How do I not get my shit pushed in by this thing?
How do I not get my shit pushed in by this thing?
git gud
the next two hunts after this thing are a lot more gruesome
From what I've heard regarding the game's difficulty, simply playing it works.
did it with both the dual swords and the katana. Neither of those seemed optimal. Still it can be done. Just try not to stay so in front of him because that's where all the teeth and shit are.
You kill him and wear his armor so youre basically immune to fire
Just started the game and did the first jagras mission.
I hope this game isn't this boring much longer. Holy fuck these cutscenes and long tutorial are killing me.
First 3 hours gave me cancer
That and always sheathing my weapon with r1 because lets have the attack buttons be O and triangle. Brilliant
It'll be over soon. Before you know it, you're back into good old MH.
Anja is nothing compared to spastic sonic.
Jesus christ I don't remember anjanath being this fucking cancer in the beta. Every couple seconds he would just roar. Walk a few steps, roar. Then turn around, roar. Was I just unlucky the last two times I hunted him? He roars more than a fucking brute tigrex, which is actually a fun monster unlike this piece of shit.
Don't get hit. In detail, treat him like Deviljho and stay near his feet; his kicks are his least threatening attacks and are plenty telegraphed.
Also is it just me, or does this dude's tail have an obscene amount of health before it gets cut off?
I'm at Zorah Magdaros
and I'm still waiting at these fucking cutscenes to stop.
Why did super nova not almost if not outright kill? Is that really the new damage for it? Or is he got a shit ton of buffs and resistant gear and it's low rank?
Not even half his health from a auper nova?
So stop progressing the story and just do MH shit. You see how long that list of investigations is?? Jesus christ.
Actually maybe the real game doesn't start until all the content is unlocked... idk. Do what you want.
>simply playing it works
Can confirm
>Buddy played only a little of 4U with me, I've been playing on and off since FU2
>Both get MHW, he only wants to do hunts with me
>Complains a lot about Anja being BS but wants to hunt him for the gear
>I have work a lot the past couple days and he doesn't want to let his new game just sit there unplayable
>Come back to find that he's now wearing a full set of Anja armour + Hammer
>Go hunt one, seeing him dodging attacks and making callouts on Anja's tells
>Both of us getting excited fighting new monsters like Onda and Ice Chicken
Really all you gotta do is play.
You need to get over with story shit to unlock HR
>hunting pukei pukei
>this fucker comes behind as i charge my great sword, i hit him accidentally and he kills me in 3 hits
why is this allowed.
>encounter this guy with gunlance
>he oneshots me with a charge
>go back
>his attacks do barely any damage to me and I knock him on his ass all fight
From the looks of it, he's got six fuckjillion buffs on. I don't recognize the armor because I'm not that far into the game, but some of these defensive perks are really fucking good. Plus he triggered Divinity or whatever that shit is called.
My best guess is that some ability proc'd("Damage taken was reduced" message on the right) but even so the amount of damage taken was so pathetically small and the windup for the supernova was so incredibly long that there really is zero excuse for anyone getting hit by it.
Can you remap it? I never looked because the default cobtrol scheme is perfect for returnibg hunters
dung shots my dude
I've been running SnS - what's Gunlance like?
Godly. The skill and getting rid of the heat gauge are definetly great buffs.
Nope cant remap. So anyone just starting is going to want to kill themselves because they sheath their weapons when trying to attack
Scheme makes 0 sense
Ah right yeah I see them now, if he's got a higher level of divine blessing along with all those buffs then I'd understand. Hopefully it won't be that pitifully low damaging without all of that.
Any tips on using GL? Sword 'n' Shield is super speedy by comparison.
It has the best shield block and there are numerous combos you use involving explosions and shit. Normal gunshots do pure damage through armor.
When the monster falls asleep, you set up a load of barrel bombs and blow his head off with the charge blast. That attack takes a couple minutes to recharge though.
Do some resource missions to get armor spheres then level up your gear.
Craft two tranq bombs and take a pitfall or shock trap.
During the fight try to stick close to the back of it's legs. If you survive long enough for it to limp away to rest, follow but don't attack. When it lays down, drop one of the traps. The trap should capture it (if not lead it into the trap) then use two tranq bombs once it's stuck.
>bow is just a generic spam weapon now
and don't foreget always keep the Wyrmstake Shot charged shit crits like crazy.
