure and swallowing your pride and taking your lumps to get better isn't instantly gratifying.
Anyone can be "good" but very few will be the best.
alpha 3 sucks
the VISM combos and infinites are laughably broken and grounded normals got overnerfed since a2, while jump normals were made really dumb, it makes it anti-footsies and jump heavy, even the japanese stopped playing it to the point where it's just maybe 2 small tournaments a year with all the same faces
It's the fucking truth.
>Part of the problem is that skill in fighting games is exponential,
That applies to any game that takes skill. It used to apply to fps games.
Patient blocking, catching people who jump at you with your antiair move of choice, punishing unsafe moves you blocked (even if all you do is a sweep), a simple string you can do on your opponent's wakeup that leads to another knockdown on hit and is safe on block, finding a couple of moves you can safely poke with from afar (if you're a shoto, think of your fireball as nothing but a long range poke you can throw out whenever there's no risk of eating a jumpin in retaliation), walking your opponent down (take every bit of screen space they gift you), and ultimately, recognizing the spots to walk up and throw your opponent if they consistently block.
>that not overstated and completely natural jiggle
>"why don't you play tekken, guilty gear, or fightcade, /fgg/?"
Alright, USA Mid-West lobby up.
3 rounds
Character Select On
Passcode: 7243 (rage)
Come play, faggots. you too
Come prove that you actually get the right to shit post about fighting games. Daigo writes in his book, "The Will to Win": "If you can't beat me, shut the fuck up, retard."
I'm pretty sure that's mostly banter and shitposting.
Most good fighting games players tend to play more than one game or series. I think it even helps you overall fighting game skill.
>Come prove that you actually get the right to shit post about fighting games
see me in super turbo or VSAV in about 1 hour
I dislike air recovery, it retained the shitty Adon nerfs from Alpha 2 gold, and projectiles got turned into trash after they made it so that the damage is inversely proportional to distance traveled.
Oh and V-Akuma is wack
>t. someone who doesn't actually play 3S
Also name of the host is "Friender" forgot to mention that.
This is true. Only retarded scrubs and streamboars participate in "Fighting Game Wars".
>Also name of the host is "Friender" forgot to mention that.
see me in ST fightcade
I love that quote from him.
>This is true. Only retarded scrubs and streamboars participate in "Fighting Game Wars".
prove me wrong, I'm also in the midwest
what's your fightcade id?
>"The Will to Win": "If you can't beat me, shut the fuck up, retard."
I own the book, he never says this. It's a fantastic general self help book too, I don't play fighting games but I read it often just to remind myself that staying focused to a single skill is better than novelty and dopamine hits.
>no matter how much they practice?
The problem is that they don't practice.
It applies to any 1v1 game. Arena shooters have gone the way of the dodo.
I am literally hosting a lobby right now. I don't claim to be a fighting game expert, but any well adjusted person doesn't participate in shit talking games they don't enjoy or even play. I primarily play SFV, but I also play other fighting games as well. If you enjoy a fighting game that isn't SFV, I am not going to talk shit about it because 1. I don't have as much experience with that game as you, 2. You are free to enjoy any game and me calling you a dumbass for liking it isn't going to convince you to not enjoy it.
That's the joke, dude.
Also, nobody has joined my fucking lobby yet. Don't any of you want to play?
I don't know but 10 years in I still suck and never make it out the "silver" rank equivalent.
I feel like I can't move my fingers as fast as I want to do combos come really hard to me especially if there is timing between sequences. If only I was born a gook or something.
You are retarded. How does Pac-Man having a maximum score prevents him to try to get better at the game and beat his own score? He didn't say he was trying to break the world record.
>I am literally hosting a lobby right now. I don't claim to be a fighting game expert, but any well adjusted person doesn't participate in shit talking games they don't enjoy or even play. I primarily play SFV, but I also play other fighting games as well. If you enjoy a fighting game that isn't SFV, I am not going to talk shit about it because 1. I don't have as much experience with that game as you, 2. You are free to enjoy any game and me calling you a dumbass for liking it isn't going to convince you to not enjoy it.
I don't play sfv though
>but any well adjusted person doesn't participate in shit talking games they don't enjoy or even play
the normies at my locals shit talk it constantly
>I primarily play SFV, but I also play other fighting games as well
prove it
If they design one like a keyboard I'll get it. I know thumb is faster for up but I need the kb up down left right style,
>I own the book, he never says this.
no shit
Bitch, this is a Street Fighter V thread. I am here to play Street Fighter V. I don't want to play other fighting games.
C'mon, doesn't ANYONE want to fight me? Are you all just posting in this thread even though you don't play?
I love to take people up challenges like that but I'm from europe and the lag would be unbearable (also it's 5am in here and I should go to bed)
If only I wasn't at work I'll put my shitty ryu in there.
It's not a street fighter 5 thread and you didn't even fucking specify what game you were hosting a lobby for, I mean I figure it's sfv but just saying
SCRUBS WILL BE SCRUBS. Remember rising thunder??