Defend this boss
Defend this boss
nah, it looks perfectly capable of defending itself
why would i defend him when it's my job to kill him
no, the only reason I don't say this is the worst dragon fight in souls is because Ancient Dragon exists
He's fun. The people who hate him unironically need to git gud.
His attacks don't cost a lot of stamina when defending with a greatshield.
The tip is not to lock on during his attacks and face forward cleanly.
Whats wrong with it?
The one annoying thing people complain about in souls is the camera.
Like y'all retards know you can move it right? And youre not always meant to lock on.
Only camera that gets stuck is centipede. And rare occasions like being backed against the wall by artorias.
That being said Midir was an alright fight took me about 5 tries and only 6 minutes.
>duuur his health pool
Yea...its not that big of a deal like i said about 6mins and 20 secs is all it took me.
Hail Miyazaki
his attacks still damage you even with a 100% physical reduction greatshield
Youre not actually supposed to fight him. So suck your girlfriends dick.
You shouls git gud then scrub
Best DLC boss.
Friede,Midir,Gael,Demon Prince. Jesus christ the DLCs were so good.
A 9/10 when the old hunters is a solid 4/10.
>Predectible attack patterns
>Plenty of time to position and hit
>Explotaible AI
>Weakness to lightning
>Not fair
You need to get gut you dumb nigger
>AoE fire breath attack nearly impossible to dodge because of massive range
>Arms swipes will damage you even if they don't hit you if you're standing under midir
>Fire attacks in general are hard to dodge because you can't tell how big their hitbox is
>Massive broken hitbox on any physical attack
he's probably the most easy to predict boss of the dlc, his patterns are too rigid
that said his healthpool is inexcusable
>yfw you take your first swing at him and can't even tell if his healthbar is any smaller
>old hunters is a solid 4/10.
All fire attacks are easy to avoid and well telegraphed. You should get damaged by standing under a giant dragon while it's thrashing around. Hitboxes are fine, you just suck.
Think of it this way: there are women in the world who have beaten this boss and done less complaining than you. You are more of a bitch than some literal females.
its a 5 minute fight that lasts 15 minutes
its pure shit
>Tfw to retarded to not run away from the blast even if the dragon does plenty of time to charge
>Standing under te dragon, bad very bad choice
>See above
>Just dodge at the right time.
Use a lightning infused Saint Bident
Well yeah no shit dumbass he deals physical, fire, and dark damage.
he's a godzilla clone.
I thought I was supposed to attack him.
I'm convinced that people who complain about his health pool are the same people who think that spamming straight sword R1's is the only viable way to play.