>tfw you're stuck playing MHXX because PC release in fucking autumn
Feels bad man.
Basically I use the ground explosion that exhausts the ammo and then I combo into th jab explosion. Reload and repeat.
If the monster is fast with fast recovery, I use the charge jab, blast, blast, and jab explosion if I'm lucky.
How so?, that's the only weapon I haven't tried in world.
Well a lot of the weapons rely on a third input which is easy to do by pressing both triangle and circle, as well as a 4th being r2 (which makes the most sense for gunners). Keep at it, it'll feel natural eventually...
Use the slam attack burst with Normal shot. Charge your shots with Wide shot. Use Wyvernfire as often as possible when using Long shot.
For the love of sweet god, get Artillery. It increases all shot type attack damage from basic to Wyvernfire, and speeds up the cool down time for Wyvernfire for more spamming. Anja's pants in LR give you a point in Artillery pretty early on.
>mfw moralfag an even why I can just CIA'd it I'm waiting Capcom gives a ratass damn and localize it.
World is great but I prefer the traditional way.
MonHan is something you naturally get better with time unless you're a YT Let's Player or something. It's a pretty well-designed series in these kinds of aspects.
>GL main
>get to Coral Highlands
>completely rekt TziTzi the first time I meet him in the investigation because GL completely counters him
Feels good man.
Sometimes you have to play it safe and not do the final jab explosion, tempting as it is. Only if you know you're going to get hit
It makes controlling the camera such a pain
Attacks should have been L1 and R1 instead of freaking O and triangle
Is wyvernfire better with long shot? I've only been using normal shot.
Like before? It was always at it's best inflicting status effects
This game is really hard. I can’t even make it past the quest select screen. Something keeps making me want to fap every time I go to the canteen and talk to the girl
>Using sns when charge blade is better in every possible way
Justify yourself.
O and triangle is optimal for action games because your thumb sits over the two buttons perfectly and all you have to do tap down using the tip and the base of your thumb.
Imagine being so underage that you never even played a single action game from the PS2 era.
>expects R1 to swing the blade
Oh I get it now, you're just a Durk sools baby.
What's the difference between the various GL shelling types?
IDK man, TziTzi took me more time that I had anticiáted on an exploration, I countered it but I ddin't expect it were so complicated.
Parrying with charge blade is pretty fun, shame the elemental discharge is a bitch to land on a weakness
Normal has most ammo.
Long has most range.
Wide has most pellets, less ammo.
>L1 for an attack
You disgust me
I've never played a MH game and I'm interested in picking this up.
What should I expect? Is it comparable to Dragons Dogma or the Souls series at all? because I've played and enjoyed those.
See I honestly dont understand how you can be this pretentious about monster hunter. R1 and L1 are the most common buttons for fighting games that arent arcade style
>hurr that should have killed him
>doy this game is so casual
What are elemental protection buffs?
Have any of you faggots actually played this game or are you just parroting other trolls?
So I just captured my first Anja and I didn't use any tranq bombs. He just walked into the trap and I got the capture. Is that a thing now or what happened?
It’s like Monster Hunter.
You get a quest, go to an area, and try to damage a big monster while avoiding its hit boxes and any other monsters that may be around. You find it, hit it until it runs away or dies, and chase it when it does run away. You gather materials to make stuff like potions and antidotes and weapons and armor, but the game relies on your skill.
Don’t buy it if you blame the game for your inability to git gud.
>almost dropped MH completely and deemed it too autistically hard when I tried taking down a guild monster straight away as a new player fresh off the boat with default greatsword and armor in MH3U
You guys don't even know "getting your shit pushed in".
With Lance/Gunlance, are there examples of attacks I should be dodging rather than blocking?
Sometimes if a monster is like 1 hit from dying or so it’ll capture without tranqs because it’s alreasy tired from you beating the shit out of it
You can charge by just mashing attack and you keep it as long as you're pressing buttons or dodging. Charge levels increase crit distance so you don't have to care where you're standing anymore.
They have the strongest shields of the game for a reason user.
R1 and L1 are the most common buttons for fighting games that arent arcade style
Show me 5 examples that aren't Dark Souls or Dark Souls clones you fucking 13 year old.
>it's an egg transport level
The dodge sucks. Maybe for elemental attacks you can dodge. You should be able to block almost everything with gunlance.
