Just wanna tear shit up with a shotgun

Which game has most gratifying shotgun gameplay?

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Doom or Payday 2.

rising storm 2
100 yard shotgun kills


F.E.A.R. Going into slow motion and fucking people up with that games shotgun is amazing.


Left 4 Dead 2. Pick up the SPAS-12 and tell me you're not having a good time.

Killing floor 2

Shooting a zed one metre away with the double barrel in slow motion, and seeing each individual pellet impact is amazing.

Then you get an AA12....

I liked the shotgun in Resident Evil 4, its satisfying to blow heads up with it.

the Stalker series


That's what I've been playing. I've been pretty blown away by how good the mechanics are in that game

I'd sad F.E.A.R

Been playing it myself lately and that shotgun slowmo action never gets old, besides a max cap of 150 ammo is pretty sweet.

Resident Evil 7's shotguns are pretty satisfying


At close range, it liquefies enemies.

If you dont restrict yourself to FPS, Metal Slug is known for having a hilariously powerful short ranged shotgun

I really need to play the expansion packs, I just don't want to fuck around with disabling shit in device manager to unfuck the performance

This. The double barrel in rs2 is one of the most beautiful weapons ive ever seen in a game.

Fully upgraded shotgun in Last of Us is hands down the best fucking gun in the game in terms of power and accesibility.

Honestly this, instead of being a shotgun that just kills, KF2's shotguns feel powerful and meaningful and provide enough kick to feel immersive

just play extraction point and ignore perseus mandate. perseus feels like a weird mod.

I love the metro duplet. Last Light adding in the ability to slap 2 more barrels onto it was cool as fuck but it also removed independent barrel control which sucks

Gears of War and Warframe

Soldier of Fortune games
Unreal tournament

left 4 dead 2 has the best shotguns in a valve game

Is that brutal doom or something?

I dont like how kf2 blows the ragdolls away as if a truck hit em.

I want the gibbed part to blow away and the rest to just sort of stagger.

Doom II
Final Doom

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

>ha ha did i make you angry yet?

That post literally told you what it was from.

The Last of Us

>wipes your upper-half from existence

>in a valve game

Well, there isnt much competition.

The Battlefield series has always scratched that itch for me.


I used to love the Metal Slug games. I doubt they aged real well. Have they made any new ones?

If only the enemies were filled with red stuff

>team fortress
>half life
>counter strike
meh you're right

Old school Metal Slug is still amazing. Everything from 4 on is mediocre at best.

Too bad there's two shotguns that are really, really good and the rest range from bad to mediocre.

Old Resident Evils had such amazing weapons, from sound effects to annihilating shit at point-blank.

conker's bad fur day had a great shotgun

Which game has the worst shotgun?

half life

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault single-player. Never kills in a single shot, doesn't stagger enemies so they can still damage the player while they're racking the slide.

Rainbow 6 Siege

doom 3

My biggest complaint about the Re:make is that it isn't guaranteed headshot if you aim up close at enemies with the shotgun. I guess that's because it would make later game easier in the remake with how zombies come back stronger.

F.E.A.R. 2. Just finished playing it and Reborn. The Assault Shotgun is awful with 0 range and the Auto Shotgun is barely above not-completely-useless.


I originally intended to post Rising Storm 2 and KF2, but because they have already been mentioned, I’d add the new Wolfensteins. Dual-wielding those fully-automatic monsters shreds enemy soldiers to mincemeat, and the enemy corpses look like it too. I have my fair share of annoyances with all the three of those nu-Wolfensteins (funnily enough, different ones for each game), but the shotguns I truly love.

Quake 2 has the most satisfying shotgun play known to man.

been having fun using this double barrel shotgun i picked up in warframe. desu you probably shouldn't waste your time on that game

God I miss "Resistance: Fall of Man" shotgun play. The reloading was so fucking good I remember it to this day.

mass effect 3 had a amazing shotgun that you could charge and it would shot big metal spikes
at close range a shot of that thing could blow the head of any enemy, even robotic ones

my favorite shotgun

Counter Strike: Source on Crackhouse with the M3 feels tasty when’s you get a right fucker knocking through the door

I do like the RS2 shotguns, but I always got much more consistent long range kills with the original Rising Storm trench gun.

