2018...I am....forgotten

2018...I am....forgotten...

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I just remote played MHW on you though

This. I use it all the time to play PC games in bed

more alive than Wii U and Ouya

How do you play pc games on the ps vita?

You're getting a Catherine remake. Y-you'll be just fine, little buddy.

try 2015

the vita is a bigger burnout than the WiiU, it sold a few million more but its attach rates are atrocious in comparison

I'm playing Dissidia 012 and Rengoku 2 on you all the time though


> streaming

wow... what a time to be alive.

I think you mean the Wii U.

Why didn't you get a Vita TV when you had the chance?

The Ouya forum are still going strong, brother.


I'm playing MHFU and MHP3rd a lot lately on you.

God bless you. And God bless your second stick.

last I checked, Vita had really great attachment rate for software. That's why it got a ton of indie and japanese dev support.

attach rates in terms of sales, the only vita game to reach a million is minecraft

>Legend of Mana
It's literally having a better 2018 than it did 2017

The Vita has a great legacy.

>attach rates
I'd like to see your source. Most people use their vita for digital releases, indie releases and pirating. Not physical releases. From my experience with the vita community they are small but extremely loyal and buy every little shit that comes out for it - Which is why companies like LRG still release games for it.


Also new virtual on game from sega is coming to vita

there are roughly 7 games per 1 WiiU, and then we have

I'm literally playing digimon stories cyber sleuth hacker's memories right now

I know moon which means I have about a million rpgs to play on it. I love mine.

You're speaking in peaks and not consistency. Consistency is what keeps a system alive.

Is it possible to remote play ps vita from my xbox one console?

I use mine as a music player when my phone is charging. Did any good exclusive come out for it yet? And I don't mean animu girls because pretty much every game on every system has those, I mean games with actually fun and satisfying gameplay.

Its library is ass but with CFW you can run emulators and PSP games with a second control stick.

About 3 years ago, a personal electronics chain in Canada was clearing their Vitas out. I wanted to get one at the time but it was following the switch from OLED version to a new version which if I recall correctly was cheaper to manufacture. I wasn't sure what to do and never ended up buying one.

I bought my PS4 in holiday 2017. Now I want to buy a vita again. But I also want PSVR, so I don't know.

t. Poorfag

most of the exclusives are japan only, like phantasy star nova. but the system is region free so whatever. only thing stopping you is if you don't speak moon

You wish.

nah, the 3DS is for gameplay. vita is for gimmicks and indie games

>all better on PS4

I want someone to name ONE (1) game worth owning a vita for that is not a remake or has a port.

It's been 6 years. That's a decent lifespan for a console.

The only games on the Vita that have decent gameplay are ports/enhanced remakes. But I wouldn't go as far as call those "satisfying". The PS Vita should've been the best handheld ever but Sony didn't give a fuck.

soul sacrifice delta?

I find the handheld platform more enjoyable than console, since both will run like shit regardless, I might as well be comfortable.

Freedom Wars.

And where is your source for Vita attach rates and what it considers into that statistic? (digital releases, psone games, indie games, LRG, physical). The pic you posted didn't have those details for the wii u either, I don't even know what site it's from, I'm assuming nintendo but it doesn't say on the pic or file name.

>Anywhere but a handheld
What are we, savages?

Fire Emblem Awakening
Monster Hunter 4U


Does the Vita have good emu support at this point, or is the PSP still the go-to?

Is Little Big Planet vita a new game? If so that.

Also Tearaway is good and Unfolded on PS4 plays so differently that it's worth playing both.

It had potential but just like Toukiden it came off as another soulless Monster Hunter clone, without any of the actual challenge or replay value.

I don't know why people are so against remakes/ports on a handheld. I'd rather pay $60 for a Vita from a pawnshop and pirate the game instead of buying a $200 ps4 plus $60 game

There's nothing wrong with ports and stuff but if that's literally the handheld has to offer then what's even the point. The Vita has great specs for a handheld but it all goes to waste because it lacks exclusive games that are actually fun to play.

>Does the Vita have good emu support at this point
depends on what you want to emulate. it does psp and ps1 games just fine.

We don't want you you 400$ piece of ass cancer.
The 3DS and Candy Crush killed you as well as Sony impotence.

>what's even the point
free online?
the fact the games are cheaper than the home console equivalent?

I would also like to add that it is very likely that Vita owners play their system more than wii u owners play theirs as the Vita is more portable and allows them to use its features wherever they please.

bruh they're less than $100 now


If the Vita actually did have some great exclusives then yeah, it being portable would be great. But if all you have are old games what's the point? It's even better to emulate on PC. And phones can emulate the same shit. Except you didn't have to pay for a dust collecting brick.

>free online
Right, because of ALL those online games on the Vita.

Except for how overpriced the Vita itself and every other thing that you need for it is. All these would be alright if the Vita had an amazing library but sadly that's not the case.

