Where were you when Blizzard went the way of the soyboy?
Alexstrasza Feminist Blogger Edition
the right one is literally built to breed
But the one on the right looks better
Right just needs to be taller (read: longer legs), and needs to swap clothes with left.
What's wrong with your face?
>literally the left but gained 200 lbs
Fuck off, fat faggot
What's the issue here?
why did they make her hwhiter?
you just have shit taste in women
>Uhuh. Cool. Totally.
absolutely destroyed.
That interview is like 4 years old. Blizzard's changed.
Her disgusting man face
>Sup Forums wouldn't breed with mommystrasza
i dont see evidence of that in this thread
Blizz won cool points this day.
>cutting out the part where the interview immediately ends after this
Still not sure what you're talking about. Why are you obsessed with the appearance of a fictional character?
No soyboy could handle that thick bitch
literally obese
not my crop but i hope people go hunt down the full thing, the rest is pretty good too and that ending blurb is icing on the cake
Despite that HotS is babbie's first MoBA, I have to admit. They have really good polish. Just wish their game rewarded skill.
Getting my diaper changed.
*unzips penis*
Not gonna come back until they remove the gems only skin system. I have better ways to use my time than playing a terribly balanced repetitive moba with bait and switch tactics.
what the fuck animal is this?
i'd mess around with the right one if you catch my drift
>This is someone's mother
Feel kinda bad for them. Their mom is such a big slut.
Would impregnate nonstop, regardless.
a cat
a giraffe
Her upper half looks better anyway
>low test brainlet using memes wrong
>Right just needs to be taller (read: longer legs
Yeah the proportions are fucked.
Look at the length of the shin compared to the length of the femur.
He's trying to kill them off, can't you tell?
>being the queen and leader of the most dangerous alien race in the galaxy isn't empowering because she is wearing heels
Uh-huh. Cool. Totally.
All that needs to be said
Blizzard already proved that female players prefer playing as attractive female characters
HotS is the same team from WarCraft 3, and they've got pretty much complete creative freedom and all the resources they could ask for.
They're literally the best part of Blizzard at this point.