Some people say they liked Max Payne 1’s shotguns, but I found them terribly unreliable when compared to automatic weapons. Especially the pump-action tends to leave you vulnerable while the enemy keeps on shooting, rarely one-shotting enemies even at close ranges.

Of course, Jackhammer is a different beast altogether, but you only get it for the last stretch of the game.

>Using a shitty double barrel in a shit game
>Not playing the superior Rising Storm 1
>Not blowing away whole squads of japs without even reloading using this beautiful John Moses Browning masterpiece

Bulletstorm. Shotguns will split an enemy in two at close range and push them back at medium.
If you split an enemy in two, by shooting the top half, you get an achievement called "topless"
It's the crude sense of humor that always gets me.

It only does real damage if you're in melee range, by which point you'd might as well use melee
Probably the least satisfying shotgun in multiplayer

Call of Juarez

The thing I dislike about Killing Floor is the weapon progression that you have to commit to to stay viable throughout the match. You can't just keep using a pump-action if you want to, you have to keep upgrading until you get to the AA-12.

yes YES

I had a lot of fun with the pump and the sawed off, getting to see the spread in slo-mo and the fact that they were really accurate and in my experience did oneshot worked.

Sure you could get a string of headshots with the pistols or the uzi but I love muh scatterguns

You're talking so much shit as if you know a thing, but the 1897 isn't featured in Rising Storm.

soldier of fortune


Warframe has some pretty neat shotguns, especially the newest one they added recently.

>shotgun + guns akimbo

Even better with the shrapnel addon for the shotguns, feels like you’re shooting big-ass metal shards at enemies.

yeah i'm wack, i just had a hard time finding blood shotgun gameplay on youtube that wasn't literally a shit ton of other games not called blood

>shotguns suck shit or are good but still completely outclassed by sniper rifles and assault rifles
i'm ready for this world to come to an end

*teleports slug round into you from across the map*

the regular shotgun in TFC was a piece of shit too
worse still, some classes got the shotgun and the ssg making it 1000% pointless

>Weapons of war outclass weapons made for law enforcement and hunting purposes on the battlefield

Stop the presses. The only purpose shotguns are used for in a military setting is breaching, since trench warfare is basically non-existent today.

winchester piece of trash can't even slamfire

It seems like developers are over-careful about balancing shotguns because they fear that powerful closerange weapons would be OP due to the fact that most games tend to have their focus on smallish maps with close range combat. However, the one thing they seem to forget is that a shotgun is almost always a massive compromise to your range, so it damn right should dominate on close quarters.

But no, you get stuff like RS: Siege where SMGs are about hundred times better than shotguns even on ranges like ~5 meters. Fuck it.

>Wanting to slamfire
If you want a fast firing shotgun just get a semi auto

Haha sorry bro I thought we were talking about videogames.

maybe you just suck user?


if your shroud that is

or just learn to slamfire you mallninja fag

>takes like 50+ buckshot pellets to drop someone
yeah looks great user

Seconding. Nuking motherfuckers way above your pay grade with the Tigris makes my penis the big penis.


Finding a Winchester in the School turns my dick to diamonds

Anyone know what model is this?

A SMG would have had a faster time to kill in that situation. It’s not that you can’t get kills with shotguns, it’s that you give away your range without getting any substantial advantages for it.

The german shotgun is really the only one worth anything, and unfortunately both german defenders have toptier automatic weapons making their shotgun mostly useless.

quit whining, post more shotguns

I love the double barrel and I wish the sawed off was available on the soviet map

The Last of Us, nothing better than getting your first two shells and ripping someone a new one with the execution animations.

i feel like a cool way to implement slam-firing into vidya would be to have the player hold down the fire button and quickly tap the reload button to engage said slam-firing

New vegas


I like how caleb just slams the shells to the shotgun

Any CoD from black ops onwards

Much obliged


nigger you best mean half life 2

the original you could send shit literally across the room

Shotguns were top tier over any weapon in GunZ The Duel