Just got a box of these bad boys. What am I in for, Sup Forums?
Just got a box of these bad boys. What am I in for, Sup Forums?
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it looks like youre in for lucky charms with like 30 marshmallows per box
dont forget your milkies op
Sure? It's not in the ingredients.
Lucky Charms with a hint of berry, have a blast op
They're pretty good, the fruit flavor threw me off because I was expecting a Lucky Charms type of cereal. I liked them. The amiibo is useless though.
Im getting sick of this soy meme, not funny.
In your nearest Soy Product Store.
Drink less of it and it won't seem as triggering.
Of course it isn't funny, there's nothing fun about feminization of males.
Soy doesn't feminize males.
If anything, drinking milk from a cow's boobies does.
Milk from pregnant cows contains far higher hormone levels than milk from nonpregnant ones—five times the estrogen during the first two months of pregnancy, according to one study, and a whopping 33 times as much estrogen as the cow gets closer to term.
Franken Berry but not as good.
I'm allergic
You can't announce sage, faglord
This is the worst wojak of all. It shows no ecaggerated emotion, unlike the others. Someone re do it right
The nu males with beard opening their mouth look excited and this wojak looks just neitral.
pls fix
And yet the milkdrinkers deny this.
>muh protein
>muh calcium
Milk is unhealthy, there's soy almost in every consumer product, no I don't drink soymilk.
Oh boy, here comes my chance to be really funny.
Does it taste like SOY? XD
>Of course it isn't funny, there's nothing fun about feminization of males.
lol epic joke my fellow Pede
looks worse than the shitty nintendo cereal from when I was a kid.
Just got a box of these bad boys. What am I in for, Sup Forums?
Link to channel? Seeing a red gaming youtuber is kinda rare.
imagine going to the store and buying this
>the state of pscucks
fucking pig
Garbage that makes you wish you bought chocolate lucky charms instead.
Is that soy milk he's drinking? How could Kekistan man betray us like this?
>eating marshmallows for breakfast
Is this an American tradition?
>lucky charms
Soy milk it's not even tasty, why people say people drink it en masse? I tried once and find it disgusting.
In general any kind of milk it's good only in certain circustances but I canlt see the appeal of drink milk everyday, honestly
Almondmilk is the superior milk alternitive.
But regular milk still reigns the champ over all of them.
>nintenbros decide what they eat for breakfast based on what cartoon character is on the box
>something a child would do
Literal man children.
How the fuck do they milk almonds? That is physically impossible. Have you seen any udders on them? Enlighten me because almond milk seems like a real world meme that everyone decided to stop thinking about logically and it's pissing me off.
>forced meme that has no basis in reality
Sounds like Sup Forums to me
I thought for a second that was the interior of the Krusty Krab.
when you activate them milk comes out
i unironically drink this because cow milk has estrogen in it and i guess that’s why you seem like such a bitch.
>marshmallows for breakfast is bad
What about marshmallows with chocolate?
you soak almonds in water, it's not milk and that's why it's one word on the box like with soymilk
the fuck you say about milk bitch
milk is full of testosterone from the jacked cows bred to make meaty fat steaks
Almond milk is literally Almond cum hue hue hue
I tell my wife this every night
wouldnt the same thing happen with human breast milk? is everybody a soyboy as a result of their infantile breastfeeding?
If I didn't know for sure that this wasn't a picture of me, I'd be very goddamn worried as to where this came from.
That’s just fuckin count choculla
It's fine he signed off on it to get his lifetime supply of free milk.
Do you niggas remember this and how fucking AWFUL it tasted? I imagine this Mario cereal being like that.
In addition to this, doesn't eating red meat also put more estrogen into your body than drinking soy does? But these same retards shouting SOY are probably the kind who think eating steak is manly.
>Caring this much about which type of milk allegedly contains the most estrogen
Are people really this fucking insecure about their masculinity?
The kind of manchildren of today didn't exist 100 years ago, something is clearly wrong.
Obviously they must have, otherwise you wouldn't exist.
>lol everything is genetics
Nope, this phenomenon is entirely a result of modern toxins in food, some castrating you in the womb.
The male sperm count at a global level is a joke compared to what it was in the 70's, testosterone standards are lowering.
Sup Forums is dead. Even reddit is better for game discussion at this point.
Sup Forums has died 12 times or so. What's one more death?
>regular milk still reigns the champ over all of them
but you forgot about chocolate milk
Got a Switch and they're selling it in a store nearby, should I bother to get one for the amiibo?
One, I was insulting you. Two, how the fuck would you know how much of the population consisted of manchildren back when film was barely a thing? Have you forgotten about John Kellogg, who literally invented a breakfast cereal for the sole purpose of reducing libido, who adopted 8 children and had none of his own?
Lots of things are unhealthy, but I still eat them. Everything in moderation, combined with a healthy lifestyle, allows the indulgence of unhealthy things.
Why the FUCK are most American snacks and sweets artificially flavoured? Fucking disgusting.
A cheap and healthy, tasty crunchy breakfast.
Why the fuck do bots have to ruin this site?
>you nigger
Not as bad as Japanese snacks, shit is straight out of the lab.
Make way you plebeians
They literally put cow shit as a "natural flavor" into nature valley bars.
i refuse to buy anything that encourages weebs
Fuck off, PeTA
The difference is drinking milk as a toddler and drinking milk as a full adult is a completely different thing.
Drinking milk as an adult isn't natural, and it's actually not really that good for you
i doubt OP is canadian
What the fuck is this actual off-brand bootleg Weetbix horseshit?
It's full of taurine you dum dum
PETA or not, he's right.
Using a computer and fucking a blow up doll isn't natural either. Quit trying to use the MUH NATURE argument.
>Not calling them Mari-O's
One job Nintendo
Who's Mari?
>tfw love cereal but lactose intolerant
This isn't fucking fair bros
best taste
>Isn't natural
meme term. What you mean is; the ability for mammals to digest lactose is determined by an enzyme they lose into adulthood likely as a simple method of weening offspring before more complex instincts formed to force that anyway.
Portions of humanity have depend on animal milk to survive hence the highly reduced number of lactose intolerant people in Europe and in other regions where people have historically depended on milk for survival.
If you aren't lactose intolerant then there is no reason to avoid milk. Estrogen in milk is an entirely different issue related to modern farming, just buy milk from the Amish or find alternative dairy sources like goats.
Last time I asked about that I was linked to a study that was funded by a vegan organization
lactose free milk
Remember when Sup Forums used to actually discuss video games? Yeah, I don't remember that time either.
>not calling it MariO's and having the cereal be O shaped
Was their study credible?
No no you see this how it works. There are a bunch of videogame threads up. But you're subconsciously bored of videogames so you actively search for off topic threads to then point and day "look Sup Forums is discussing off topic again!" as if this isn't a turd in an ocean of videogame discussion.
I literally had a dream yesterday where my mom got this cereal, and I got really angry since she opened it, and now I can't sell it on ebay
What the fuck is wrong with me?
>stop making fun of my girl physique...boo hoo
lol he said soy
why is the yuro economy stagnant trash? artificial flavorings are chemically identical to natural
People like you make me ashamed to like nintendo. Going out and buying a cereal for children because mario is on the cover?