Each of the shot types get a damage modifer to specific actions. Normal shot gets a bonus to burst fire, while Long shot Gunlances have weaker burst fires both due to a negative damage multiplier and having less shots to burst in the first place. Wide shots are pretty weak uncharged, but get a sizeable multiplier when charged, as well as a very forgiving spread to their shots for the accuracy challenged. They also have the weakest Wyvernfire to make up for this. Long shot actually shoot the furthest distance (but still aren't truly a ranged option, so don't count on it), and multiply the damage of Wyvernfire a retarded amount. Seriously, if you have a boner for Wyvernfire, this is the shot type to use. This is balanced by not having many shots in the first place, and a mediocre burst fire.
Too much shit going on. I just want to hit monster and be fast. That being said, even I used the CB back in its glory days in 4U, where even the regular ore tree CB could carry literally any shitter all the way to G-rank.
there are only 2 and they are completly optional, quit bitching this isn't 3G anymore.
Ever play Phantasy Star Online? Or any other sort of lobby based MMO? It's exactly like that. You pick a quest, go to an area, kill the monster, then get plopped right back in town. The loop is killing monsters, getting mats, and making new gear. Repeat. There's really no plot or progression. Just a standard lobby MMO
I love this guy. Fighting him with Lance was the most fun I'd had in the game thus far.
Not an sns user but it is much more approachable for new hunters being more mobile, and having the ability to use items help with survivability
this happened to me and my friend. we both logged on and took a swing at some guild quests. managed to slug our way all the way to lagiacrus. it wasn't until after I played MH4U on my own for a bit that I figured everything out
eventually we went back with our newfound knowledge and kicked that fucker's teeth in
I can think off the top of my head every shooting game
Again how are you this pretentious about monster hunter? Are you a 3ds loving manchild or something good grief calm down
>R1 and L1 are the most common buttons for fighting games that arent arcade style
The absolute state of this board.
Maybe those cats that hang around in some areas and will trap a monster for you can also tranq?
Really? I put an Anja in a trap and then killed it with one bug hit with IG before.
go back to your porn thread and talk about wanting to suck a dick and be the girl
>clearly states "fighting games"
>a-actually I meant shooting games!
Fuck off and kill yourself.
>With Lance/Gunlance, are there examples of attacks I should be dodging rather than blocking?
Blocking is literally always an option with Lance and Gunlance, and becomes an even better option the more points in Guard Up you get. The only time you should be even thinking about this is when you git gud and are truly ready to style on monsters. See: back hop lancing in previous games.
How do you climb the trees like that?, I did it once but it wasn't on purpose.
What do you mean when you say "charged" the weapon has a charged state?
Are people actually having trouble with him?
>the absolute state of this child
How do you do the grapple thing? I'm on LR4 and have still never done it. Or heck, I don't think I've used the arm launcher at all. I've been playing it like any other MH
My PS4 bricked from a powersurge and I had to reformat it.
Lost 6 hours
How do I save my save file in the PS+ cloud?
You should enjoy this based on your enjoyment of DD and DS.
You see those plate like mushrooms sticking out the side? You just walk into a surface with that shit on it and you'll run up and jump off of it.
wall has to have mushrooms on it. Almost every weapon has a unique attack they can only use by dodging/running up the wall.
what this guy said,
when i defeated him, i just went to the fight sorta prepared, like have shock and pitfall traps, flash bangs, having my palico talk to bugtrappers or tailriders, im using charge blade so i had to attach from the back and stay near the feet and at times retreat for health and or sharpen my blade.
What are you going on about you sperg? You're clearly too young to remember any game before Dark Souls and this "insult" you came up with sounds like you're fucking 12.
ARE you 12? I'm actually convinced you're 12.
The female armor sets are all too tasteful
You'll have to be more specific
You mean 4U.
4U had the most fucking egg carrying quests I have ever seen holy shit. And it was fucking horrifying too, especially the volcano one due to all the climbing. And then after like the first egg, they block all the convenient paths with boulders.
Is the fps better than the beta? Remember seeing a video of a guy barely keeping 45 fps
lol that insult really stung you
Nice non-argument.
You said fighting games, FPS games aren't fighting games you fucking brainlet.
Oh yeah, I completely blocked out that shit from my memory.
I thought I recalled seeing people use the arm launcher thing to grapple onto stuff and swing around