Not new and not with additional memory to actually enjoy it. Sony tried to butt fuck its customers and we didn't bite so let's just let this PS turd float away.

a gaming pc is not portable
smartphones capable of good emulation cost $300+
a vita right now used at a pawnshop or craigslist is less than $100


>not new
who cares, sony doesn't even make new vitas in america/europe. it's all used now.

and a sd2vita memory card is only $5

Thanks for confirming you never played it.

this, works great with ps4 pro. no lag at all

Bullet Girls 2

>he doesn't own both a vita and a 3ds


>requires cfw
>cfw require ver 3.6
>can't downgrade to 3.6
>nobody is trying to crack above 3.6
What did user mean by this?

Next month your getting the game that will singlehandedly justify me purchasing you way back in 2012.
Not entirely true. Freedom Wars already took that title

>Doing yakuza mini-games on vita through streaming.

Is Ys:VIII any good?
I played every other ys: game save for this one and 1+2. I also enjoy the party games.

Still use it. More than my Switch.

Lmao, this is what 3DS fanboys actually believe.

Soul Sacrifice Delta, an amazing portable game.


>The Vita is so shit, it only has ports and ZERO exclusives!
>The Switch is amazing because you can play these downgraded ports on the go!

It's so weird to see the Switch get away with being a purely port machine because it has better ads and shilling.

>Sony didn't give a fuck.
More like consumers didn't give a fuck. Sony did try early on, it had shooters on the go for the American market but that market just doesn't buy handhelds. Their core audience was the issue.

Shinobido 2 and Killzone Mercs.

Right now it's okay because they're PS4/Switch multiplats which are close enough for multiplats. Wait by the end of 2020 when PS5 comes out when Switch will be far away in specs and have terrible multiplats like the ones that plagued the Vita after the PS4 came out.

>can't downgrade to 3.6
mobo swap with a screwdriver, only costs $30

I'm using the remote play to play Digimon.

Nah bro, I just bought the new Digmon Story game and Demon Gaze 2 on you.

Love my Vita

>More like consumers didn't give a fuck.
More like consumers saw the memory card prices and went "FUCK THAT". It also didn't help that Sony marketed the Vita poorly. Every ad I saw on television was literally showing the Vita as a remote play device instead of being its own handheld.

To be fair, the marketing was extremely weak. They should have put more effort early on to boost it.

Nintendo spent millions on ad campaigns for a good while, Superbowls, late night shows, etc. Sony hardly tried.

>because they're PS4/Switch multiplats which are close enough for multiplats.

I have a Switch and that's an outright lie. Not only are the resolutions much lower and overall visuals, the performance is shit on 95% of Switch ports that aren't just 2D indie games. Even that cooking game ran like shit with simple 3D, Bomberman cant even do 60 fps despite looking like shit, and even the Dark Souls Remaster will be 30 FPS (likely with dips). Its literally a huge a downgrade.

gravity rush

I should also add, stuff like Digimon and Gundam games are native Vita games. Which PS4 game has been ported to the Vita? Show me one.

PSP was better

My Vita is my dedicated work gaming machine.

I play it at work all the time. I'm basically getting paid to play it since I have a lot of downtime.

Good thing it can run all PSP games with better controls, screen and form factor :)

Danganronpa 1 and 2 USED to be a situation like the original Ace Attorney trilogy where they were remakes but the new handheld was English speakers' only way to play them so the games didn't function as a remake the way Ocarina of Time 3D or HeartGold/SoulSilver did.

>Legend of Mana

DR Another Episode was really fun. Soul Sacrifice Delta was still my favorite, probably best handheld game of all time.

Huh, than why does the Switch exist?
Everything it has is better on the PC/PS4.

A major release is a major release whether or not you have interest in it my nigga.

>inserts disc into vita
oh wait

Yes they are not perfect by any means, but those port's quality are at least playable for the most part. Once PS5 becomes the lead platform things will only get much worse.

For the past couple years its been PS4 as the lead platform then downports to Vita like pic that Attack on Titan game by KT or Blue Reflection.
Only example of PS4 to Vita would be Valkyria Revolution since it got an extremely late development Vita port thrown together.

Or you can just download ISOs, why the fuck would it use UMDs? Not even late PSP models did.

I don't see how something like Doom getting super blurry and dipping into the low 20s as playable. You also realize that the Switch is a 2017 console already having these mass issues, even their first party games run and look like shit.

>game by KT
They just used the old Vita engine, and AoT even ran poorly on the PS4.

> it got an extremely late development Vita port thrown together.
You do realize the Switch is getting a downport of VC4 MONTHS after the PS4 release right? It's the exact same situation with mass downgrades and rushed porting jobs.

I did, physical copies are good

I mean sauce me up famalam.
Google only turns up Secret of Mana remake.
Legend of Mana was my favourite mana, played it to death on PS1.

The Vita is 200% Japanese. If you don't speak moon and don't like ports and remakes of old games you probably haven't played yet but should, then you won't like it. If you do (which you should) then it's great.

Is that in handheld mode?

The Switch always looks shitty in handheld.

Oreshika 2 is really fun and unique.

I forgot to add
>not kusoge tier weebshit

Oh fuck. I dont know the mana games and may have gotten them confused sorry nigga.