Just picked this up and I'm about to choose my starting class/vocation thing. Which one is the most fun? I think I recall you guys saying one class was shit but I forgot which.
Just picked this up and I'm about to choose my starting class/vocation thing. Which one is the most fun...
Play a sorcerer, cast lots of big boomy spells.
Most people will say Warrior is shit, but I found it a lot of fun. You can switch between all of them whenever you want, so just try them all and see what you like.
Strider for first time through. Has ranged and close attacks.
I think strider is the most fun out of the starting classes, personally. Mobility + good at climbing on monsters + fun bow shit. The advanced classes are all fun in their own ways.
There is no point min/maxing unless you are trying to build the perfect level 200 character.
Just play whatever class sounds fun. They are all viable and you can switch several times.
you don't play just one vocation. you play them all to get all the skills. Only when you've unlocked all the skills do you possibly stick to just 1
yellows are godlike
blues are long con
reds are for cosplay
No one will recruit your pawn unless it's cute or funny. It doesn't matter if you've trained it well.
This might be a dumb question but how in the world do i "get stronger"? Ogres take a million years to kill, and vendors only sell the same shit they were selling when i first got to Grand Soren, and it doesn't look like leveling up is making any noticeable difference in my damage output.
Or is Magick Archer just "no damage: The Vocation" ?
Purple master race here
I guess if you consider standing still for up to 30secs while intone spells fun.
It's either that or spamming holy bolts.
Strider/assassin are probably the most fun.
All the classes are fine, but mage is 100% outclassed by sorcerer so if you want to shoot spell, change to sorc asap.
But you should swap vocations when you feel like it. All classes have different augments and imo it's more fun for the first playthrough.
Stats also mostly come through gear, so don't worry about leveling stats too much, just enjoy yourself, it's a fun game
Yes, the scaling in the game is retarded. You need to level as a mage to do decent magic archer stuff. Or just grind it out
I watched a couple youtube videos about this.
Dragons Dogma is heavily based on Dungeons and Dragons.
This means that your power is heavily based on your gear. Even if the gear in the shop is only a point or two better, you should still buy it because it makes a bigger difference than you think.
Also, if you're talking about the big ogre in the everfall you're not supposed to be down there yet.
Good overall damage class, good at mounting, single target damage and decent bow skills
Like strider but better ranged skills, actually perfectly good as a melee class. The "pure" dex class
Highest damage stat growth. Like a strider who has sword and board options as well
Sword and board. Good defensive skills and ability to perfect block attacks. Decent damage and heavy armour
Highest health and high attack, very big, slow attacks. Suffers from slow attacks and poor evasion, a bit clunky to play but can still be fun. The "pure" strength class
>mystic knight
Battlemage class, halfway between mage/sorcerer and fighter. Fun to play, has some insanely powerful spells and pretty sturdy.
Standard caster, has some decent offensive spells but is primarily used as a pawn buffer and healbot. Pretty boring to play IMO.
Mage that drops healing for access to better damage spells. Can do huge damage with long cast spells, but needs to be immobile and safe to cast them. Can be both boring (due to standing around) and exciting (massive damage and spell effects, and tension when casting in danger). The "pure" int class.
>magick archer
Hybrid mage and strider. Never played it much but apparently quite fun, someone else will have to comment on it.
I'd recommend strider, ranger or assassin first time.
Stats increase based on what vocation you are when you level up. Magick Archer needs more magick damage, so if you've been leveling as Ranger and then switched to MA, your damage is going to be kinda low.
I played as the mystic knight. It's pretty fun to do timed blocks and fire your artillery. However if you are minmaxing Strider->Assassin is a no-brainer.
>magick archer
Nigga just spam sixfold bolt, what the fuck kind of skills are you using?
Assassin is the most fun throughout the entire game. Has a ton of flexibility. I personally used sword for most of the game. Super good.
>ogre in the everfall
The one i just lured to the edge and it fell and died. The annoying ones were the 3 ones in the cave path, i think my pawns did all the damage but i killed them too, just took forever.
>you're not supposed to be down there yet
I believe you, but it's really stupid that it's the first quest you get when you get to grand soren.
>You need to level as a mage to do decent magic archer stuff
>Magick Archer needs more magick damage, so if you've been leveling as Ranger and then switched to MA, your damage is going to be kinda low.
I guess that's probably the issue i'm having.
It does nothing, my dagger attacks deal more damage, probably because of what those 2 other anons said.
What level should you be before fighting the big dragon? I'm currently 44
Is Dark Arisen supposed to be a NG+ thing? I played through to post-Grigori and started BBI after clearing some of the Everfall rooms - I think my level was in the low/mid 50s - and the difficulty curve seemed way out of whack. I've gotten as far as beating the dragon/necromancer boss, but I feel like the game expected me to spend ages grinding out Everfall gear beforehand, since BBI seems really stingy with its weapon/armour drops and yet the big Everfall beasties are piss-easy.
It doesn't matter you can change mid game.
I went there as soon as I hit 51. Tough as hell, but definitely beatable. Daimon was a huge cunt, though.
I'm playing through as an Assassin and having a lot of fun. Sword and Bow is a good combo.
Assassin and Mystic Knight are probably the two most powerful classes in the end game. Both especially useful in the DLC end game due to Assassin's maneuverability to easily hit weak spots and MK having insane magic damage output. Here's how quickly I killed one of the toughest drake enemies as an assassin.
And how quickly I annihilate the most fucking annoying enemies in the game as MK
>Assassin and Mystic Knight are probably the two most powerful classes in the end game.
The most powerful class is the ranger, you don't know what you're talking about.
Yeah if you're exploiting exploding bolts and conquerors periapts maybe but who the fuck wants to lug around 50kg worth of arrows and shit at all times you funless faggot. Same strat works on Assassin as well just not as great.
It doesn't matter, ranger + explosive bolts makes both Daimon and Death a piece of cake. There literally is no stronger combination in the entire game.
>two most powerful classes
You weren't talking about fun.
I'm talking about being powerful based on not using game breaking exploits.
P.S I can kill Daimon with a single Great Canon perfect block on my MK if I chug 4 conqueror and demon's periapts before hand. Just as, if not more broken than ranger.
That's why i love that game
How is using an item that is readily available to you, an exploit?
It's just as much an exploit as stacking periapts.
>I can kill Daimon with a single Great Canon perfect block on my MK
That would be impressive if it were actually true. Unfortunately for you Daimon has two phases with a cutscene in between.
Only the second time through.
I'm talking about each phase noob.
With ranger and explosive bolts you can kill Daimon and Death without them ever making one single attack.
So when does this game get fun, I'm about three hours in and is the impression I've been getting.