I think video games appealing to sex in order to sell is morally reprehensible. Video games should sell for their quality.
ITT unpopular vidya opinions
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>being a moralfag
We don't need morals in this century
Unless soft core porn is the entier point of the game then yeah... using sex to advertise your game just makes it appear as if the game is shitty and cant rely on its gameplay to make sales
I just want good games man. Not shitty games that cover up how shitty they are with ass, tits and waifus.
videogames dont need a story and in most cases it hurts the game
>I think
luckily it only matters what the customer thinks
Morally reprehensible or not it's hardly anything new for media and quite frankly it's smart marketing. Morals really don't matter if people will part with their money THAT easily.
walking and talking sims like Night in The Woods and Firewatch are top comfy
Western games and devs > Eastern games and devs
You can't just sell a game to the masses solely on the gameplay/content itself. Nobody outside the hardcore minority would give a shit.
If you want a game to sell well, it has to have a good premise/aesthetic followed by the gameplay, and sex is something that is easy to market and very popular.
Most people won't be down to play a game like Chess, however more people would play some sci-fi space game disguised as chess because of how it looks.
quality tits is still quality
true and hetero
Please tell me you're not a burger. They have this weird puritanical culture where you can show as much violence and gore as you want, but god forbid a female character is actually attractive
FFXV is a great game in spite of its shaky release and is getting better and better with every update.
In the 90s and early 00s, maybe. Also, that's generally a pretty normalfag opinion, it's just unpopular here on Sup Forums.
Android 21 is over-rated.
It's still less morally reprehensible than loot boxes. And female streamers that just whore themselves out.
That's why capitalism is shit. No one cares about anything else other than money and profit.
It still applies. When was the last time any eastern dev released a good game?
Every open world should include some form of fast travel, available instantly from a menu.
Depends on who you ask. Both Dragonball FighterZ and Monster Hunter World launched 2 days ago so that's 2 arguments likely to be cited. I don't care for either personally but they are major, well-reviewed games.
Silent Protagonists are mostly shit. I understand that SOME work and would be shit if they weren't, but the whole "YOU are your character!"
No, I'm a skinny lanklet, not a roided superhuman that tears through enemies and doesn't talk for no legitimate reason
They are far from good. Just because they sold well doesn't mean they are good games.
You're on another level from the average plebs
You're more advanced mentally from most players
You can see through the nonsense and get right to the crux of what games are
You are literally a genius
You aren't like the others
I love anime
Cave Story is the most overrated trash ever released and is a shitty game
Hollow Knight is overrated too but still decent
Nothing wrong with this. I dont like running to and fro between quests.
Unless you're consistently capable of frame-perfect inputs, there is no meaningful difference between stable 30 fps and stable 60 fps. To that end, stable 30 fps is far more preferable to unstable 60 fps.
>I think
Nobody cares
Bet you don't like running irl either, faggot
Spotted the Dark Eldar
She's surprisingly well built for a 13 year old.
Breath of the Wild is pathetically overrated, and I say this as a huge Nintendork
The portable version of a game will always be the one I play the most.
I'm not buying a Switch until it has NiER and FFXV.
Post now M'lord!
You can post anonymously!
Online games are evil and are the cancer killing video games
I play games to be entertained. Excessively hard games with no difficulty settings are not entertaining, and are in my opinion, bad games.
Do you want me to post my calves?
Please elaborate.
High-pitched Japanese girl voices are fucking horrible and embarrassing. Mid-lower pitch gives me a boner though.
I like cheesecake, user, do you not like sexy things?
Random encounters were fantastic and more JRPGs need to start using them again. When all you can see anywhere you look is enemies wandering around, it makes it much harder to enjoy the scenery.
Do it
Shovel Knight is overrated, I tried really hard to get into it but I couldn't make it past the first few stages before getting incredibly bored, I loved playing NES games as a kid and I've always enjoyed platformers but SK didn't do anything for me.
Unless the game is aiming to be as open as possible, a good story can add a lot.
That's subjective and once again, I said I personally don't care for them. Last one I liked was probably Super Mario Odyssey. Meanwhile, the last western game I really gave a shit about was probably Mirror's Edge Catalyst and a lot of people seem to deem that one a disappointment. Before that, probably Alien Isolation. Prey looks good, though. Need to get around to that one sometime.
>Mid-lower pitch
Do you have any examples?
OP is a homo
Like what? If I wanted riveting storytelling and good characters, I'd go read a book.
That purple haired slut from Fire Emblem is another one I like listening to as well.
storyfags ruin many discussions.
Best game in series. The only fuck up being the colors they chose.
Kobayashi Yu
Fuck subs.
Lineage 2 in its prime was unironically the greatest MMO of all time.
It is, people bought way too much into the concept, and while it's indeed a good direction to take Zelda in the actual execution was flawed and definitely has some kinks to work out. I hope future entries properly accomplish what BotW set out to be but the combat, consumables, dungeon design and sense of long-term rewarding exploration all need to be worked on.
I would lick that belly clean.
Sounds a bit too old for me, but I can see the appeal.
Open games just kill any sense of immersion, it's better to just let insta-change scenery to believe the world is more huge than it really is
Persona 5 is extremely overrated and the only reason anyone gives a shit about it is waifus.
The grinding gameplay was mediocre, the weeb artstyle is questionable, but the PVP was probably the best PVP ever made in every game, ever.
Don't get me wrong, I'd still rather use subs where eastern games are concerned, but I really do not like the high-pitched shit.
For some reason, why you say it, this is who I'm hearing.
>Not having quality sexual content to sale.
The near-future setting of ArmA 3 is fucking great.
What did he mean by this?
RPGs should stay as RPGs and other games should stop using "RPG elements". Said elements always become little more than a nuisance and an excuse to not balance the game at all in an action game, while putting more focus into action in an actual RPG just always makes it lose out on other aspects that make it unique.
It's so fucking maddening. Instead of having two good genres (pure action and pure RPG) we have one infinitely shit one. There are, of course great action RPGs too but the genre is just drowning in shit.
I like skimpy clad heroines and rediciolus armour designs as long as it fits the setting and will always choose cute, busty anime girls having their tits flopping around over PC diverse shit. Most oif the time, games that feature these kinds of armour are more positive and lightharted anyways.
In recent years I've only been able to enjoy a game if it has a good and/or atmosphere.
Games that are just games feel really hollow and kinda boring to me, I get bored of them really quickly, people would say "just watch a movie if you want story" but I've enjoyed the stories I've found in video games much more than any movie released in the last ten years.
Anybody else get this?
What is the point of sex in video games? You ain't gonna see anything anyway.
I really want to impregnate and marry Makoto
I actually like action RPGs more than pure RPGs but I do agree that RPG elements don't need to be in every other game that comes out nowadays.
It's the opposite for men. I've yet to enjoy a pure RPG or pure action game. The first usually have god-awful combat and the second usually have next to no progression.
god i'll never have a wife like her
what's even the point of living, i'm probably going to marry some used up forty year old hooker and end up with a gun in my mouth
America hasn't produced a good game in a decade, every game worth anything in the last ten years has been from Europe or Japan.
>It's the opposite for men.
Meant to say opposite for me
>Sam Lake
How can one man be so based?